Posted November 26, 200915 yr Hi,how i can install following INF?; ----------------------------------------------------------------------; File: VMNetSrv.INF;; Contains: Virtual PC Network Services INF file;; Copyright: (c) 2001-2003, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.; ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Version]Signature = "$Windows NT$"Class = NetServiceClassGUID = {4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}Provider = %Microsoft%CatalogFile= VMNetSrv.catDriverVer = 01/16/2008,2.6.623.0[SourceDisksNames]1=%DiskDescription%,"",,[SourceDisksFiles]VMNetSrv.dll=1VMNetSrv.sys=1[Manufacturer]%Microsoft% = MSFT, NTamd64[ControlFlags][MSFT]%VMNetSrv_Desc% = VMNetSrv.ndi, Cntx_VPCNetS2[MSFT.NTamd64]%VMNetSrv_Desc% = VMNetSrv.ndi, Cntx_VPCNetS2[DestinationDirs]DefaultDestDir = 12VMNetSrv.CopyFiles.Init = 11 ; %windir%\System32VMNetSrv.CopyFiles.Sys = 12 ; %windir%\System32\drivers; ----------------------------------------------------------------------; Windows 2000/XP Installation; ----------------------------------------------------------------------[VMNetSrv.ndi]AddReg = VMNetSrv.ndi.AddReg, VMNetSrv.AddRegCharacteristics = 0x4490 ; NCF_NDIS_PROTOCOL | NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_FILTER | NCF_NO_SERVICECopyFiles = VMNetSrv.CopyFiles.Init, VMNetSrv.CopyFiles.Sys[VMNetSrv.CopyFiles.Init]VMNetSrv.dll,,,2[VMNetSrv.CopyFiles.Sys]VMNetSrv.sys,,,2[InfSourcePathInfo]OriginalInfSourcePath = %1%[VMNetSrv.ndi.AddReg]HKR, Ndi, HelpText, , %VMNetSrv_HELP%HKR, Ndi, ClsID, , {b7481e0b-75b7-4b60-a068-cc11092be345}HKR, Ndi, ComponentDll, , VMNetSrv.dllHKR, Ndi, FilterClass, , failoverHKR, Ndi, FilterDeviceInfId, , Cntx_VPCNetS2_MPHKR, Ndi, Service, , VPCNetS2HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, , noupperHKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, , nolowerHKR, Ndi\Interfaces, FilterMediaTypes, , "ethernet, nolower"[VMNetSrv.AddReg];None[VMNetSrv.ndi.Services]AddService = VPCNetS2, 0, VMNetSrv.AddService, VMNetSrv.AddEventLog[VMNetSrv.AddService]DisplayName = %VMNetSrv_Desc%ServiceType = 1 ;SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVERStartType = 3 ;SERVICE_DEMAND_STARTErrorControl = 1 ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMALServiceBinary = %12%\VMNetSrv.sysLoadOrderGroup = PNP_TDIAddReg = VMNetSrv.AddService.AddReg[VMNetSrv.AddService.AddReg];None[VMNetSrv.AddEventLog]AddReg = VMNetSrv.AddEventLog.AddReg[VMNetSrv.AddEventLog.AddReg]HKR, ,EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\VMNetSrv.sys"HKR, ,TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------; Windows 2000/XP Removal; ----------------------------------------------------------------------[VMNetSrv.ndi.Remove]DelFiles = VMNetSrv.CopyFiles.Init, VMNetSrv.CopyFiles.Sys[VMNetSrv.ndi.Remove.Services]DelService = VPCNetS2, 0x00000204; ----------------------------------------------------------------------; Strings; ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Strings]Microsoft = "Microsoft"DiskDescription = "Virtual Machine Network Services Disk"VMNetSrv_Desc = "Virtual Machine Network Services"VMNetSrv_HELP = "Provides networking support for Microsoft virtual machines."
November 27, 200915 yr Author I think you can use devcon.exedevcon.exe install inffile.inf Cntx_VPCNetS2Ok, i will try it. But what does mean Cntx_VPCNetS2.
November 27, 200915 yr IDK why it fails, but its what I used for my AwayMode addon. Its how I installed the INF files that would not install using syssetup.inf
November 28, 200915 yr Well thats because you CANT run a virtual machine inside another virtual machineThe inf problem im not sure, those inf files are a tricky bunch there are some I wish I knew how to install them
December 2, 200915 yr Virtual PC may not know it is running within VirtualBox since they're different applications. Running Virtual PC within Virtual PC is generally disallowed. I don't know if VirtualBox is the same way.I probably know less about device drivers than ricktendo64. But maybe the following command line will work...?devcon.exe install VMNetSrv.INF VMNetSrv.ndi Edited December 2, 200915 yr by 5eraph
December 2, 200915 yr Author Virtual PC may not know it is running within VirtualBox since they're different applications. Running Virtual PC within Virtual PC is generally disallowed. I don't know if VirtualBox is the same way.I probably know less about device drivers than ricktendo64. But maybe the following command line will work...?devcon.exe install VMNetSrv.INF VMNetSrv.ndiI tried it, but it not working... :crying_anim02:
December 2, 200915 yr I tried it, but it not working... :crying_anim02:are you trying it in VM?make sure it's in Live os
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