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How to install XP on HP Pavilion DV2700 ..... please help me

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I downgrade my laptop from vista to xp , but there is some hardwares aren`t functioning

although i have the SATA Drivers and the installation Detected the HardDrive , But the ACPI not compatible with

this kind of motherboards , so Pleaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaease

is there aunother way to UPDATE the ACPI Drivers in Windows XP CD to Be able to install XP on HP dv2700 ?

pleaeaeaeaeaeaease help me :worthy:

mmmm does it get installed

but when the setup finishes it gets stuck with a blue screen ?

or what error you get??

You mean you were lucky enough to get audio, video etc. LOL. I have had no luck with getting XP to work on any new HP or Dell systems.

lol i made a win Xp Cd with drivers from http://driverpacks.net/ and windows works great with my own Hp laptop

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that is right my dear friend DaRk MaDnEsS but

when the files are loading you need to Press F7 to Disable the ACPI because the ACPI Drivers on the

WIndows XP CD is OLD and it is not has the ACPI Driver for my motherboard

so is there a way to Update the ACPI Drivers ?........... and thanx for your cares

that is right my dear friend DaRk MaDnEsS but

when the files are loading you need to Press F7 to Disable the ACPI because the ACPI Drivers on the

WIndows XP CD is OLD and it is not has the ACPI Driver for my motherboard

so is there a way to Update the ACPI Drivers ?........... and thanx for your cares

I presume that you're using Windows XP SP3 CD which should contain the latest drivers.

that is right my dear friend DaRk MaDnEsS but

when the files are loading you need to Press F7 to Disable the ACPI because the ACPI Drivers on the

WIndows XP CD is OLD and it is not has the ACPI Driver for my motherboard

so is there a way to Update the ACPI Drivers ?........... and thanx for your cares

ok so you intergated only sata drivers to the cd ?

if the answer is yes i recommend you to integrate some other drivers from here

i guess you need the Chipset that will fix your problem

i don't really remember what is the needed as i used to integrate them all so i don't do anything after install

Edit: and what is the version of the Win xp your are using (Sp2-or Sp3)

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

This might help:



Here's what I've also found:

Hp has updated Bios in 2700 version because of using new Penrin CPU to be compatible with your system and when you have a windows XP and integrated sata driver with in , you should hit repeatedly F7 to install xp cause this version of Bios(F25 and ...+) do not support ACPI(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) configuration.so if you install xp luckily you wont have bluetooth and pci express root port 3,you dont have standby and battery checker doesn't work.

If you dont have penrin cpu like 8100 8300 9300 9500 you can downgrade Bios to F13 like (2500 and 2600 series) and install Xp simply and find all the of drivers that you can find in this forum.

In addition do not update your bios,F13 is the only version of Bios that is compatible with XP.

But F13 has problem with Penrin cpu and can not utilize it,it is better to test.

So it may have conflict and problem with xp,cause older Bios(F13 and ...) version can not detect and acknowledge cpu completely


ok the last what i found is this


The default dv2700 version f.25 or its later versions will give ACPI error during xp installation . So first

thing you have to do is flash your current bios to f.13. (Dont worry .. there is an easy tool from hp)

BIOS f.13

= http://go.notebookreview.com/?id=525X832&url=http%3A//h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/previousVersions%3Fsoftwareitem%3Dob-57190-1%26lc%3Den%26cc%3Dus%26dlc%3Den%26product%3D3466396%26os%3D

Download and install .

Note :Be sure your computer running on external power .

After installation system will shutdown automatically . Then You can check your bios and can see it is version f.13

2. THen make a slipstream CD with SATA drivers for intel chipset.

3. Install WindowsXP with that Slipstreamed CD as usual . (NO need to press F7 or other keys during startup ).

4. Installed XP will show some unknown device and missing drivers . Pls see below links for those .

Intel Chipset,(install and reboot before other drivers):


Nvidia Graphics:


Realtek LAN


Realtek HD Audio:


Motorola Modem:


Some of the drivers below require .Net and Windows Installer 3.1

Windows Installer 3.1:


.Net Framework:


HP Quick Launch:


Use the drivers from dv9000t to fill any missing,such as Intel Pro Wireless,Ricoh Card Reader,Synaptics,Webcam.



Note: If you are using XP SP3 the u should install Microsoft UAA driver before installing audio and modem drivers

Now you can see all your device has proper drvivers installed .

5. The final problem you will face is that CPU fan will always running high . f.13 bios can't control the penryn

CPU fan speed .

SO what i did is downloaded latest bios f.2A from hp that supprts Penryn CPU and installed them from Windows XP.


Note :Be sure your computer running on external power .

Now i am seeeing all my problem Solved ... Running windows XP SP3 without any issuee.


that should help

Yes, similar thing as I posted.

Seems that f.13 BIOS version or driverspack is the solution for your issue.

yeah HP is getting hard on Laptops forcing them to upgrade

i'm just waiting for 7 to upgrade as it also have that xp mode which will make me just use him and no need for xp

lol i better get a a job to get some money for a new laptop my dad gonna kill me :D

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

it's nice to hear that it's working fine

i better keep this way i might need it once again

  • 2 months later...
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if you have downgrade bios to f.13 and your computer has shuttedown

don`t install XP directly ...

retrieve the previous version of bios ( f.2a ) importently by the tool show above . and after that u start install XP

because if u didn`t do that your computer will be hunged on HP screen and it will never log to the windows

or to the bios option ethier

so please do as i said to prevent big troubles

thank u

Btw M$ and OEM manufacturers should really include ALL latest generic drivers (yea +SATA etc) in XP SP3 CD before they stopped selling and supporting it, sad... :sad01_anim: . Anyway it's nice to hear that finally it's working for you :D

Btw M$ and OEM manufacturers should really include ALL latest generic drivers (yea +SATA etc) in XP SP3 CD before they stopped selling and supporting it, sad... :sad01_anim: . Anyway it's nice to hear that finally it's working for you :D

well Microsoft said it will support XP

but Manufactor didn't

and HP is really firing on XP so People replace it

but on the other hand 7 is doing a great job

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