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  • Did you use the latest tool (dated August 15th) for that??? With the previous build before this it didn't work as I explained in my post. I'll build the addon with this latest tool and get back to you

  • Hi zzzzzz, perhaps better to look here http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=9 about Pack\AddOn x64 Ciao.

  • nonno fabio
    nonno fabio

    updated to fit latest XP/w2k3 UpdatePacks

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Can I make a suggestion?

I would like to create an updated installer ('Svcpack') for IE8-WindowsServer2003-x64-ENU.exe, and DXUPAC doesn't have this option.

This IE installer is also compatible with XP x64.

jg2t4.gif & f321V.gif

*huge* jg2t4.gif, OnePiece! XtT2V.gif

voidseesaw.com/onepiece/ was updated too.

And to everyone involved in the development: please keep it up, we love your work! f321V.gif

Edited by zzzzzz

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks a lot Nonno for the job. Grazie mille.

DXUPAC works fine on my 7 laptop but doesn't work on my XP desktop. Nothing happens : no "Archive_file" folder created as DXUPAC were not able to extract the files and of course no output.

I think the issue is trivial. Please could you say me what I need to check.

Many thanks in advance for your help and your answer.

just did a quick test in WinXP SP3 ENU, everything seems OK ?, there's only (problem) Once you click browser button that takes 2-3 seconds hmmmmm but this is not a big problem ect ect


Edited by OnePiece

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


My plan is to build a French OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack. I collected all the hotfix installers and additional components listed in Onepiece's AIO UpdatePack topics for XP.

Among the 275 components processed by the Pack Creator, I found the following issues :

- "Command line option syntax error" for KB873374 (Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool), KB931125 (Roots Update) and KB2728973 (Revoked Roots Update).

- KB950305 v2 (Windows2000-XP-2003-KB950305-v2-x86-ENU.exe) and langpack (langpack.exe) are not processed (nothing in the Archive_Files folder).

Which is very few, congratulation Nonno !

All the rest seems to work fine.

Please could you say me how to solve these issues?

Many thanks in advance for your answer.

- "Command line option syntax error" for KB873374 (Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool), KB931125 (Roots Update) and KB2728973 (Revoked Roots Update).

ignores KB873374 Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool (not needed), the KB931125 and KB2728973 need to be so rootsupd.exe & RVKROOTS.exe

KB950305 v2 (Windows2000-XP-2003-KB950305-v2-x86-ENU.exe) and langpack (langpack.exe) are not processed (nothing in the Archive_Files folder).

each hotfix enu which is ok in other languages, always need to remove the "ENU" in the end, or rename KBXXXX_ENU.exe in KBXXXX_FRA.exe, in this case the file will need to be Windows2000-XP-2003-KB950305-v2-x86-FRA.exe

instead about langpack.exe and everything ok, not been processed because this was not the dotnet1.1. True AddOn, need to download all true dotnet addon

OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v1.1.4322.2497 True AddOn ENU - OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v3.5.30729.3678.3 True AddOn ENU

OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v4.0.30319.282 True AddOn ENU

and after removing the ENU in the end of the name of the addon, example


sorry for my English, when will enter Nonno Fabio online explain all the most well


Edited by OnePiece


I applied your recommendations :

- the issues with KB950305 v2 and langpack are solved. Thanks a lot for your help.

- I removed KB873374 (Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool) according to your recommendation.

- Now the only issues remaining are the "Command line option syntax error" for KB931125 (Roots Update) and KB2728973 (Revoked Roots Update).

I have a question about DXUPACFG.ini. I guess it is is a way to automate the package creator. What are the informations that DXUPACFG.ini manages and where we need to put this file? I din't find any description on the forum.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


rename file KB931125 (Roots Update) in rootsupd.exe and KB2728973 (Revoked Roots Update) in rvkroots.exe, put them in the folder as they are in image here http://www.wincert.n..._100#entry90289

install latest version of adobe flash player, and after using the Create OnePiece Adobe Flash Player True AddOn to create last Adobe Flash Player True AddOn, and also to put it in the folder together with the DotNet True AddOn

DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator works much better, but an old code hmmmm, never found the time to update it, but as mentioned before, is already working well so already does its job


Edited by OnePiece


I applied your recommendations. All seems to work fine. Many thanks for your help.

I have not been able to find KB970159 (User-Mode Driver Framework version 1.9 update for Windows Media Player 11) but I found on the net a "package" containing WMP11 with the hotfix included.Please see : http://www.wincert.n...er-11-kb970159/

Do you think it is a good solution or not ?

Many thanks in advance for your answer.


Edited by blancfam

  • 3 weeks later...

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