September 4, 201113 yr In your video you mentioned to set copy profile to true in autounattend but you have not showed where to copy that Autounattend. I believe it has to be in sysrep folder. Can you post the autoattend examplae and do you knnow how to set default custom theme in unattended
September 18, 201113 yr Una cuestion. Estoy haciendo un AIO de una version previa ya manipulada con AIK para integrarle versiones 64 al x86. Pero el x86 ya tiene nombre en sus versiones al estilo de Windows 7 ULTIMATE. Cuando integré las x64 en el mismo caso puse Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Cuando corro la herramienta Windows System Image Manager para crear los archivos clg, aparece las referencias tal cual. O sea ULTIMATE y Ultimate x64. La pregunta es: ¿Cual es el comando o como hago para modificar estos titulos ya creados para que todos se vean de igual manera en el menu de instalacion?Gracias Edited September 18, 201113 yr by tele
September 18, 201113 yr Author Yo no soy experto en AIO, lo que hago yo es eliminar las versiones que no uso dejando solo uno...acabo de seguir este tutorial y este fue mi resultadoQue comandos usaste tu y que es lo que dice cuando haces dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:install.wim y/o imagex /info install.wimIndex : 1Name : Windows 7 STARTERDescription : Windows 7 STARTERSize : 8,074,968,070 bytesIndex : 2Name : Windows 7 HOMEBASICDescription : Windows 7 HOMEBASICSize : 8,127,590,116 bytesIndex : 3Name : Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUMDescription : Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUMSize : 8,569,006,173 bytesIndex : 4Name : Windows 7 PROFESSIONALDescription : Windows 7 PROFESSIONALSize : 8,450,188,760 bytesIndex : 5Name : Windows 7 ULTIMATEDescription : Windows 7 ULTIMATESize : 8,610,128,720 bytesIndex : 6Name : Windows 7 HOMEBASIC (x64)Description : Windows 7 HOMEBASICSize : 11,710,161,360 bytesIndex : 7Name : Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM (x64)Description : Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUMSize : 12,222,587,449 bytesIndex : 8Name : Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL (x64)Description : Windows 7 PROFESSIONALSize : 12,122,886,417 bytesIndex : 9Name : Windows 7 ULTIMATE (x64)Description : Windows 7 ULTIMATESize : 12,285,492,779 bytesDetails for image : \dvd\sources\install.wimP.D. pruebe GImageX, talvez con el puedas renombrar imágenes
September 18, 201113 yr Es básicamente es el mismo manual que uso. El procedimiento siempre es el mismo. El resultado tambien es el mismo igual al tuyo. Lo que ocurre es que quiero cambiarle el nombre (modificarlo para que en el menu de instalacion salga como debe ser) . ejemplo Windows 7 Ultimate x64 a Windows 7 ULTIMATE (X64) tal y como tu lo tienes1. Existe alguna línea de comandos que me permita hacer esto?2. Para incluir versiones 64 en un x86 necesariamente tengo que eliminar todos los archivos .CLG anteriores (los que ya existian en el x86) y recontruirlos nuevamente tanto los x86 como x64?3. Con este metodo puedo integrar todos los winserver? (Windows 2000, 2003 y 2008)4. Para que sirve el GImageX (http://www.autoitscr...-tools/gimagex/)gracias rickPD: que opinas de esto Edited September 18, 201113 yr by tele
September 18, 201113 yr Author GImageX es un GUI para ImageX, todo lo que se puede hacer con ImageX lo tiene GImageXPonlo en el mismo directorio que ImageX y lo corresP.D. pruebe esto (creo que es lo mismo de arriba)imagex /info archivoDeImagen[númeroDeImagen | nombreDeImagen] [nombreNuevo] [descripciónNueva] {/boot | /check}http://technet.micro...28WS.10%29.aspx
September 18, 201113 yr Ya verifique. No hay problemas. Sin importar el nombre que le pongas (mayuscula o minuscula o x64 o (x64)) en el menu siempre sale igual. Una pregunta mas:Con este metodo puedo integrar todos los winserver? (Windows 2000, 2003 y 2008)? y que opinas sobre 7CustomizerPD: Como es que hacer para "quitar" los windows que no usas??gracias Edited September 18, 201113 yr by tele
October 25, 201113 yr como obtengo el listado de actualizaciones de windows 7 después de SP1 para saber cuales integrar? (al estilo d elo que haces en UPL)
October 25, 201113 yr Author @tele KB000000 de la pagina changelog
October 31, 201113 yr This may seem like a dumb question. But given the size of the WAIK downloads, other needed software, as well as the amount of time invested to make and configure a image, how how is this method any better than using Image for Windows, or any similar disk imaging utility and deploying that for a clean install? Edited October 31, 201113 yr by BYTE-ME
December 16, 201113 yr Author Hey does anybody have a original copy of these videos?I have them but I only in the original formats not the converted ones, if anybody has them could they please re-up them?
January 16, 201213 yr Hey ricktendo64,Major concern...googled to no avail, so, thought I would try to pick your brain.I keep getting fatal error when finnalizing sys prep; it worked fine on this image now, without rhyme or reason, it won't finnalize. I attached the sysprep logs from both the Panther and IE folders...any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. ThanksSysprepFailure.7zI may have found a solution:'m going to include the entry from this KB in the unattend file for copy profile in the sysprep folder and try it-I'll report back. Edited January 16, 201213 yr by RickSteele
January 16, 201213 yr Author @RickSteele try integrating your updates before you sysprep I cant recall off the top of my head but there are a couple that fix sysprep issues
January 17, 201213 yr @RickSteele try integrating your updates before you sysprep I cant recall off the top of my head but there are a couple that fix sysprep issuesKB929828 fixed it, add the following to the unattend you use during sysprep immediately below your copy profile entry, but, as the KB states, don't forget to remove this entry afterwards: (it seems this relates to M$ licensing/activation issues-present even when just preparing, but, not installing an image...go figure.)<settings pass="generalize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.micro...nfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi=""> <SkipRearm>1</SkipRearm> </component> </settings>This was the fourth or fifth time I loaded this image into sysprep to tweak a few things here and there, and to correct some errors I had made in group policy editor; nothing major, but, it seems three is the magic number afterwhich you either apply this workaround or rebuild the image from scratch. The following is the spartan unattend I use to sysprep:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.micro...nfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi=""> <CopyProfile>true</CopyProfile> </component> </settings></unattend>and looks like this to prevent the fatal error:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <CopyProfile>true</CopyProfile> </component> </settings><settings pass="generalize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi=""> <SkipRearm>1</SkipRearm> </component> </settings></unattend>I delete this xml from the image when I prepare for install with all updates, drivers integrated and use a much more elaborate answer file in the root of the setup folder. Edited January 17, 201213 yr by RickSteele
February 20, 201213 yr the hotfixes works with any language ? spanish ?I use RT7Lite for integrating hotfixes Edited February 20, 201213 yr by DarkRay
October 26, 201311 yr the videos are very helpful thank you for them my question is i am trying to use dism windows 7 service pack i have no luck with it yet is there a video for that thank you for your help
October 26, 201311 yr yes please I don't know what commnad line to use to use with dism trying to intergrate servie pack thank you for your help
October 26, 201311 yr Author You cant integrate service pack the same way you integrate updates, but you can do a "reverse integration" where you install windows 7 to a test machine, boot into sysprep, install service pack 1, and prepare that install to be captured and make your WIMLook at the last video "Preinstalling Applications and Capturing Image" where I talk about this process BTW if you can find it, its better to download a pre-integrated sp1 iso from microsoft
December 8, 201311 yr Is it possible to capture image from a mounted to the main system, a vmware hard drive file? (I mean instead from a VHD) Edited December 8, 201311 yr by stsaerox
December 8, 201311 yr Author I think there are programs that can mount vmdk but have never tried them. I have tried vmdk to vhd converters, so you can mount the vhd in windows
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