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It has a bug: I've already dismounted and cleanup, and also deleted the key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WIMMount\Mounted Images, but it still refuses to mount image.


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  • nonno fabio
    nonno fabio

    Onepiece's DX WinNT6.x True Integrator is a DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) GUI, based on Microsoft command-line Dism.exe, default in Windows 7 (see here for info http://technet.micro

  • No update? No folder choose? No xx.mum choose?

  • Hi BusyElf, there is no difference only the section [sysoc] that must be put also in [sysPrepOC], WinNT6.x True Integrator is much more advanced (It supports much more) than nLite\RVMi because WinNT6.

Posted Images

Hi testplayer, there is no BUG (this is that says Microsoft Dism.exe, and not the WinNT6.x True Integrator), because if DISM.exe says so ehhh then the WinNT6.x True Integrator will not be able to do anything else, error is clear ?? for more info search in Microsoft.com or 0xc1420113 you are trying to mont image in a directory which is already mount another image , if you have problems run the Cleanup-MountPoints (Also try to restart the system, or if is a empty folder as will have to be, delete that folder and create it again), and then try again







Edited by OnePiece

Yes, I've tried every method to cleanup mount point, and deleted registry keys, reboot, but none of them works. I have to specify another folder to mount, and whenever that folder is used for once, it cannot be used for second time. This is very ridiculous. But as you mentioned, it could be a microsoft's DISM problem, but why I can use other DISM GUI and WinToolkit without this problem? I think it may be that other GUI can specify which dism.exe to be used. There might be some problems with C:\Windows\System32\dism.exe on my computer.

Edited by testplayer

In my post above is all Clear, so Please do not create speculation (do not get me wrong I'm not saying you're doing it on purpose), again

Hi testplayer, there is no BUG (this is that says Microsoft Dism.exe, and not the WinNT6.x True Integrator), because if DISM.exe says so ehhh then the WinNT6.x True Integrator will not be able to do anything else, error is clear ?? for more info search in Microsoft.com or 0xc1420113

forget the delete registry keys and other things you need to do only what microsoft says to do officially

There might be some problems with C:\Windows\System32\dism.exe on my computer.

the WinNT6.x True Integrator search DISM.exe in %ProgramFiles%\Windows Kits and %WinDir%\System32, and always use the most recent version

but why I can use other DISM GUI and WinToolkit without this problem?

precisely this is impossible ehhhh ;), everything is possible but in this case I am more than sure, because the WinToolkit and everything else in the web is a DISM GUI OKKK ;), I mean no one is able to improve the DISM.exe but they all do just what Dism.exe can do

I think it may be that other GUI can specify which dism.exe to be used

in fact WinNT6.x True Integrator allows you to use the WinNT6.x True Integrator.exe /DismDir=C:\MyDismDir\Dism.exe


Edited by OnePiece

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello! 1st time i was using this program and was disappointed - it looks like interface like 20 years old software. Very small and not resizable window for screen res 640x480?

Almost impossible to use, while there are some good alternatives (i will not point by finger).

also I got strange red simbols after clicking "Clean up mountpoints"



ALSO driver integration driven me mad - i was tired clicking yes\no while it was reading drivers folder structure after wasting 30 min software was shut down via task manager.


This program should be rewritten clearly - of course if author will have any wish to do it.


Sorry if too straight - but true.

Hi adminxp, First me too I'm really sorry, but your judgment is not professional, not to say other

Hello! 1st time i was using this program and was disappointed - it looks like interface like 20 years old software. Very small and not resizable window for screen res 640x480?

is a Tool (is a DISM GUI, which also Integrate\Install\Add\Remove\Uninstall AddOn in True Mod) is Not Office 2016 hmmmmmmm, is 640x480 that is 25 years old OKKKKKKKK, if you do not like that GUI, then why use the Windows??? because the one is the GUI of Windows, 90% of the Windows (Menu and Other) has that GUI hmmmmm

Almost impossible to use

you're joking right???, I hope you understand what you yourself say or write, you really work in windows ??????? because from the way you talk it seems that you have not seen a windows in your life?, because what you're saying not only is not True, but it seems hmmmmmmmmmm

while there are some good alternatives (i will not point by finger).

No other program in the web does what it does this Program, was just for info, because for what I understand you choose the program\software from the Color of GUI (I do not mean in this case, but in general)

also I got strange red simbols after clicking "Clean up mountpoints"

Your system does not support Unicode so is not the fault of the software\program OKKKKK
Run\execute "WinNT6.x_True_Integrator.exe" /ENU

ALSO driver integration driven me mad - i was tired clicking yes\no while it was reading drivers folder structure after wasting 30 min software was shut down via task manager.

because you have chosen to integrate old driver, driver oldest of those already present in Windows, which is why the program asks if you want (are sure) to integrate an older driver, you had to choose in ComboBox, Ignore Check OKKKKKKKK


This program should be rewritten clearly - of course if author will have any wish to do it.

Yes I'm going to rewrite this program from the beginning in C++ (because the program was written in AutoIt 6 Years ago, so there are thousands of things which can be made even much more better), but I miss the free time for the moment, however the program will have the same GUI, because that GUI is not a perfect thing, but in my opinion is more than OKKKKKK

PS: from the way you wrote or judge or think things (I do not mean for this program, But in General), really my first intention was to not answer, because I do not know really what to tell you, because it seems that we do not live in the same planet


Hi bphlpt, is everything Ok, in the web I heard everything, there someone who says that an OS is worse than another because of Start Menu eehhh there someone else who says that Windows 10 is not OK, is better Windows XP because it has the most beautiful trash icon ehhhhhh, in poor words many choose or judge an OS from the desktop image ehhhh



  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Ohh i was looking for this kind of integrator... DXTi offers what nLite/RVMi do for XP. A straight into image integration, no workarounds.



The only thing i miss is comprehensive INF format help like one from Gosh@msfn, just for Win7+ (Gosh really nailed it, helped me a lot).


I've downloaded few DXTi addons and it seems that they follow pretty much the same file structure and syntax as nLite/RVMi ?


Can anyone tell me what are the differences ?

Edited by BusyElf

Hi BusyElf, there is no difference only the section [sysoc] that must be put also in [sysPrepOC], WinNT6.x True Integrator is much more advanced (It supports much more) than nLite\RVMi because WinNT6.x True Integrator add\integrate\install but also rollback\remove\uninstall the addon, that thanks to Windows NT6.x where you can add\install\integrate\remove\uninstall\rollback software in offline mod, however the structure is the same (It is fully compatible with the nLite\RVMi) but in WinNT6.x True Integrator the entries.ini in can also be used in advanced mod, here
are in Italian, but is same idea, is the same thing
however the true examples are those inside the True AddOn himself, so need only to extract the True AddOn and see inside them, inside you will find every example that will serve you
in poor words WinNT6.x True Integrator interpret\execute the True AddOn, exactly as dism interpret\execute the update .cab\ .msu
Sorry for my English

Thanks for the explanation and examples !


And i was already looking for MSU creation but stopped when i saw how much config data is in there. DXTi saved me in last moment. :)


As for "bad english", you have HELPED me, language syntax is not a problem !

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone!

I'm really looking forward to try out DX WinNT6.x True Integrator. I have a concern though about the download files being infected with Trojan.Zbot. Every time I try to download DX WinNT6.x True Integrator my Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) finds a virus. It takes several minutes for SEP to clean the virus and then SEP says the PC must be restarted. I have tried to download from different sources, like Dropbox and MediaFire, but the same happens every time.


Screen captures:



(Replaced the images with links to images after reading forum rules about large images.)



I want no ill will, just wondering if I am the only one with this happening, and therefore the fault being in my PC. I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings. This is my first post, and if you dont want to show it, it's ok - I understand. In that case maybe you could please answer to me with a private message.  :newhere:

Edited by concerned squirrel

Hi concerned squirrel, Welcome to Wincert


Thanks for the info, I do not know what to say, certainly are all false positives, when WinNT6.x_True_Integrator was posted on https://www.virustotal.com & http://r.virscan.org & https://www.metascan-online.com everything was ok, now I see that no ehhhh, however there is only AutoIt code + compressed with MPRESS and it seems that the problem is MPRESS


however try new links in first post (are not without any false positive :)  but it seems more ok)






  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the info, already update the links in the first post, however always use google search to find the files in My Google Drive or other ect ect in case of problems with links



  • 10 months later...

Hi baritone, thanks for reporting

I do not really know, because the fate that only happens in windows vista, I suspect that has to do with autoit, perhaps a bug in autoit (and if is so, need to wait for the new release of autoit, to recompile all), try to use the WinNT6.x True Integrator in Windows 7, I mean update Windows Vista iso working in Windows 7/8/10



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