November 7, 200915 yr Author DownloadModified syssetup.dll & Access.cpl. Check them out.Working onShell32.dllwmploc.dllmsgina.dllsprt0419.dllsetupapi.dllNot bad, but we need modified .RES files which are in first post
November 7, 200915 yr George KingVery cool prokazzza, but you upload old versio of PSD. I think is version for 2008... They are many differend..I upload 2 version WinStyle Moonlight 2009, old psd Moonlight and new psd Moonlight, and also has loaded samples of files.Screenshot:
November 7, 200915 yr Jatin Beniwal Your dialogue mistake else russian inscription in bitmap remained
November 7, 200915 yr George KingVery cool prokazzza, but you upload old versio of PSD. I think is version for 2008... They are many differend..I upload 2 version WinStyle Moonlight 2009, old psd Moonlight and new psd Moonlight, and also has loaded samples of files.Screenshot:
November 7, 200915 yr First thanks of course for submitting the source files. @prokazza I am curious why you quit the project
November 8, 200915 yr WinStyle Moonlight looks pretty :giveheart:oh and i find it impressive all these people from different countries are transcending language barriers to try to create this translation project :beerchug:
November 8, 200915 yr Author I´ve made completly English .RES of this files:ASCTRLS.OCX.resAUTODISC.DLL.resAVTAPI.DLL.resBCSPRSRC.DLL.resBROWSELC.DLL.rescalc.exe.resCDFVIEW.DLL.resCNETCFG.DLL.resCOMDLG32.DLL.resconf.exe.resCREDUI.DLL.rescscui.dll.resDESKADP.DLL.resDESKMON.DLL.resDESKPERF.DLL.resDEVMGR.DLL.resDMDSKRES.DLL.resEAPPGNUI.DLL.resEXPLORER.EXE.resFILEMGMT.DLL.resFONTEXT.DLL.resFREECELL.EXE.resFXSST.DLL.resGCDEF.DLL.resgptext.dll.resH323.TSP.reshotplug.dll.resAnd these files i must debug (but they are also translated):ACCESS.CPL.resACCWIZ.EXE.resappwiz.cpl.resCAPESNPN.DLL.resCERTMGR.DLL.resCLEANMGR.EXE.resCRYPTUI.DLL.resDPVOICE.DLL.resFLDRCLNR.DLL.resFXSCFGWZ.DLL.resFXSWZRD.DLL.reshdwwiz.cpl.resHNETWIZ.DLL.res Edited November 8, 200915 yr by George King
November 9, 200915 yr How do you compile BMP files with the transparancy. Prokazza compiled them with blackback ground. What steps are used to export the psd to this format?
November 9, 200915 yr Author How do you compile BMP files with the transparancy. Prokazza compiled them with blackback ground. What steps are used to export the psd to this format?I
November 10, 200915 yr How do you compile BMP files with the transparancy. Prokazza compiled them with blackback ground. What steps are used to export the psd to this format?Program XnView do PSD on BMP with alpha channel scientist qualitative will
November 10, 200915 yr Author To BillGates_XP:Can you make TXT file (or write on board) text which are on BMPs and AVIS which i uploaded? I prefer writing russian text on board into code box Here is link for BMPs and AVIs with russian text: If is possible, please do it like this...access.cpl2011 - TEXT2021 - TEXTappwiz.cpl101 - TEXTect ect...Many thanks.To MANIKANT.S.GUPTA:I will send you PM, after BillGates_XP give us russian text and after i translate it into english... Edited November 11, 200915 yr by George King
November 11, 200915 yr Hi all,In order to get more insights in the steps required to translate this project I started to do one file.I have to say, it's relatively easy to translate the IMAGES and export them to BMPs and replace those. On the other hand it's time consuming to rewrite all the dialog strings in your own language since those are not links to the strings in the file itself but to element-properties.
November 11, 200915 yr Author Just open de psd files and edit the text layers.You are using old PSD files (WinStyle 2008). I mean in WinStyle 2009 is text in string. I see it like this???????????? I can
November 11, 200915 yr No I am using PSDs of 2009. In the psd files you see the complete dialog designed with images. There you see russian text layers. I open the dialog in my own language to see what the translation should be. Than I translate the text there.Second, I open the DUTCH file in restorator and the russian moonlight one (where you see many ?????????????). There you copy the dialog to your DUTCH one and start putting the right text at the ???????? strings.
November 11, 200915 yr Author Look what i thinkYour PSD files are for WinStyle 2008. 2009 look like this image and version 2009 is completly remaked...
November 11, 200915 yr Look what i thinkYour PSD files are for WinStyle 2008. 2009 look like this image and version 2009 is completly remaked...I think you are right even though the filenames say 2009. I have looked at the PSDs for WinStyle 2009 they are far more timeconsuming to sort out and extract to BMP.I guess It's whether you would like to translate winstyle 2008 or 2009 - we have sourcefiles of 2 different designs. I am not sure yet what I like most. The only difference is the blue background windows 7 style which I like EdIT: I 've been doing some files and noticed there are many .RES files that are non-localized. So useable for any language. Edited November 11, 200915 yr by HJW
November 12, 200915 yr What are the current activities of anyone translating this project. Maybe it's efficient to divide some of the tasks. 1. renaming PSD files with corresponding (english) filenames (most are already done but many not)2. setting one source / one design 3. translating PSD compiling BMP with transparancy4. adjust files with restorator (dialogs / put right strings at many "?>???>?>???????")5. creating .RES files from the modified files with the new language and design.This is what I would think of now, maybe some more tasks to help?It's very overlapping if everyone is just doing many same tasks.edit: I have the idea the provided source files are not the latest ? Edited November 12, 200915 yr by HJW
November 12, 200915 yr Author I think you can make collection of russian text which is CPL files. Now i working on changing names of PSD files like 128, 129 etc... I will post renamed PSD and some other BPS which need convert to PSD for better tranlsation into other languages...
November 12, 200915 yr ghehe: check them out - users should click save as..Now edited the psd file in such a way changing the text for everyframe is a matter of seconds. So can now quickly provide this AVI is many languages. Edited November 12, 200915 yr by HJW
November 12, 200915 yr Author If you want work here is list of files which need translate:ACCESS.CPL.resACCWIZ.EXE.resappwiz.cpl.resCAPESNPN.DLL.resCERTMGR.DLL.resCLEANMGR.EXE.resCRYPTUI.DLL.resDPVOICE.DLL.resFLDRCLNR.DLL.resFXSCFGWZ.DLL.resFXSWZRD.DLL.reshdwwiz.cpl.resHNETWIZ.DLL.res
November 12, 200915 yr Author I got an idea. Can some one try to make complete NEW .RES files with WinStyle 2009 SKIN for Tablet PC and Media Center Components and files?
November 13, 200915 yr Can someone confirm these AVIs are working in our dialogs?
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