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Can be done without issues via autounnatend.xml.

Example from my x86 install disc (method applies to x64 also), Key component is "FolderLocations".


Basically it has do be done before users are creted, to avoid issues.

<settings pass="oobeSystem">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="NonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<LocalAccount wcm:action="add">
<LocalAccount wcm:action="add">

Has a small caveat though... legacy or applications that have hardcoded paths (I have none fortunately), will create duplicate folders to "old" default locations and will use them. Basically cosmetic issue...

Edited by HapuKurk

Can be done without issues via autounnatend.xml.

Has a small caveat though... legacy or applications that have hardcoded paths (I have none fortunately), will create duplicate folders to "old" default locations and will use them. Basically cosmetic issue...

Sweet, it will help me move folders off my SSD OS drive!

I'm sure you don't need this information, but for my & perhaps others' reference (still trying to learn Win7 from my OK WinXP knowledge) here are some good info about ProgramData (like XP's Application Data":


If a 32-bit program wants to store information of any kind in C:\Program Files, Windows 7 automatically stores in

Users\[userID]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\[obviousDirectoryName, e.g. Corel]. In this example, if you had multiple Corel programs, you’d find multiple sub-directories under the Corel sub-directory. In order to do a clean install, we’d have to delete, or at least rename, the sub-directories with the program’s data.

A 64-bit Windows 7-aware program stores its data as a sub-directory under C:\ProgramData (note, there’s no space in this directory name...


Perfect short "Move the Users and Program Files Directories To A Different Partition" tutorial.

How to find ProgramData location in a program: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/131666/vista-and-programdata

  • Author

I'm sure you don't need this information, but for my & perhaps others' reference (still trying to learn Win7 from my OK WinXP knowledge) here are some good info about ProgramData (like XP's Application Data":



Perfect short "Move the Users and Program Files Directories To A Different Partition" tutorial.

How to find ProgramData location in a program: http://stackoverflow...and-programdata

It Doesnt apply, if you do it before Users are created. ;)

So the safest way would be via unnatended.xml and before OOBE.

  • Author

You guys seems to be forgetting the tweak in AIO 'Change Users Folder Location' which essentially does the same thing.

Yes, but that leaves "programData" to old location ;)

Also its easier to modify unattended.xml on ISO afterwards, if you decide to change location again, than always recompile everything from scratch.

Basically, its your decision Lego...

I can always add those lines manually afterwards to xml, as I do for now...

Edited by HapuKurk

You guys seems to be forgetting the tweak in AIO 'Change Users Folder Location' which essentially does the same thing.
Yes, but that leaves "programData" to old location ;)
As I posted above (though I have not tested myself) "ProgramData" is the "Users" folder for 64bit apps.

But thanks to HapuKurk there is a workaround for me, so either way.

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