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Everything est un logiciel gratuit et très léger qui indexe presque instantanément tous les fichiers contenus sur votre PC.
Très pratique lorsque vous recherchez un fichier, vous n'irez plus jamais ouvrir le dossier, vous tapez son nom ou une partie et il apparait.



Vous ne pourrez plus vous en passer !
Astuce: Ctrl+molette souris sur la fenêtre de Everything vous permet de zoomer le texte.

- AddOn inf compatible nLite et RVMi
- Installe Everything en français à T-13
- Démarrage auto de Everything.
- Installable en live (clic droit sur le fichier inf -> installer) (possibilité de maj depuis version précédente)
- Désinstallable

Taille: 599 Ko
MD5: c9ed79db4707968e19ed1eb9b69b27f7
mediafire: Everything_1.3.3.658b fr_inf_AddOn.rar

un extrait de la FAQ:

1.1 What is "Everything"?
"Everything" is an administrative tool that locates files and folders by filename instantly for Windows.
Unlike Windows search "Everything" initially displays every file and folder on your computer (hence the name "Everything").
You type in a search filter to limit what files and folders are displayed.

1.2 How long will it take to index my files?
"Everything" only uses file and folder names and generally takes a few seconds to build it's database.
A fresh install of Windows XP SP2 (about 20,000 files) will take about 1 second to index.
1,000,000 files will take about 1 minute.

1.3 Does Everything search file contents?
No, "Everything" does not search file contents, only file and folder names.

1.4 Does "Everything" hog my system resources?
No, "Everything" uses very little system resources.
A fresh install of Windows XP SP2 (about 20,000 files) will use about 3-5mb of ram and less than 1mb of disk space.
1,000,000 files will use about 45mb of ram and 5mb of disk space.

1.5 Does "Everything" monitor file system changes?
Yes, "Everything" does monitor file system changes.
Your search windows will reflect changes made to the file system.

1.6 Is "Everything" free?
Yes, "Everything" is Freeware.

1.7 Does "Everything" miss changes made to the file system if it is not running?
No, "Everything" can be closed and restarted without missing changes made to the file system (even across system restarts).
"Everything" updates the database when it is started.

1.8 What are the system requirements for "Everything"?
"Everything" will run on Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7 and 8.
"Everything" will only locate files and folders on local NTFS volumes.
"Everything" requires administrative privileges for low level read access to volumes.

  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...
  • Author




Saturday, 4 May 2013: Version
    fixed an issue with creating threads
    fixed an issue when sorting files with invalid sizes
    fixed an issue with file lists duplicates
    fixed an issue with the everything filter
    moved etp/ftp/http servers to options

Thursday, 18 April 2013: Version
    fixed a crash when reading extended file info
    fixed an issue with sending http files.

Saturday, 13 April 2013: Version
    fixed a crash when the index contains duplicated folders
Thursday, 11 April 2013: Version
    fixed a crash when sorting
Thursday, 11 April 2013: Version
    added ETP/FTP server
    added HTTP server
    added always ontop option
    fixed a crash when renaming a file or folder
    reset keyboard shortcuts
Wednesday, 20 February 2013: Version
    added %APPDATA% option
    added Everything service option
    added search history option
    added the option to cancel locked queries after one second
    added context menu customization
    added tooltips for hidden items
    added option to not compress database
    fixed an issue with right to left text rendering
    fixed an issue parsing literal ops
    fixed an issue expanding filter searches
    fixed an issue parsing macros
    fixed an issue when sorting by size with a selection
    fixed a db event issue
    fixed an issue with wildcard exclude filters
    improved db locking mechanism
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Author


Tuesday, 7th May 2013: Version
fixed an issue with matching whole words
fixed a crash when requesting type information
added client service
fixed a crash when requesting admin privileges
fixed a crash when displaying corrupt icons

  • 1 month later...
  • Author



Wednesday, 26 June 2013: Version

    fixed an issue with monitoring icons and file info cache

    fixed a crash when canceling a sort

    fixed an issue with threads live locking

Monday, 24 June 2013: Version

    fixed an issue when installing the service

    fixed an issue with the IPC and x64

    fixed an issue with search as you type

    fixed an issue with unnecessary db rebuilds

    improved type name sorting


Thursday, 20 June 2013: Version

    fixed an issue with updating icons.

    fixed a crash when sorting folders by size.

    fixed a crash when updating folder indexes with an excluded folder.

    improved sorting


Sunday, 16 June 2013: Version

    added recent changes

    added run history

    added home page

    added x64 build

    fixed a crash when deleting or renaming a folder with a short file name

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