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dude thank you so much(made account to say this) i had another one think its the v2 and when i check how big the cab it was 50x bigger! ur actually work great for mexD. but i was wondering how do i remove it, not that i dont like it jst that i dont know if i install the 64 or 32 bit oneT_T and want to make sure its the 64 version :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by un4seendeathz

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  • Works great...only one small thing, does not work for folders with period <.> in the filename example: "Folder.Example" Edit: and you may want to use better compression, I dont know the exact sw

  • Hi, DaRk MaDnEsS Just a suggestion. I added this tweak to give faster access to cabmaker3 w/o waiting for sendto menu to appear. [1stLevelContextMenu.AddReg] HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\Cabmaker3"

dude thank you so much(made account to say this) i had another one think its the v2 and when i check how big the cab it was 50x bigger! ur actually work great for mexD. but i was wondering how do i remove it, not that i dont like it jst that i dont know if i install the 64 or 32 bit oneT_T and want to make sure its the 64 version :thumbsup_anim:

well i didn't add an uninstaller yet to the tool

but to manually remove the tool

if you are 32 it

go to

%windir%\system32 and you would find CabMaker3.exe << or change the number if you searching for older version

if 64 bit

%windir%\syswow64 and you would find CabMaker3.exe << or change the number if you searching for older version

to remove the shortcut


that in windows 7

and the 32 and the 64 bit are the same it's just where the file goes

Found a minor, yet VERY annoying issue.

When you de-cab a single file it then puts that file into a sub-folder.

Can this be changed?

well i can but here is the deal

if the cab have more than a file in it it would be a mess

but i got an idea now

if the file ended with the (_) then i can de-cab it in the working folder

what do you think ?

Sounds good!

done and updated

Edit :and i found another way to make sure that the files in there

are only one file but it would be in 3.5 ( that version would take alot of time to be done 100%)

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

found problem idk wats wrong wit 3.1 but it doesnt work for me but 3.0 works jst finexD

IM SORRY I DOUBLE POST T____T @@!@! and nvm still doesnt work for meT_T so any noobie guide will help me

Edited by un4seendeathz

found problem idk wats wrong wit 3.1 but it doesnt work for me but 3.0 works jst finexD

IM SORRY I DOUBLE POST T____T @@!@! and nvm still doesnt work for meT_T so any noobie guide will help me

can you describe the problem more

i have been working on Cab Maker 3.1 for a couple of days now

i changed some commands to make the tool a bit faster

so i need to know what the exact problem to see and fix it

can you describe the problem more

i have been working on Cab Maker 3.1 for a couple of days now

i changed some commands to make the tool a bit faster

so i need to know what the exact problem to see and fix it

ok for example i have nlite i click the setting where i can add update and addons.I use nero so i went in the folder and highlight all of them andclick send to cab maker and it makes the cab.BUt when i try to insert it in nlite i keep getting an error that said unsupported file. But i got bored so the files u have in ur download link i use cab maker to turn them into a cab file and when i insert it in nlite what u know it works? so what do i need to do to make it work?

ok for example i have nlite i click the setting where i can add update and addons.I use nero so i went in the folder and highlight all of them andclick send to cab maker and it makes the cab.BUt when i try to insert it in nlite i keep getting an error that said unsupported file. But i got bored so the files u have in ur download link i use cab maker to turn them into a cab file and when i insert it in nlite what u know it works? so what do i need to do to make it work?

For that you need to make a addon you can't just put files together and add them with nlite. you need to make a .INF file for nlite to read and to know where the program files needs to be placed...

ok i think i got it i use this to make my file it made 3 files the .zip,inf,and ini, so tell me the next step do i jst make them into a cab file?


you don't get to understand what i meant

ok lets start from the beginning

first cab is just a compress type just like Rar-Zip-7Zip etc..

the only thing that really makes it special that it's integrated into the system

(Makecab and Expand) and the setup can uncompress cab files only

my tool is an alternative to an older tool

called Cab Tool

you would find it in Kels Uber pack

i made mine for one reason

Making it work with Vista and higher

as well as the old system

k then i think you got the point of this tool

lets get to the how to make an addon part

first inf makers

i think don't need any help they can compress cab files by there own

so mine is used for the manually way

start with this topic

when finished you would know how to use my tool and when

  • 1 month later...


It seems this is NOT still compressing at the max that a cab can be. I saw a HUGE diff in my runtimes caab between this and say other tools like tugzip.

ANY clue?

P.S. I simply love this tool...

hmm you are right Kel i tested it now

and it's still not at it's max but that is wired

i did it to Lzx:21 that the highest ratio makecab can handle maybe makecab can't compress higher than that

i reread the manual and it doesn't say anything about higher than that

i will try to do more research tonight but it's something out of my control it's makecab

maybe when i finish study in c++ i can find a way with Windows API to handle it better

but until now i can guarantee any thing sadly

Edit: it seems that muli files have a problem

during tests for 1 file it gets out the same

but in MultiFiles not

Edited by DaRk MaDnEsS

k Kels after a lot of testing

it's Makecab problem it seems that makecab doesn't compress that much

i made a compare between makecab , cabarc and Tugzip

here is the result cabarc and Tugzip compress almost the same makecab falls behind

i also found how to use cabarc better so by the end of this week i will rewrite half the program based on cabarc

but here is the idea i can make only a batch one or make an autoit tool

since cabarc use a few commands

i hope i can finish the c++ book soon a 1400 page book and i only finished the 400 :confused02:

i hope i can learn how to use the dll file soon :P

so what do you think i should do about the next version of CabMaker

It sounds good.

WHat font do you use?

well the font i use was "Bauhaus"

i think it's a cool font by the way cabarc have one small problem no more progress bar :thumbsdown_anim:

i may use the autoit + the cmd window cause i need some autoit functions to make it easier for me the code will be cut to half in the new version i hope it would be released soon

ok V3.3 is out

the bad news there is no gui until i find a better way

but the good news that a higher ratio is now achieved

i rewrote the code so i need some tests if any error occurred i will try to fix it soon

i hope this works as every one hopes

ok V3.3 is out

the bad news there is no gui until i find a better way

but the good news that a higher ratio is now achieved

i rewrote the code so i need some tests if any error occurred i will try to fix it soon

i hope this works as every one hopes

Thank you DaRk MaDnEsS

Thank you DaRk MaDnEsS

No problem hope you like it

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