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Live Bootscreen Patcher v2.4


(Date: 09-Sept-'09)

MD5: b9fda6fe272aad3c3c7d0ad85ca964cc

Grootte: 1,85MB

lbs1.png lbs2.png lbs3.png Custom.png



]~ Windows XP (Alle Bootscreens zijn getest op een up-to-date SP3 XP Pro)

~ Talen: Alle


  • ~ Groene, Blauwe, Rode en Paarse Vista-like bootscreens.
    ~ De mogelijkheid om uw kernel te patchen met een custom XP bootscreen
    ~ De mogelijkheid om uw kernel te patchen in een XP-CD source met een custom XP bootscreen


Sample: TV-Test screen v1.2

Custom "bootscreen": By Kirs

Meer Bootscreens hier

Verzoeken voor bootscreens kunnen in dit topic geplaatst worden, misschien kunnen we ze maken.

  • Change log:

    auto-change the colors from the 4bit pallet in the kernel to the 4bit color pallet used in the bitmap.
    redone all bootscreen bitmaps and hexedited them to make them visible.
    added red and purple XPtsp bootscreens
    added preview popup window (tnx Dougiefresh)
    new way to use custom bootscreens via zipped bitmaps from any provided location.
    added checks to make sure correct bitmaps are being used.
    added a get sample button.
    multi lang support.
    The ability to patch your kernel in a XP-CD Source with a custom bootscreen
    Added some skins
    Some minor error fixes
    ~ v2.3
    Fixed bootscreen fade-in at XP start
    Major patching speedup
    added a button to check for update/bootscreens (navigates to the default browser)
    repairs a bug from v2.2
    minor script fixes and updates
    ~ v2.4
    Updated the uninstaller
    New setup installer (inno setup)
    Added checks for kernel Update's or Downgrades (to make a new backup)


GUI support: Dougiefresh

GUI Graphix: Kirs

GUI: Mr.Fixit



  • 9 months later...

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