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1-Right Click on a Folder and Send To --> Cab Maker [will Compress the inside the folder (only Files)]

2-Right Click on a Files and Send To --> Cab Maker [it will try to extract it if it's a cab file] or [it will compress it using MakeCab]

3-Right Click on a Multi Files and Send To --> Cab Maker [it will Make a cab file that have them]


Size:320 KB


V3.1 Download here


4-12 V3.3

Rewritten the hole code to run with cabarc only for higher ratio

Now when compress files in a folder the cab gets the folder name

-Removed the hole gui since i don't use makecab no more until i find a better way with cabarc

8-10 V 3.1

you can close the cab compress and it will close makecab by it self

if the File ended with _ the extract would be in the working dir

5-10 V3.0

New Gui With Progress Bar

Sub Folder maker now is supported

Fixed cabbing file more than 650 MB

3-10 V2.5

Compression Memory is Now 21

fixed spelling error thx to user_hidden

1-10 V2.1

Compress Using LZX for higher compression Ratio

fixed period issue pointed by ricktendo64

29-9 V2

Removed CabArc (Using MakeCab and Extract Now)

Added a new way to know Cab files from none

ReWriting the hole code

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

  • Replies 60
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  • Works great...only one small thing, does not work for folders with period <.> in the filename example: "Folder.Example" Edit: and you may want to use better compression, I dont know the exact sw

  • Hi, DaRk MaDnEsS Just a suggestion. I added this tweak to give faster access to cabmaker3 w/o waiting for sendto menu to appear. [1stLevelContextMenu.AddReg] HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Cabmaker3"

Good Work Thanx :D

thankyou very much

Version 2 is out

for 64 bit users

the release for them is soon

be patient

and thx for every one Post

Holy Crap! If this can make multiple files into a single .cab under Win7 x64 you'll have my undying gratitude!

I can finally get rid of TugZip.

well yeah

only one thing i couldn't do

is adding a folder

makecab doesn't support that

(and by the mean of adding folder i meant that

you can't make a cab that have a folder in it

TuGzip can do that and i'm trying to find a way to do that

if you right click on a folder and send it to CabMaker

it would add the files in it)

you can try it your self

just use the version in here and replace in the inf

every 11 with 16425

to install it to syswow64

then it should work

but i just need someone to confirm that

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

Works great...only one small thing, does not work for folders with period <.> in the filename example: "Folder.Example"

Edit: and you may want to use better compression, I dont know the exact switch to achieve the best cab compression with makecab/cabarc but I am sure somebody else does

Works great...only one small thing, does not work for folders with period in the filename example: "Folder.Example"

Edit: and you may want to use better compression, I dont know the exact switch to achieve the best cab compression with makecab/cabarc but I am sure somebody else does

well i will see about the period thing

and about the compression

i'm using the original Mszip compression i can change it to

LZX it is a higher one and supported by makecab

but don't know if it would work with the windows

but i will see what see for problem one then repost a new version with LZX

Maybe for the folder names with periods you could maybe try to add a backslash "\" example:


Change to


nah it was another problem

i was using a function to split file name from a path but it was designed for files

so when used with folder have a "."

it gets it half name

i finished it and will post the new version after 10-15 min

Edit: Updated to 2.1

all issue pointed should be fixed

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

I tried v2.1, hoping to cab a svcpack addon but only entries.ini get cabbed. Svcpack sub-folder was ignored. Can v2.1 work with subfolder?

I tried v2.1, hoping to cab a svcpack addon but only entries.ini get cabbed. Svcpack sub-folder was ignored. Can v2.1 work with subfolder?

sadly no

it only works with files not subfolder

i'm still trying to find a way

but until now makecab doesn't support it

hope that i find a workaround soon

great little tool

a couple of things:

change from LZX:18 to LZX:21

spelling error: change combressing to compressing

Updated and made the Compression memory as you requested

and fixed the spelling

Now were talking!!! thanks for the tool DM

no problem Rick i'm glad you like it

i also got some great news for every one

subfolder would be supported in V3 :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:

but it would be dam hard for me to make it but i will do my best in doing it

i found the way using makcab but it would be in a while

as i would rewrite some functions in the tool to fully support that

that all i can say

peace :D

k Guys i have some good news

sitting for 3 hours and typing commands seems to do the job

i finished the sub folder commands

i was amazed that it actually worked << a lot of testing

now it seems ready but calling it V3 for only support sub dir and also mark on files and folder and it would cab

but i want also to add something and sadly i ran of ideas

so if anyone got an interesting idea i will be happy to do it (if it's possible)

so what do you say should i upload the V3 with only sub folder support or what ?

Modifype files while cabbing them?

i.e. "Modifype file.ext -c"

hmm your idea gave me an idea

ok first i didn't want to add another feature like modifype (as it's not connected)

but then i got hit by somethings

so in the Send To it's default with the same only compressing files

i may add in the context menu something like

Cab Files with Option

you can choose the compress Type , Name of the file , Modify Pe and the output name

i will be out for colleague now when i'm back i will see if this was possible

so i want what you think guys first?

also one question

did modifype work with 7 i remember it was not working ??

k Guys i have some good news

sitting for 3 hours and typing commands seems to do the job

i finished the sub folder commands

i was amazed that it actually worked << a lot of testing

now it seems ready but calling it V3 for only support sub dir and also mark on files and folder and it would cab

but i want also to add something and sadly i ran of ideas

so if anyone got an interesting idea i will be happy to do it (if it's possible)

so what do you say should i upload the V3 with only sub folder support or what ?

As long as it can cab a svcpack folder properly, I'm happy + output.cab filename should not be always in UPPERCASE. (that is something I find annoying in cabtool.exe :)) Preferably the output cab name follows the same folder name that I'm cabbing. I dun know if that is possible ... but that is my preference... not necessary have to do it if there is constraint. Thanks

As long as it can cab a svcpack folder properly, I'm happy + output.cab filename should not be always in UPPERCASE. (that is something I find annoying in cabtool.exe :)) Preferably the output cab name follows the same folder name that I'm cabbing. I dun know if that is possible ... but that is my preference... not necessary have to do it if there is constraint. Thanks

well my tool doesn't change the name

it does it the same as the folder name

not changing any thing

i created it that way and not planning to change it

the only thing i might change is that cabbing

a multi files the output would be the folder name

not the first file entered to the tool

Updated to V3.0

ok i didn't have time to make the following tasks

they would be in V3.1

Right Click Add to Cab Archive (choose cab compress type , file name and Kels Request for ModifyPe)

making the multi files by folder name not a file name

PEChecksum by n7Epilson works on Vista/Windows 7, modifyPE doesnt

And congrats on the program its working perfect...CAB compression is just as small as TugZIP

yeah i needed to be sure that modifype not working i know about PEChecksum

the reason i didn't wait to add PEChecksum or modifyPe support yet

is that making modify pe for all files

would be a bad idea in my opinion

so i'm just laying my head down until i can get a close idea for the PE

thinking of making it available only for compressing one file

but still maybe a pick files option (but that would be hard)

so it maybe a few days until i got the best idea of them and see if it's possible

and thx for your post :blush:

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

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