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Don' know why but i am not able to use full editor option in my post, If i am clicking Edit Button it works but if i want to use full editor option it's not clicking and hence not able to modify the title of the post.

yeah the problem happens with me too

but there is a workaround Right click on the edit button and open it in a new tab

that would open the full editor mode

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

  • Author

yeah the problem happens with me too

but there is a workaround Right click on the edit button and open it in a new tab

that would open the full editor mode

Thanks will try this and also hopes that this problem will get resolved soon.

Thanks will try this and also hopes that this problem will get resolved soon.

I've noticed that it's a skin bug. I'll try to reinstall the skin later today, until then you may use the default IPB skin instead.

It's working for me.... No problems here N1K

nope not working for me

tried both debicated blue theme and CleanCut

nothin working

nope not working for me

tried both debicated blue theme and CleanCut

nothin working

I really don' know what's the problem, as it's working fine for me. Have you tried different browsers?

  • Author

I really don' know what's the problem, as it's working fine for me. Have you tried different browsers?

If it's working fine for you then why we are facing problem. I tried with all browsers but still it's not working for me.

Please make a short mail for me with screenshots and I'll report it to IPS support, although I'm not sure that they'll help as this official skin we're using is still in beta stage :/

  • 2 weeks later...

full editor still not working for me. also something unusual. three of my links are acting strangely look at the bottom 3 of my topic here

for some reason the links come out garbled like that. and not only that, but i just re-edited and tried to fix them, but i still got the same garbled result.

ok this is what it looks like on my side http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/6938/miscb.jpg

this is the only place where i've noticed my links looking like that. everywhere else it looks normal.

i'm using firefox v3.5.3

as for the full editor..i'm not sure what kind of screenshot you need. basically i just click on the 'use full editor' button and nothing happens


ok this is what it looks like on my side http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/6938/miscb.jpg

this is the only place where i've noticed my links looking like that. everywhere else it looks normal.

i'm using firefox v3.5.3

as for the full editor..i'm not sure what kind of screenshot you need. basically i just click on the 'use full editor' button and nothing happens


Ok, I've already reported links issue. Seems that something's wrong with bbcode in the latest version we've applied to this forum.

As for the full editor, before I report this, can you please delete cache and try again. Also, is this happening with other browsers too?

Ok, I've already reported links issue. Seems that something's wrong with bbcode in the latest version we've applied to this forum.

As for the full editor, before I report this, can you please delete cache and try again. Also, is this happening with other browsers too?

well about that i made a new user in win 7

tested on both FF and IE

nothin is working for me

Here's a dutch javascript error message from within IE8 that occurs when clicking on the 'Use Full Editor'.

Opera 10 also doesn't work!

Foutdetails webpagina

Gebruikersagent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; Creative AutoUpdate v1.40.01)
Tijdstempel: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 21:11:54 UTC

Bericht: Object vereist
Regel: 1105
Teken: 1
Code: 0
URI: http://www.wincert.net/forum/public/min/index.php?charset=iso-8859-1&f=public/js/ipb.js,public/js/ips.quickpm.js,public/js/ips.editor.js,public/js/ips.topic.js,cache/lang_cache/1/ipb.lang.js

Edited by Stefhan

hey N1K, i was able to fix that issue with the links not being displayed properly. i went and followed these directions http://www.dq.winsila.com/internet/how-to-restore-firefox-aboutconfig-default-settings.html because of a hunch i had, and afterward things went back to normal.

unfortunately the problem with the full editor still remains. i also tried to use the full editor in google chrome and got the same thing (press the button but nothing happened)

i noticed that when u turn off the RTE editor in "my setting" on the forum it does work

got old style posting code ([url= etc) back that way as well :)

i noticed that when u turn off the RTE editor in "my setting" on the forum it does work

got old style posting code ([url= etc) back that way as well :)

i just tried this suggestion.. sadly it does not work for me :(

mine was on by default, so i disabled it. no change with being able to use the full editor. then i re-enabled it..but no change :crying_anim02:

Edited by ccl0

i just tried this suggestion.. sadly it does not work for me :(

mine was on by default, so i disabled it. no change with being able to use the full editor. then i re-enabled it..but no change :crying_anim02:

i tried in IE8 and indeed its a nogo

btw forum looks slightly bigger in IE8


in this topic i also cant :confused02: ..

only in parts of the forum were i can mod i can use the full editor.. hmmm


Thanks for the report guys. Those are two reported bugs which should been fixed now. Here's the reply from the support.


Both are bugs in 3.0.3.. I patched both of them, though the Full Editor bug, which only affects members, and not admins, may require a hard refresh on the member side to correct. They would need to do a Ctrl-F5 on the topic view to load the new JS.

Check the posts for the BBCode, I didn't have a link to the post in question, but it should be fixed.. I know that problem pretty well. We put code in to limit BBcode to 50 instances per post to avoid loops.. We didn't think people used more than 50 BBCodes per post.. Obviously, we grossly underestimated.

Check your topics and do a hard refresh of your browser as stated above. Please, update this topic with your feedback.


Edited by N1K

bad news. full editor still doesn't work for me. i never noticed this before, but my use full editor button is light blue w/o even pressing it. is it suppose to be dark blue like the save changes button or a light blue? i know this may sound strange but its almost as if the button is stuck lol

edit: i just discovered something. at the bottom of this topic theres the fast reply box. http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/4054/hmm2.jpg i just tried clicking on the full editor and was taken here http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/8823/hmmsf.jpg

Edited by ccl0

bad news. full editor still doesn't work for me. i never noticed this before, but my use full editor button is light blue w/o even pressing it. is it suppose to be dark blue like the save changes button or a light blue? i know this may sound strange but its almost as if the button is stuck lol

edit: i just discovered something. at the bottom of this topic theres the fast reply box. http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/4054/hmm2.jpg i just tried clicking on the full editor and was taken here http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/8823/hmmsf.jpg

Full editor should be light blue and linkable. Will report it again..

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