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i use your update pack i see this error's what is that and how can i solved it

i use : XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 by user_hidden

Internet Explorer 8 for XP/2k3 by YumeYao

here the pic of error


i use your update pack i see this error's what is that and how can i solved it

i use : XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 by user_hidden

Internet Explorer 8 for XP/2k3 by YumeYao

Those errors have nothing to do with the updatepack. Those are known errors when using Yumeyao's "Clean style" IE8 addon.

If you want zero errors, then you also need to include Yumeyao's "fix addon" which will delete those entries.

Or use his "No setuperr style" addon.

All can be found here: http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7778

  • 4 weeks later...
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no answer .......

i use my windows xp pro edition .

i buy it with my notebook.

it was windows xp sp2 .

i slipstream it with sp3 ( i download it from Microsoft ) and i change it from sp2 to sp3

i test it with Microsoft virtual machine . without any error

but when i integrate this option to windows with Ryanvm integrator

i got this error in my xp after test . no internet explorer ? no windows media player ? so please tell me what happens ?

and how can i solved it ?

this is the option i use it and i download from ryanvm forum :

1- Foxy_Eraser_5.8_Addon_v1.3

2- Kels_TweakUI_v2.10_CPL_addon_build2

3- Kels_VistaDriveIndicator_addon_v2.2

4- NR_CursorsAIO_Addon_1.9

5- WinXP_Pro_Vista BootScreen Blue (5857)_addon

and i attach log

a i use all of the for another source and i use itself without any error

there is nobody answer ????





Edited by rebi

  • Author

no answer .......

i use my windows xp pro edition .

i buy it with my notebook.

i test it with Microsoft virtual machine . without any error

do it with ryanvm integrating XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 20100525

without any error but :

when i integrate this option to windows with Ryanvm integrator

i got this error in my xp after test . no internet explorer ? no windows media player ? so please tell me what happens ?

and how can i solved it ?

this is the option i use it and i download from ryanvm forum :

1- Foxy_Eraser_5.8_Addon_v1.3

2- Kels_TweakUI_v2.10_CPL_addon_build2

3- Kels_VistaDriveIndicator_addon_v2.2

4- NR_CursorsAIO_Addon_1.9

5- WinXP_Pro_Vista BootScreen Blue (5857)_addon

there is nobody answer ????




Edited by rebi

Pl go to folder option and remove hiden file toggle.You will see

Windows media player and InetEplorer in there respective directory.

Both are hidden system files.

Send the link to start menu.

Winxpsp3 do not send internet explorer icon to desktop.

You can send it from customize Desktop

  • Author

no dear

i think its belong yo one of addons that creat

this problem i test it and if i find it i will

note it here . than you

  • Author


use a CLEAN source ( dear my source belong to my note book i buy it )

.....integrate the updatepack....test = no problems. ( yes i do it and with out error )

start adding addons one by one untill you find the one that is causing your error. ( exactly you are the best i will find and tell it for you )

thank you

  • Author

again i test it

this is the steps that i done it :

1- customize windows with nlite ====>>> test -->> no error

2- integrate XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 20100525 ==>> test --> no error

3- integrate new addon that todau download it again in wincert wpi and nlite add on section ---->>> test --->> again i see those proble

no ie8 no wmp11 ... no addon ???

i don not know why ? what happen ?

i have done it 1 month ago with update pack and nlite customizing and add on integrating without any error

any body help me ?



  • Author

OK Why is OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v3.7.0_ENU.7z in there when you say you are using XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack???

when i tired i use both of them to find error OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v3.7.0_ENU.7z or XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3 20100525 have error

but both of them is correct without any error after test .

but i integrate addons like :








WinXP_Pro_Vista BootScreen Blue (5857)_addon

one bye one i add it and test . i see this problem .

  • Author


find it

md5 hash of : Kels_VistaDriveIndicator_addon_v2.2 was mistake

again i download it and integrate it and test without any error

thank you .

but i find it accidentally .

how can i check md5 hash correct or not


you should use another thread since your problems are self inflicted.

you have been given enough insight, these problems have NOTHING to do with the updatepack

your issues do not belong in this thread. use the other thread you started. doubling up

on your posts does not help.

Start with a CLEAN unadultered source.

DO NOT use nlite tweaks before running RVMi with an updatepack.

nlite tweaks should be used AFTER all integrations have been performed.

Edited by user_hidden

  • Author

i am so sorry

you are right

thank you for your responding

i will do it with your guide

if i have any problem in said in my section

again thank you so much dear

i like your update pack .

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