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  • Created some videos on the topic of Windows AIK/OPK, how I use it to update my image... OLD Videos Part #1 HD 720 Part #2 HD 720 Part #3 HD 720 NEW Videos Preinstalling Applications and Capturing Imag

  • Mount image DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:<dir>:\<path>\<filename>.wim /Index:<#> /MountDir:<dir>:\<path_to_empty_folder> Integrate MSU/CAB updates DISM /Add-Package

  • Its nothing special, I just add a "FirstLogonCommands" to run when I first log in with the following infdefaultinstall %WINDIR%\inf\tweaks.inf Here is what it looks like in the Autounattend.xml <

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Mount image

DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:<dir>:\<path>\<filename>.wim /Index:<#> /MountDir:<dir>:\<path_to_empty_folder>

Integrate MSU/CAB updates

DISM  /Add-Package /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /PackagePath:<dir>:\<folder_with_updates>

Integrate multiple drivers

DISM  /Add-Driver /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /Driver:<dir>:\<folder_with_drivers> /recurse

Integrate unsigned driver

DISM  /Add-Driver /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /Driver:<dir>:\<folder_with_driver>\<inf_name>.inf /forceunsigned

Remove driver

DISM /Remove-Driver /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /Driver:oem<#>.inf

Turn off feature

DISM  /Disable-Feature /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /FeatureName:<feature_name>

Turn off features (multi)

FOR %i IN (<featurename1> "<feature name 2>" <feature-name-3>) DO DISM  /Disable-Feature /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /FeatureName:%i

Unhide packages (optional)

install_wim_tweak /p <dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /m

Remove package

DISM  /Remove-Package /Image:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-<example>-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7600.16385

Unmount image

DISM /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:<dir>:\<mounted_image_path> /commit [/discard]

  • 2 weeks later...
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Its nothing special, I just add a "FirstLogonCommands" to run when I first log in with the following

infdefaultinstall %WINDIR%\inf\tweaks.inf

Here is what it looks like in the Autounattend.xml

<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>infdefaultinstall %WINDIR%\inf\tweaks.inf</CommandLine>
<Description>Registry Tweaks</Description>

InfDefaultInstall.exe comes with Windows 7 in the system32 folder, its what I use to launch my INF instead of rundll32

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Added part 3 (need to dl and merge file.001 and file.002 with 7zip because skydrive files can only be 50 MB max)

I discuss how to turn off features, remove packages (including how to unhide packages for extreme removal) and integrate unsigned driver then I show how to remove it

Also added links to install_wim_tweak.exe and packages.xls for extreme dism removal


Has this helped anybody who previously thought that WAIK is too complicated to realize its not as bad as one thought, it does not take a pro, that you too can do it?

The vids definitly helped a lot, its just so much easier to watch a video about how to use WAIK, and after watching it you can try it yourself, when you are stuck, you just start the vid again and watch it again, and after a while I just knew the commands. So much better then reading all the stuff. :P

Continue doing this, it very good! :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by Raoul

  • 2 weeks later...

Ricktendo If I understand correctly the DISM the method can not be integrated in the image install.wim updates with the extension

.msi and .exe

Edited by Rafadecai

Has this helped anybody who previously thought that WAIK is too complicated to realize its not as bad as one thought, it does not take a pro, that you too can do it?

I've just begun sticking my toes in the water on Win 7 unattended and yours was the perfect place to start! Thanks for the hard work i I know it's appreciated by many!


Hi Rick, I'm learning a lot with the videos, they are very good. I have some doubts.

1) Can I integrate updates .msu

2) The drivers are integrated into boot.wim and also in install.wim

Thanks in advance for your valuable help

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1- Yes you can integrate .msu same as the extracted .cab (its a matter of preference), if you get any errors integrating .msu files try extracting the cabs from them

2- No you DONT have to integrate any drivers into boot.wim only install.wim (I only do because my raid drives are not included in Windows 7, I have to hit Load Driver and browse for my raid drivers on a CD or USB stick in order to see my HDD)


I was just showing you how to integrate your mass storage drivers if your drives are not recognized by the setup, if they are then you can skip boot.wim part

1- Yes you can integrate .msu same as the extracted .cab (its a matter of preference), if you get any errors integrating .msu files try extracting the cabs from them

2- No you DONT have to integrate any drivers into boot.wim only install.wim (I only do because my raid drives are not included in Windows 7, I have to hit Load Driver and browse for my raid drivers on a CD or USB stick in order to see my HDD)


I was just showing you how to integrate your mass storage drivers if your drives are not recognized by the setup, if they are then you can skip boot.wim part

Thanks for your reply. Now drivers and updates are clear to me. I'm trying to understand from the 2nd video the changes that are made directly on the mounted image(install.wim)

Hi Rick

I have some doubts regarding the video # 2

1) What can I copy directly from my windows directory to the windows of my image.

2) What can I copy from system32 directory to my image

3) Can I directly copy the folders PerfLogs, Program Files, Program Files (x86), Program Data, Users and Windows to my image, that is a clone of my W7. Please let me know

Thanks in advance

I going to check the video #3

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You can put any file in any folder in your mounted install.wim, I put stuff like this in my system32 folder (mrt.exe, oem bitmaps and some shell extensions that I register with my .xml)

oobe (folder with OEM bitmaps)

I put my Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials updates in the ProgramData folder, I also add some programs to the Program Files folder too

//the .lnk shortcuts for these I put in ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
Resource Hacker
Take Control
Windows Sidebar (I put some gadgets in this one)

As for copying settings I dont know exactly how to do that yet but there are commands that you can run with DISM that will copy your current user profile stuff but I have not tried to do that yet.

Hello Rick

Thanks for reply. I've been playing with the mounted image, I have really integrated the drivers, the updates, and disable a few features, but there are many things that are not very clear for me because I am a total newbie in programming, by now I would like to try my image in the vmware, so I need to do the Iso. could you tell me how to use oscdimg.exe to make the ISO. I've been reading the help in WAIK but I can not achieve anything. Thank you for your usual help. and believe me I've been learning a lot with you.Sorry the language, the english is not my nature language. :sleeping: :sleeping:

Hello Rick

Well, I made the ISO using 7Costumizer(I would like do it with oscdimg for learning)and install it using the VMware image, below is a summary of my image


a) drivers (worked perfect)

B) The latest updates from MS, including Windows Defender (OK, but I don't know how to integrated the .exe updates)

c) Set-timezone (OK)

d) Set-Productkey (I could not activate Windows(3 days) , I do not know how to do it)

e) Disable some features, like games (OK, although I do not know about other features, I was reading about .xml, but I don't know how to do it and where to put it and for what)

f) My Favorites (did not work, Windows installs the default)

g) Changed the user acccount pictures(OK)

h) Wallpaper (did not work, I don't know how do it)

for me, I had a step forward, it has been for your help and others like you have helped me in other forums.

Thank you so much

Edited by Yesnovato

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