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[All In One] Vista MiniPlayer & Aero/Longhorn Sidebars by ears1991

download.png Updated June-24-2007

MD5: A22BB0747BEFB5EF9778750842BD77D6

Size: 2.89 MB

Website: http://ears1991.deviantart.com/

Note: Installs to Start>All Programs... 100% Uninstallable



Added both sidebar into one addon, also added the vista aero miniplater and reshacked the icons

  • Author
mmm... this kind of player is already included into wmp11, you just need to select compact mode using the arrow in the down-right corner :)
Yea but with this one you can get the Vista Aero Glass Look
  • 4 months later...

umm i think thers a problem with this addon, the 3 exe's arent getting copyed to system32.

edit;ithink i figured it out, lol ure exe name are not the same, ure inf file says ie:"Vista_MiniPlayer.exe"

but ure siource file="VMPlayer.exe"

Edited by bober

i did both acctualy, i saw after a win install under vmware that the 3 shortcuts in the start menu were not working, i did a search and the 3 exe arent even copyed at all.so i cheked ure inf, and im prety sure the names arent good and i think ure misisng 1-2 entries fore the files to get copyed when integrated.


shouldint ure inf look something like this;

Signature=$Windows NT$

[Optional Components]

AddReg =Uninstall.AddReg

OptionDesc ="Vista MiniPlayer, Longhorn and Clear Sidebars"
Tip ="by Chris Kennedy ~ ears1991"
Modes =0,1,2,3
CopyFiles =Copy.Main
AddReg =Uninstall.AddReg


Copy.Main = 11

Aero_Sidebar_Clear.exe =1
Aero_Sidebar_Longhorn.exe =1
Vista_MiniPlayer.exe =1


Name =Vista MiniPlayer
CmdLine =11,,Vista_MiniPlayer.exe
InfoTip =Aero Glass Windows Media Player.

Name =Aero Sidebar Clear
CmdLine =11,,Aero_Sidebar_Clear.exe
InfoTip =Aero Windows Sidebar.

Name =Aero Sidebar Longhorn
CmdLine =11,,Aero_Sidebar_Longhorn.exe
InfoTip =Longhorn Windows Sidebar.

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vista MiniPlayer","Comments",0,"Portable Media Player & Sidebars Vista and Longhorn Style"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vista MiniPlayer","DisplayName",0,"Vista Apps by ears1991"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vista MiniPlayer","DisplayIcon",0,"%11%\Aero_Sidebar_Longhorn.exe"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vista MiniPlayer","UninstallString",,"rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection ears1991.inf,UnInstall"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vista MiniPlayer","URLInfoAbout",0,"http://ears1991.deviantart.com/"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vista MiniPlayer","URLUpdateInfo",0,"http://ears1991.deviantart.com/"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vista MiniPlayer","DisplayVersion",0,"2.0"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vista MiniPlayer","Publisher",0,"Chris Kennedy"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vista MiniPlayer","NoModify",0x00010001,01,00,00,00
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Vista MiniPlayer","NoRepair",0x00010001,01,00,00,00

BeginPrompt =BeginUnInsPrompt
EndPrompt =EndUnInsPrompt
DelFiles =sys32.Files
DelReg =Uninstall.AddReg
ProfileItems =VMPlayer.DelShortcut,Clear.DelShortcut,Longhorn.DelShortcut

Prompt =%UninsQuest%
Title =%UninsTitle%

Title =%UninsTitle%

TASKKILL /IM Vista_MiniPlayer.exe /IM Aero_Sidebar_Clear.exe /IM Aero_Sidebar_Longhorn.exe /F

Name=Vista MiniPlayer,0x00000002

Name=Aero Sidebar Clear,0x00000002

Name=Aero Sidebar Longhorn,0x00000002

UninsTitle="ricktendo64 Uninstaller"
UninsQuest="Remove Vista Mini Player and Sidebars from your computer?"
UninsFinal="Vista Mini Player and Sidebars were successfully removed from your computer."

and of course ure 3 exe's are being cabed into a aerobar_VistaMiniPlayer.cab archive.

im trying to understand whats happening,im not very good in inf so mayeb im completely wrong.

lol i jsut rebooterd my vm ware and ure short cuts are ok, lol i have no idea why it wasint working b4, sorry about all the confusion. :s

Edited by bober

  • Author

My addon does not use the inf to copy the files to system32... It uses txtsetup.sif, look at the entries.ini. The inf is used only to add the shortcuts (also its used for uninstall)

AeroSide.exe = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0,Aero_Sidebar_Clear.exe
LongSide.exe = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0,Aero_Sidebar_Longhorn.exe
VMPlayer.exe = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0,Vista_MiniPlayer.exe

I just tested this addon again and nothing is wrong with it


EDIT: That INF you posted above is not my INF file. No clue where you got it from or who the hell moddified it

yeah i know its not 100% urs,cause i was under the impression the files werent getting copyed so i tryed to modify it to work, but like i said,

lol i jsut rebooterd my vm ware and ure short cuts are ok, lol i have no idea why it wasint working b4, sorry about all the confusion. :s

Edited by bober

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