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Make tweaks & file additions/removal UI user-configerable by text file

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Seems we can keep Legolash2o busy forever by requesting new registery tweaks & file deletions forever it seems. I thought there would only be a few extra things to W7Tk, but every week we find more things to add.

So, how about W7Tk be just a shell for an UI (at least for tweaks) that loads a user-editable text file that lists all the tweak options we want available to turn off/on or change? This will allow we "users" to edit the text file to add all the tweaks we want, while the W7Tk will act as a front-end to click those tweaks off & on quickly, & allow fast preference changes? This way, Legolash2o does not have to hardcode all the tweaks, warnings, etc himself, & just focus on the tool overall. This will release workload off of the sole programmer, extends the life of W7Tk, and allows most of we super-users who find all the regerstry entries & insights to make safe additions to the tool with out needing access to the source code. Similar to a .REG file, but loadable into a GUI for final editing.

I hope you can understand the direction I am going with this. It will take a bit of time for the code to read the configuration text file, GUI builder, etc. But there will be long-term time-savings in the end IMHO. Also, this will allow people who have unique situations to add tweaks to W7Tk for themselves, so the other 90% of the population won't be bothered.

Ideas for fields:

registry address(es)

entry type (text/bool/number)

entry options (value, value meaning text)

tweak title

short text description of tweak

long description/warning (to be shown when mouse hovered over, either as pop-up or side-column)

preset value (I believe should be Window's out-of-box default, people should use W7Tk to make their own configurations. This is to prevent accidental over-writing of defaults.)

I am fine to have a reduced feature set; eg instead of W7Tk creating off/on checkboxes for bool entries, just have a text field & I have to know to enter 0 or 1 to off/on.

More of a W7Tk 2.0 suggestion.


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Umm the addons can be built to do almost ALL of that....

Like the removal of the sample media images I built one for that a looooooong time ago.

Oh really? Can you provide a link for that please? I searched "media" in the Addons sub-form & did not find anything.
  • Author

Never shared it but I will rebuild it and send it to you.


I thought that addons=pre-installing new software, not removing software or tweaking the regerstry. Perhaps I took the "ADDon" name to literately? How would I go about building such an addon? A search for "addon guide" brings up nothing :/

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