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Since 0.7.0 final has been released, i am now taking requests for v0.8.0. I will be having a month break from coding W7T so meanwhile you can tell me your ideas and requests.

Not all ideas have been put into the alpha yet, still got quite a big to do list. Enjoy! :D

WARNING: This is an ALPHA version and downloading this is optional, recommended only for advanced users.

WARNING2: Component Removal is still at its early stages so i recommend testing with VirtualPC, VMWare, etc.. first!


*NEW: Component Remover

*NEW: Silent Installers

*NEW: Tweaks Interface

*FIX: Update Downloader

*FIX: Some buttons did not appeart after unmount (WIM Manager)

*FIX: Update Integrator stop adding updates if wrong architecture

*FIX: SoLoR Updates Home link

*FIX: SoLor Updates did not get filtered

*FIX: Lists did not show groups if a filter was set

*FIX: Rebuild All will no longer damage WIM File if window is close during process

*FIX: If user closed Exporting window then new file was not deleted

*FIX: CAB Installer said Integrating instead of Installing

*FIX: Some updates added to tools was named "neutral"

*FIX: Hotkey (enter) added all items to download queue instead of selected

*FIX: W7T now runs on XP/Vista although still not supported

*FIX: %StartMenu% variable on Addon Maker

*FIX: Tooltips did not display at all!

*FIX: "More Info" link on Solor Updates

*Options has been completely redesigned

*Load Tools Manager on Startup

*Added Logging Tab in Options

*Removed tray icon

*Added Import to WIM Manager

*Display errors on AIO Update Integrator

*W7T now asks if you want to save/discard and leave the wim mounted

*W7T now uses already mounted wim

*Addon Integrator standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete)

*Update Integrator standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete)

*Driver Integrator standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete)

*WIM Tweaker standalone has been removed (AIO made it obsolete)

*Closing a tool will return you to the Tools Manager

*Changed Driver Packs home link

*Tools list has been renamed to Programs

*Renamed Tools to Programs

*WIM Manager shows already mounted

*W7T now writes error log to root folder instead of uploading

*Added more variables to Addon Maker

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %SYSTEMDRIVE% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %SYSTEMROOT% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %USERPROFILE% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %ALLUSERSPROFILE% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %PUBLIC% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %APPDATA% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %LOCALAPPDATA% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %PROGRAMDATA% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %COMMONPROGRAMFILES% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %COMMONPROGRAMFILES(X86)% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %PROGRAMFILES(X86)% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %HOMEDRIVE% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %HOMEPATH% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %PATH% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %USERPROFILE% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %TEMP% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %WINDIR% variable

*W7T Addon Maker now supports %USERS% variable

*Added "Variables" tab to Addon Maker

*Added "Download Addons" to AIO Integrator

*New Updater

*Added Merge to WIM Manager

*Options now save settings when clicking apply

*W7T detects when the mount window is closed

*New Logging (Default and Extensive)

*Change Default Mount Folder

*Blocks setting temp folders as drive root

*Tweak: Switch Capslock and Backspace Keys

*Tweak: Disable Group Policy Synchronise

*Tweak: Enable MSI Service in Safe Mode

*Tweak: Remove Shortcut Prefix

*Tweak: Create Minidumps

*Tweak: Disable Windows Error Reporting

*Tweak: Add Take Ownership to context-menu (Files)

*Tweak: Add Take Ownership to context-menu (Folders)

*Tweak: Open cmd here

*Tweak: Add "Manager" to Desktop context-menu

*Tweak: Add "Services" to Desktop context-menu

*Tweak: Remove Shortcut Arrow

*Tweak: Add "All Tasks" to Desktop context-menu

*Tweak: Add "Defrag" to Desktop context-menu

*Tweak: Remove "Add to WMP list" from context-menu

*Tweak: Remove "Print" from context-menu

*Tweak: Remove "Troubleshooting Compatibility" from context-menu

Edited by Legolash2o

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And you can add support Windows XP Mode true integration. This is my script from my Update.exe. It can help you to add it ;)

REG LOAD HKLM\Slipstream "%WIM%\Windows\System32\Config\Software" >nul

FOR %%f IN ("WindowsXPMode*.exe") DO (echo.
echo Slipstreaming Windows XP Mode...
if not exist "%TEMP%\XPM" mkdir "%TEMP%\XPM" >nul
%%f /X:"%TEMP%\XPM" /Q
msiexec /a "%TEMP%\XPM\sources\xpminstl32.msi" /qn TARGETDIR="%TEMP%\XPM"
xcopy /E /Y "%TEMP%\XPM\Program Files" "%WIM%\Program Files" >nul
RD /S /Q "%TEMP%\XPM" >nul
REG ADD "HKLM\Slipstream\Microsoft\Windows XP Mode" /v InstallDir /d "C:\Program Files\Windows XP Mode\Windows XP Mode base.vhd" /f >nul
REG ADD "HKLM\Slipstream\Microsoft\Windows XP Mode" /v TutorialPath /d "C:\Program Files\Windows XP Mode\Tutorial\VXPTutorial.html" /f >nul

REG UNLOAD HKLM\Slipstream >nul

P.S. You can update your link to XP Mode final :)

And I also recomende integrate this update after slipstreaming XP Mode ;)


Edited by Legolash2o

You can remove components using dism???? whats the command? :P

Yes, you can remove packages ;) But you need to unlock it using win6x_registry_tweak_bin_v1.1

You need to mount install.wim, apply win6x_registry_tweak_bin_v1.1 commit changes. Than mount install.wim again, and you will see all packages, like IE, WMP, Media Center, etc.. ;)

And DISM command:

dism.exe /image:%PATH_TO_IMAGE% /remove-package /packagename:%PACKAGE_NAME%

See attachment, it include win6x_registry_tweak_bin_v1.1 and packages lists ;)



Edited by George King

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Thanks :D I've analysed the program and found out what it changes so W7T will be able to make the modifications without the hack program. Some questions...

Does it remove it from add/remove features?

Does it decrease the image size? (similar to vlite)

You know W7T stores settings in the text file (settings.txt), how would you feel about it storing the settings in the registry or do you prefer it to be more portable? (keeping the settings file)

install_wim_tweak does something to the registry hive to unhide packages that you cant see/remove in the 1st place, packages.xls will help you with what relation to each other all the components have (1.1 is related to 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 etc...2.1 is related to 2.2, 2.3, etc)

Watch part 3 of my video (in my sig, I talk briefly about it you will see what it unhides)

BTW if you want to make the image smaller (I think) after removing the components this will not be done until you export the image (some files remain after removal, exporting the image/s will leave these files behind making your wim smaller)

Thanks :D I've analysed the program and found out what it changes so W7T will be able to make the modifications without the hack program. Some questions...

Does it remove it from add/remove features?

Does it decrease the image size? (similar to vlite)

You know W7T stores settings in the text file (settings.txt), how would you feel about it storing the settings in the registry or do you prefer it to be more portable? (keeping the settings file)

No it does not make installation smaller. It removes package just like disabling it through wim. Nothing else.

Here is exactly what install_wim_tweak does, changes the "Visibility" value in the registry for all packages in <Mount_Folder>\windows\system32\config\software, heres an example:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-WMPNetworkSharingService-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~6.1.7600.16385	Visibility	dword:00000002	<changed to>  dword:00000001

Id basically do that will all the packages in that subkey to allow removal, then hide them again before unmount

  • Author

The post way above says I know what it changes, can you still type in the package name even though it's invisible?

I will have a look at XP Mode thing when I get home from work lol

Rebuild All is already in the latest version, in WIM Manager and the option to run it automatically after AIO Integrations.

You cant remove a package just because you know the name of the package, you will get an error if its still hidden

FYI if I recall, if you remove this for example


It should remove the (same name) xx-XX language package as well


Edit: P.S. if you dont re-hide the packages you will end up with a bunch of junk entries in add/rem programs->installed updates

Find the author or ask on MSFN what exactly does the tool do

------Pre-install registry Tweak Tool------
---------------for Windows 6.x-------------
Processing : \mount
Creating BKP of registry file... OK
Mounting registry file... OK
Enabilng taking ownership... OK
Editing 'Packages' subkeys 257/257 OK
Editing 'PackagesPending' subkeys 257/257OK
Modyfing registry completed sucessfully.
Unmounting key... OK
Removing BKP file... OK

Lego are you going to add the tool to your program or you going to make one of your own?

If so how do I get permission to edit that part of the registry?

I notice the tool does not reset the permissions, what does it take ownership of?

Will you re-hide the entries, it sucks having all those entries in installed updates

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1. Lego are you going to add the tool to your program or you going to make one of your own?

2. If so how do I get permission to edit that part of the registry?

3. I notice the tool does not reset the permissions, what does it take ownership of?

4. Will you re-hide the entries, it sucks having all those entries in installed updates

1. Not sure, probably. If not i would have to ask the creators permission to include it :P

2. What do you mean, the program would auto change permissions

3. I will find out but i think i have some idea.

4. It will re-hide the entries and... change the permissions back

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