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PIXresizer is a tool for quickly generating screen-friendly versions of

your images with dramatically reduced file sizes. It is a photo resizing

program that enables you to quickly resize one file or a selection of

image files for use on the web and in e-mail. The reduced files are saved

in a different directory, so your original pictures are not changed.

The program offers several different resizing methods to choose from and

can automatically recognize image sizes to calculate the best fit.

PIXresizer includes a built-in image viewer and you can also convert

between graphics formats: it opens and saves in .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png,

and .tif formats. A great companion for webmasters and digital



Wallpaper Master

Major features - Freeware version:

Store multiple wallpaper lists as different categories/libraries - up to 5000 images per category!

The ability to rate wallpaper, so better wallpapers are chosen more often.

Customizable Global Hotkeys - Quickly change/clear the wallpaper with any key combo.

Very high quality resizing of images to fit the screen optimally and keep their aspect ratio.

Auto change the wallpaper when windows starts, every x minutes, or use the ratings to choose an interval.

Change wallpaper in order, in shuffle mode, or randomly according to rating.

Analyse the wallpaper and automatically choose between Resize, Tile, Center or Stretch.

Uses very little resources.

Minimises to tray area for easy access.

Easy to use but powerful interface.

Desktop Wallpaper Master is a free download (freeware)!

And more!


some walls


and more...


  • 2 years later...

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