Posted February 18, 201015 yr Hello everybody!In advance, sorry 4 my english level. I try to do my best.After almost 1 year ½ of searching/learning/optimizing, i'm very happy to share this work with u : the Vista2XP Packs.Nota : The retro curves in picture above have been created with Photoshop CS3. Tuto >>> Mix Cool Retro Curves Into Your Photographs written by Fabio, member of excellent site PSDTUTS.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SPECIAL BIGS HUGE THANXTo wallace87000 (my eternal hommy), for his encouragements & to Vivi, for her tenderness & so on, so on.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////THANX TOMrNxDmX (,, for his amazing work & highly contribution to the addon community , and to get me his permission to use his >>>Windows XP User Account Pictures Replacer Addon<<< as template. without him, this share won't be possible. -- U miss us. Please, come back!--elrico, for hosting & his helpRafael & ZoRoNaX : for their great soft Alky For ApplicationsAztek, member of site du zéro and author of tuto (in french) Customize his folders with desktop.ini files, that I've used in this addons (specialy in Pack #1 : Sample Pictures).James Minchin : for the WSH script To change Windows theme in command line (I modded it to apply it to XP UAP changing).Sites | HD , for All of the amazing pictures in freely share & that I use in my addons.DJMattRicks , a devianARTist, for his VPlants pictures packs.Hammad Darwish , Vista's 'official photograph' , for his big talent & the extraordinary pictures/landscapes he gaves us.ricktendo64, bober, for batch script V'iso/XPtsp ( >>>FRENCH VERSION BY ME HERE<<< & on this >>>MIRROR<<<, by dougiefresh) that I used for resources patching.ENU_user, ( again, for Nesting Addons in Add/Remove Windows Components whose highly helps me for a better understanding of Windows Components. Without him, Xtr3mres.inf won't be created.Microsoft, for technical help available on its sites Technet and MSDNForums below, for their members contributions:upd.frwincert.netryanvm.netwin-web.beForum French System NOTESFor the Vista2XP Pack #1 - Sample Pictures, I've used a trick like Vista's files localization/translating.PREREQUISITES :Alky For Applications v1.1 (XP version)Restorator2007/2009 (shareware) | Resource Hacker v3.4.0.79 / Resource Hacker v3.5.2 Beta (freeware)A non registrable, without resources DLL (it's my departure point to create Xtr3mAddOnRes.dll)Images/Pictures (from Vista/Se7en or others, as you like. See listed sites above)Following Vista's files:%SystemRoot%\System32\SampleRes.dll%SystemRoot%\System32\en-US\SampleRes.dll.mui --> (MUI Dir name depends on your Vista native english : en-AU|BZ|CA|CB|GB|IE|JM|NZ|PH|TT|US|ZA)%ProgramFiles%\Windows Photo Gallery\PhotoLibraryResources.dll%ProgramFiles%\Windows Photo Gallery\fr-FR\PhotoLibraryResources.dll.mui************** Don't worry : details will follow later. ************:%SystemRoot%\Resources\Xtr3mAddOneResNot enought clear?Ok. Open My Computer, and follow guide in images :After that, click on Start ---> My images & open link Sample picturesNow, you can see a hide file named Desktop.ini : it contains images names (in english) & the paths (pointers) to file resources translated (here %SystemRoot%\Resources\Xtr3mAddOneRes\fr-FR\SampleRes.dll.mui have localized files name (in french) [i.e, creek.jpg = Rivière.jpg = resource 101 --> in SampleRes.dll.mui].Make a test like this : comment any line of file Desktop.ini, save modifs & refresh (Key F5 on keyboard) or close window & reopen it. ...Appreciate!This feature can also apply to others Vista2XP Packs.PS : If u prefer, u can choose an easier way to translate : "by combining" CopyFiles & Strings sections (like I do in Vista2XP Pack #3)CopyFiles Section[strings] Section <--- No ID = default language [ here en-USA = English(USA) ]Section [strings.040C] <--- 040C = fr-FR language ID = Français(France)///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Vista2XP Packs are XP customization/replacers addons based on Vista's resources & work on sme way : replacement (with/without backup) XP files with ones from addons.At the biginning, it was a AIO bilingual (ENU/FRA) addon for my own use. But, I decide, 9 months ago, to also create some standalone packs (Read MY REQUEST HERE ---> in french ) and to share all with the members of, my 1rst community on the net.But, due some help I've received on script rewritting from various sites members,I decided to share my work with a largest communauty :icon_cool: Addon(s) is(are) available (u've choice) as :AIO Pack : Size : 61.3 MBMD5 : 36B482F5316B9463C9E98EBEF895102B and StandAlone packs below:Pack Vista2XP #1 : Sample Pictures ( images sizes : 1024x768 | 1600x1200 )Default Picturesreplacer Images from VistaImages addedSample Pictures Backup Dir (%AllUsersProfile%\My images\Sample Pictures) Size : 12.3 MBMD5 : 55BD42F586B4A78E1A31ED4B11A26985Pack Vista2XP #2 : Screen SaversPREREQUISITE : OPENGL32.DLL (included in WinXP, in addon & copied to %windir%\system32) Default Screen SaversReplacerAddedScreen Savers Backup Dir (%SystemRoot%\system32) Size : 6.66 MBMD5 : 727FF439919C52878355D48C7DC61C86Pack Vista2XP #3 : User Account Pictures (Avatars) ( images sizes : 128x128 )PREREQUISITES : Windows Script 5.6Defzult UAPReplacersAddedAvatars backup Dir (%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Microsoft\User Account Pictures) Size : 4.19 MBMD5 : C1E9AD6BB52E6096E211B79E90A6169A Pack Vista2XP #4 : Wallpapers ( images sizes : 1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1600x1200 | 1920x1080 | 1920x1200 | 1920x1440 )Default WallpapersReplacersAddedWallpapers Backup Dir (%Windir%\Web\Wallpaper)Windows Movie Maker : ( images sizes : 640x480 | 640x360 )MMaker Default ImagesReplacersAddedMovieMaker Backup Dir (%ProgramFiles%\Movie Maker\Shared) Size : 43.9 MBMD5 : A9DA99A24374AEB2A29C44BA064EC155////////////////////////////////////::: INSTALLATION/UNINSTALLATION ::://////////////////////////////NB : Install/uninstall dialogs/messages/prompts may be differents as ones visibles on snapshots available in topic. It's normal : I'm tryin' to make them more "professional".All Packs are installable/uninstallable by Add/Suppress Windows Component fonctionAnd a prompt message displays, giving u the ability to check ( and thus to remedy it) that no file from pack whose have uninstallation in progress is in use.If u click on :Cancel : System will consider the componant as uninstalled; but really, it is false. ( TO FIX ).OK : opens Display Properties Window on tab (in case of pack #2) Screen saver. By caution, choose (NONE). U can change/modify after uninstallation of pack.///////////////////::: PARTICULAR CASE : Vista2XP Pack #3 :::///////////During installation/uninstallation, u can choose to de modify/change your avatar :WARNING : during uninstallation, please follow procedure below :If u click on :Cancel, nothing happens.OK, script %windir%\Resources\Xtr3mAddOneRes\Scripts\Avatars.js starts & Choose a new picture for your account window appears (Timeout = 15 seconds):NB : WAIT until u see Vista2XP Pack #3 window files deletionAfter that, double-click on any avatar & close all others windows.If u double-click on an image before deletion of Vista2XP Pack #3 files, your account will keep an avatar from Pack #3.To fix it, click on 'Start' button ---> click on the image near your usernameNow, choose any avatar. Voilààà... Edited February 19, 201015 yr by Ken@fri
February 19, 201015 yr Author Hi!Ok, the last pack (Pack #4 : Wallpapers) is online.I also fixed a minor bug in file Vista2XP from AIO Pack (without that,Vista2XP Pack #4 - Official Wallpaper.jpg won't be copied during integration.)Bye Edited February 19, 201015 yr by Ken@fri
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