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I have made an attempt to add uninstall capabilities in QTAdressBar addon.

Now you can install it with right click -> install and the correct entries are added to add/remove panel but when you uninstall it fails at deleting files and folders, maybe because they are in use when uninstalling.

If some inf genius can take a look....

BTW, i have checked your addon Doug_QTBar_AddOn_v2.0.7z, and uninstall don't work either.

Some entries and variables are missing, and you have some weird link to TrueTransparency in uninstall

Here is the addon with uninstall capabilities:

QT AddressBar_inf_AddOn_v2.0.rar


RunPreSetupCommands = Killproc:1

UnregisterDlls = Unregdlls


taskkill /f Whatever.exe



Try adding these sectuions into your inf BEFORE:

RunPostSetupCommands = Cleanfolder

DelFiles = QTAddr1.CopyFiles, QTAddr2.CopyFiles, QTAddr3.CopyFiles, QTAddr4.CopyFiles, PNF.File

DelReg = QTAddr.AddReg, Explorer.AddReg, Uninstall.AddReg

Cleanup = 1

UpdateInis = sysoc.Edit

SmartReboot = I

I would suggest the following:

RunPreSetupCommands = Killproc:1
UnregisterDlls = Unregdlls
DelFiles = QTAddr1.CopyFiles, QTAddr2.CopyFiles, QTAddr3.CopyFiles, QTAddr4.CopyFiles, PNF.File
DelReg = QTAddr.AddReg, Explorer.AddReg, Uninstall.AddReg
RunPostSetupCommands = Cleanfolder
UpdateInis = sysoc.Edit
Cleanup = 1
SmartReboot = I

Thanks you for the headup Kels, uninstall works now! files and folders are deleted

Still few glitches:

tskill explorer.exe dont work (tskill explorer neither and /f is not recognized) but

TASKKILL /F /IM explorer.exe works, so at this time, uninstallation is only compatible with XP Pro

Uninstall.EndPrompt don't show up, probably caused by explorer not working at this time.

Maybe the best way is to delete files on next reboot, so no need to stop explorer (keep compatibility with XP Home) ?

Do you know how to do that ?

here is the updated adon:

(you can see i have not used UnregisterDlls, not needed apparently)

QT AddressBar_inf_AddOn_v2.1.rar

Edited by mooms

tskill explorer   ; with tskill its not necesary to use .exe on the end

I know that, this is why i have said that tskill explorer don't work either

Edited by mooms

With the Help of ricktendo64, the inf now delete the files on next reboot.

No more need to kill explorer, much better uninstall !

Still one glitch : Original XP address bar will be restored only for the user who had launched the uninstall.

Other user(s) will have to manually re-enable the XP address bar after uninstall of QTAdressBar.

It's a HKCU key, so i can't do better. (tried HKLM and HKCR, no go)

I think it's the final version.

dougiefresh: feel free to add it on your site and in first post.

Also thanks to kels !

Here is the addon

MD5: b7befb40e8834f461f5857530036fb6a

QT AddressBar_inf_AddOn_v2.2.rar

  • Author

I have also updated the non-uninstallable version, now the inf and pnf files are deleted on reboot and sysoc.inf is cleaned after install.

The install is flawless now. ^_^

MD5: cd248071b17de01200bc1e7fa8b94980

Holy Moley! Y'all have done some amazing work! I'll update the first post! Thanks very much!

  • Author

You're welcome, thanks for the compliment :)

Unrelated: do you have see my comment on DSI topic ?

No problem! On the unrelated note: Yup, sure did. Posted an update, too! ^_^

  • 2 weeks later...

With the Help of ricktendo64, the inf now delete the files on next reboot.

No more need to kill explorer, much better uninstall !

Still one glitch : Original XP address bar will be restored only for the user who had launched the uninstall.

Other user(s) will have to manually re-enable the XP address bar after uninstall of QTAdressBar.

It's a HKCU key, so i can't do better. (tried HKLM and HKCR, no go)

I think it's the final version.

dougiefresh: feel free to add it on your site and in first post.

Also thanks to kels !

Here is the addon

MD5: b7befb40e8834f461f5857530036fb6a

QT AddressBar_inf_AddOn_v2.2.rar

Hi mooms

i added your addon to Mona UltraPacK v3.2

also try this ITBarLayout

no menubar no Throbber no GoButton and CustomToolbar also work with Explore(rightclick folder and Select Explore)


  • Author

Hi mooms

i added your addon to Mona UltraPacK v3.2

also try this ITBarLayout

no menubar no Throbber no GoButton and CustomToolbar also work with Explore(rightclick folder and Select Explore)

Despite the fact that you didn't ask, I don't have a problem with the fact that you included it in your add-on AS LONG AS you give proper credit to those created it (me and mooms)..... However, mooms might have an issue with it. I can't speak for mooms on this issue...

Mona = It is not nice to just snag someone elses work and add it to your own....


<p>i just packed in one packege.</p>

<p>i dont purpose to grab your credits</p>

Hi mona,

First, thank you for your contribution, personaly i don't like this layout, but it's a matter of choice.

About your reg files:

addressbar disabled breadcrumbs, tolbar does the job, but restore disabled breadcrumbs again and broked autologon (i have to choose user despite the fact i have only admin account!) Glad i have tested it in VirtualBox.

I really don't mind that you've added it to your pack, but next time, ask first by courtesy.

kels and dougie: thank you for defending my (our) work


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