Posted October 13, 200915 yr Someone can explain me how to change deafult wallpaper and OEM of Windows XP installation with my own ones ?
October 13, 200915 yr k i just want to know more about what you needdoes you want to change the wallpaper only if yes then just find the file luna.th_and extract it you would find luna.theopen it with notepad and change the lineWallpaper=%WinDir%web\wallpaper\Bliss.bmpif i wasn't mistaken that will change the wallpaper the %windir% is for C:\Windows\so you install it and change this valueabout the oem do you mean the one in the system in control panel ?
October 14, 200915 yr Author I just want to change the deafult wallpaper ( ) with my own one and to set my own OEM here -> I see how to do it when Windows is installed but how should i modify the installation files ?
October 14, 200915 yr I just want to change the deafult wallpaper ( ) with my own one and to set my own OEM here -> I see how to do it when Windows is installed but how should i modify the installation files ?para cambiar tu wallpaper, usa el comando makecab.exe, renombralo y reemplazalo en el directorio I386 del disco de instalacion, por ejemplo si tu wallpaper se llama wall.jpg usa en una ventana de dos, makecab wall.jpg wall.jp_, una vez hecho esto renombralo, ren wall.jp_ a bliss.jp_ y lo copias a la carpeta I386 del disco de instalacion de XP, sobreesribiendo el que esta.para agregar la info OEM, crea una carpeta en el disco de instalacion de XP llamada $OEM$, dentro de esta debe de estar otra carpeta llamada $$, y luego otra carpeta llamada System32, te debe de quedar asi $OEM$\$$\System32, esta carpeta debe de estar en el directorio raiz del disco de instalacion, y ahi tienen que estar los archivos oemlogo.bmp y oeminfo.ini, una vez hecho esto quema tu cd y listo.perdon pero no tengo mucho vocabulario en ingles, asi que lo pongo en españolesta mi informacion que instalo en XP Edited October 14, 200915 yr by luis
October 15, 200915 yr ^ Thanks for the tutorial English please mate? (this is an English speaking forum/subforum)
October 15, 200915 yr 1= Get wallpaper2= Name it bliss.jpg3= Makecab it4= Replace\overwrite the original.DONE
October 15, 200915 yr 1= Get wallpaper2= Name it bliss.jpg3= Makecab it4= Replace\overwrite the original.DONELMAO. It can't get any easier than that.
October 17, 200915 yr Author thanks guys i understand how to change the wallpaper but i havent understood how to set OEM...
August 11, 201014 yr thanks guys i understand how to change the wallpaper but i havent understood how to set as follows1. get the image u wish to use as oem logo2. Change the resolution of the image to 182x114 pixels and save as oemlogo.bmp (convert to Bitmap before saving)3. Makecab4. copy oemlogo.bm_ to i386 directory of windows xp installation folder, overwrite if necessary5. open txtsetup.sif file in notepad (you'll find it in i386 folder)6. search for ntimage.gif in txtsetup.sif file (use Ctrl+F method)7. You'll find this line: "ntimage.gif = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0"8. add: "oemlogo.bmp = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0" below the the above line without the quotes(use copy/paste method)9. save txtsetup.sif file10. burn ur xp cd using nLite11. done.
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