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Finally I have found a "Super Simple Patch"

Finally after long time searching.... now it is possible to make resource hacker display new treeview style (look my original post below...) by applying Hex Patch....

so without wasting time here is it:

00027124 10 ==> 20
000272A8 00 ==> 08

Load Resource Hacker into your favorite hex editor... then go to the given address and change those byte(s)..... from 10 to 20 and 00 to 08.

Hit save..!! (it is always better to make a backup..)

Now replace "SMALLICONS" bitmap resources inside Resource Hacker with higher color pallete... please note the background must remain the same color.... (you can take it from DLL's resources below..)

And... Congratulation now you have a Shiny Resource Hacker.....

Simple isn't it....?? (currently I have only checked with the newest Resource Hacker...)

Dubby 2012.....

====original post here====

Ok.... As you know already that, our favorite tool Reshack or Resource Hacker come with it's original icon (well it's a bitmap actually..)....


I don't really like it (sorry...) So I tried to replace it... but all I got is this weird color....


So what Happen actually....?

It's just our operating system won't allow it....

but it can fixed by patching a (single) system file.. but I know that many people wouldn't want it....

so instead of it, I wrote my own DLL which provide such function in order to make display the icon above displayed properly...

eh wait I also make more simple.... I move the bitmap out from resource hacker and place it in my DLL....

here is result:


Ok.... in order to occupy this icon all you have to do is this 8 simple steps! (I assume that you have resource hacker installed in your system..):

1. Download the DLL below...

2. Grab any hex editor...

3. Copy the reshack.exe onto your desktop...

4. Make a backup of it... (just in case)

5. Open up the resource hacker (reshack.exe) with hex editor

6. Replace the occurrence of




Save it...

7. Replace back to it's original location... (you have made a backup, don't you...?)

8. Done...

Note: the COMCTLRH is the name of my DLL...

if you don't like the icon just reshack it.... the image is located in the COMCTLRH.dll...

Download the dll here:


(only 4 kb..!!)


SHA-1 : 75B59885E8AC789D18984A6C9A59E812CF30E4C7

The image is credit to Luis... thanks to him... he allows me to use his image from his spanish reshack addon in spanish sub-forum...

The screenshot above is taken from windows 7, any version of windows and resource hacker will do...

Enjoy.... :gleam:

Edited by Dubby

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

also see Resource Hacker FX

What does the patcher change:

1.Resource Hacker FX does not create tree nodes for every language.

Usually only one language is used anyway, so it makes it much faster

to navigate through resources.

2.Resource Hacker FX uses the new open and save common dialogs instead

of the old outdated ones. Also, some saving as parameters got

improved: the directory of the current file is initially shown, the

file name gets filled, the extension is automatically added if not specified.

3.If you have a modified file open and you close Resource Hacker FX,

you have a Cancel option when asked whether you would like to save the file.

Also, if you choose to save it, it just gets saved instead of saving as.

4.The HEX viewer shows only the first 10 KB of the binary resource by default

to prevent hanging Resource Hacker FX. I could not really fix it, as it’s the

Rich Edit control’s fault, it’s quite slow with large texts. Well, it’s not

too smart to use Rich Edit to view a HEX dump, but that’s how it works. 10 KB

should be usually enough to understand what the resource is about. If it isn’t,

you can hold shift to load the whole resource.

5.Some more small stuff, like e.g. minimizing/maximizing effects.

edit:source Askvg

yes is now very better

Edited by mona

  • Author

:oops: I completely forgot to post the AskVG link about Resource Hacker FX here .... Thanks a lot Mona...

Yeah It's perfect now.... :prop:

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