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i wanted to include uxtheme patching to the 7tsp project

so i wrote my own hexing code for the project and from that i also created a stand alone hexer.

Se7en UxTheme hexer

uxhexer.png uxhexer2.png

Download: dwnld_button.png


size:592 kb

~For windows Se7en x86 and x64 7600+ only

Change log:

27-Aug-2010, taken down for unknown time

~rewriting some of the code..

11-Jun-2010, v0.2

added 3 command line switches in the following variations:

~"7UxThemeHexer /q" (quiet patch)

~"7UxThemeHexer /qr" (quiet restore)

~"7UxThemeHexer /q /reboot" (patch + reboot)

~"7UxThemeHexer /qr /reboot" (restore + reboot)

~"7UxThemeHexer ?" (type ? (or anything else) for info)

9-Jun-2010, v0.1

first release


just an exe

~will run in admin mode

~quiet switches are only completely quiet if UAC is disabled

have fun! :D

  • Author

ok, something like this?

i have added 3 command line switches in the following variations:

~"7UxThemeHexer /q" (quiet patch)

~"7UxThemeHexer /qr" (quiet restore)

~"7UxThemeHexer /q /reboot" (patch + reboot)

~"7UxThemeHexer /qr /reboot" (restore + reboot)

though u still get a UAC pop pup if it is enabled, i hope this is what you're looking for.

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