August 8, 201113 yr Author 1. Please You Could Also Give, System Requirements, Runing OS And More!!!2. I tried to integrate updates into WINDOWS 7 X64 And WINDOWS 7 X86, I GOT MUST BE RUNING X64 OSwhich you did not talk about.Am runing WINDOWS 7 X86, So does this mean it work only in runing x64bit os?3. Please forgive me about this post if you did talk or gave runing os requirements i wasted enough DVD's Already using (RT 7 LITE) to integrate drivers. it did alright but too much (Not digitally signed) error's when installing windows. i hope win 7 toolkit does't give error about unsigned drivers?!!!.4. A question, how does it work on vista or xp? (to intergrate updates into vista/xp dvd or to just use win 7 toolkit to integrate updates etc into windows 7 dvd)5. Some update's can't be integrated into dvd. update's like >Windows6.1-KB943790-x64 could be nice to make a program that can make it integratable. what do you think?6. Please any link where i can download MW Malicious Software Removal Tool (KB890830), ActiveX control ,LegitCheckControl and integrate to my dvd? i have the windows-kb890830 but i don't no how to make it ok, please don't write in bold and multiple colours. I'll try to answer this one as best i can...1. I don't know the system requirements i.e. processor speed, RAM, space, etc.. I haven't really taken the time to check. You just need .NET Framework 2.02. I'm actually going to check this, it may work as i haven't tried integrating an x64 update when using x86 windows, i'm expecting it not work though for obvious reasons which Kels said.3. As i said i don't know the exact system requirements like process speed, memory, HDD space for W7T. Why burn DVDs? Why not use VirtualBox, VMWare, etc... to save your discs.4. I've done some testing in VirtualBox and it seems to work fine in XP/Vista, they may be some issues which nobody has reported. When integrating into Vista/XP that's a different story. It should integrate stuff into Vista fine, i haven't used Vista in a long long time. It won't work with XP discs at all.5. I'm sure myself how to integrate those updates (the ones to integrate into the DVD).6. I recommend you use google, to integrate those just use the Silent Installer, but it will help if you found out the syntax they need to install silently i.e. /s /q/ silent, etc...this can be found by running setup.exe /? of your desired program.
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