Posted August 8, 200618 yr Graphics Showcase Forum RulesThis is just some guidelines on how to act when posting in the Gfx tutorials forum and what you should keep in mind. These rules are not a "suggestion"! They will be enforced by me and all other WinCert Mods/Admins!If you are requesting graphics, please read on.If you are posting graphics, please scroll down to "Section 2: Posting Graphics"Section 1: Requesting GraphicsIf you have come to this forum looking for a Sig, or a've come to the right place! This is the forum where you can do that sort of thing, but when requesting graphics, please give enough information so that the designer can make it to you liking. If you not sure what information to provide, here are some examples...Size, in px (Images in signatures shall NOT exceed a total of 300x100 and 80kb)Color(s)TextPicturesetc...Lets try to keep the forum clean, so if you are requesting graphics, please start you topic title with "[Request]" and label it with this emoticon " ".Section 2: Posting GraphicsPlease do not post images within threads that exceed 300x200 in resolution and 150kb in size. Provide a link to the image and host it on your own web space if possible. If you do not have personal web space try or Eazyshare . Always keep in mind we have several members on 56k and loading a thread with a few large screenshots can be quite slow for them.The forum rules still apply, no matter what! Here is a link to them, just in case you cant find them! WinCert.Net Forum RulesWith all that out of the way, have fun with PS!!---WolfX2, The nerdyist mod around