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how to make silent and unattended addons for nlite using nlite addons maker

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hi friends

i need some help related addons. i used nlite addons maker to make my favorite softwares addons eg yahoo messenger, windows live messenger, foxit pdf reader and so on. i made a dvd of my windows xp using these addons. and then i used that dvd to do clean new installation. but what i get after finishing installation the addons installation begin and it required the same procedure as we install them regularly for example as for acceptance, click next, install etc. and also my netframework 2 and office 2007 addons fail.

so what i need?

i need help how to make addons which require no acceptance of agreenments or next next, for example when u install yahoo after execution it ll ask for accept the liscence and next and next, in short i want to make addons which no longer require any acceptance i mena it is unattended and silent

in this regard i need help please if anybody know an easy way i ll be very thankful to you. thanks in advance



Please DON'T double post In different areas of Sub-/forums.. Post in ONE sub-/forum only!

Thank You.

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You should know the Switches for that particular application or you can run that application in command prompt with the following command /?

eg:- Application.exe /?

you will get the usefull switches.

or you can try Cmenu.

Download Cmenu.

thank you very much but i really didnot understand, because i have no knowledge about the command u mentioning. i m a beginner for making addons so if u please guide me from the very initial i ll be very thankful to u.

anyway thanks a lot

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Please DON'T double post In different areas of Sub-/forums.. Post in ONE sub-/forum only!

Thank You.

ok i was thinking i post it in the wrong place so i did it again here. thanks for reminding

Ok, Faiz for a newbie like you there are many tutorials By Ricktendo64's Tutorials.

You need to follow these links :-

How To make Silent Switch Installers, EXE and MSI examples

[Tutorial] Making A 7-Zip Switchless Installer, New Updated by arco

How to make a INF Theme addon, Step by Step

How to make a INF Program addon, INF Training

And also there is one program Known as SFXMaker 1.2 RC3 made by iuli_kyle. just give the path of the installer and click silent switch button It detects silent switch for almost all of the applications and it can also make Swithless addons for Nlite.

Download SFX Maker 1.2 RC3.

Any Problems just ask.

Enjoy :thumbsup_anim:

EDIT :- SFX maker link updated from RC 1 to RC 3.


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thanks a lot. these links are really helpful for me. i am extremely thankful to you for this kindness. if you know other video tutorial links. forward me i ll be really thankful to u

thanks a lot




thanks a lot. these links are really helpful for me. i am extremely thankful to you for this kindness. if you know other video tutorial links. forward me i ll be really thankful to u

thanks a lot



Ok if you want to learn more tutorials than you can also use Autoit Method. It is very useful if u will not get Switches for any particular applications.

  • Author
Ok if you want to learn more tutorials than you can also use Autoit Method. It is very useful if u will not get Switches for any particular applications.
  • Author
Ok if you want to learn more tutorials than you can also use Autoit Method. It is very useful if u will not get Switches for any particular applications.
  • 6 months later...

sorry, i'm new newbie. I successfully built few addon before. Recently, i just faced a problem.

I'am using universal extractor to extract an Thunder Xunlei5 installer (a chinese intenet download manager). But there're NO exe or msi file that lead to setup progress even though inside those folders.

The concept of Run "program.exe /S" is no longer work at all since there's no exe or msi file exist at all in extracted contents.

Following is the extracted content. Any expert guide me pls...


sorry, i'm new newbie. I successfully built few addon before. Recently, i just faced a problem.

I'am using universal extractor to extract an Thunder Xunlei5 installer (a chinese intenet download manager). But there're NO exe or msi file that lead to setup progress even though inside those folders.

The concept of Run "program.exe /S" is no longer work at all since there's no exe or msi file exist at all in extracted contents.

Following is the extracted content. Any expert guide me pls...


well it seem that you extracted the installer

you need a switch so can you upload the program or the web site and i will try to find the switch for you


i found a version

Silent Switch is "/Silent"

i hope it works for you

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

well it seem that you extracted the installer

you need a switch so can you upload the program or the web site and i will try to find the switch for you


i found a version

Silent Switch is "/Silent"

i hope it works for you

The reason i extracted those contents, becos i wan to make some tweaks on it. Now I have done my tweaks, but i wan compress it again and there's no exe or msi to guide me to install progress...? Even though i compressed them, the setup.exe /silent not works at all becos no "setup.exe" inside extracted files. So How?

Edit: i'm using rarsfx method

Link: Official link

Edited by cute

well you can try to make a new installer using Inno Setup

it's pretty simple

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