Posted August 1, 201113 yr Last night I used Windows 7 Toolkit to mak my custom image, so far these are my suggestions/bug reports/requests:All-in-One Integrator: "Open Elevated CMD Here" tweak shows a very large strings ("Open Window Command Here As Administrator") on the context menu and shows an error saying someting about a "file not found, name of the directory or sintax of the volume label are not correct"More options on the Autounattend.xml file creationISO Maker: could you please put that note as a part of the main box and not a pop up everytime that you clic that option? also theres a small mistake con "i recommend"ISO Maker: would be nice too when you browse for the folder path, remember the last folder used or maybe use the other folder selection window (the one that have the left panel for easy navigation like the one used on the ISO Output function), because the collapse folder window makes more difficult to find the desired pathRequest: Disable Firewall (Domain, Private and Public) :: EnableFirewall, DWORD 0netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state offHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state offHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\DomainProfile netsh advfirewall set publicprofile state offHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\PublicProfileRequest: Disable Action Center from notification areaRequest: More IE TweaksRequest: Remove 'Send Feedback' tweak Keep improving this awesome project Lego :thumbsup: . It's overall a very good piece of software. Edited August 8, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 1, 201113 yr hi! is possible to disable or remove the welcome center? Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 14, 201113 yr Can we add the tweaks in W7 toolkit mentioned in the below topic.Force Windows 7 Media Player to run 64 bit . Below is the Linkhttp://www.wincert.n...-to-run-64-bit/.______________________________________________________________Add Task Manager in Context which is very helpful when system hangsWindows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell]@="none"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Task Manager][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Task Manager\command]@="taskmgr"_________________________________________________________________Add Program and Features in context menu which will help us to uninstall a program without going to control panel which is very annoying.Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell]@="none"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Programs and Features][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Programs and Features\command]@="control appwiz.cpl"___________________________________________________________________Customize Windows Explorer Command Bar in Windows 7 (Credits to Vishal Gupta from :- First we have to take the permission on the belowHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderTypes\{5c4f28b5-f869-4e84-8e60-f11db97c5cc7}Then we can apply the below registry[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderTypes\{5c4f28b5-f869-4e84-8e60-f11db97c5cc7}\TasksItemsSelected]@="Windows.Cut; Windows.Copy; Windows.Delete; Windows.rename;; Windows.closewindow"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderTypes\{5c4f28b5-f869-4e84-8e60-f11db97c5cc7}\TasksNoItemsSelected]@="Windows.selectall; Windows.Paste; Windows.undo; Windows.redo; Windows.menubar; Windows.previewpane; Windows.readingpane; Windows.navpane; Windows.closewindow"For more information you can use this link USB Storage Devices Performance in Windows 7[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\usbstor\VVVVPPPP]"MaximumTransferLength"=dword:001fffe0___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I would love to be in W7toolkit,I will add some more tweaks if you agree to add in W7Toolkit which will be helpful to make our os more powerful. Edited August 14, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 14, 201113 yr All in one tool should have the custom registy tweaks option where we can show the folder where all reg files are there and it will merge all the registries and will install during installation Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 16, 201113 yr I think this can be added in W7 Toolkit as in Windows 7 Automatically Expand to Current Folder option is disabledBelow registry will enable it, and now if you go to any folder in navigation pane it will automatically expand to current folderWindows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced]"NavPaneExpandToCurrentFolder"=dword:00000001 Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 17, 201113 yr Hi, @Legolash2oCan you add these important tweaks in next version?PS: These tweaks all in one in free "Ultimate Windows Tweaker" program IE tweaks:- Disable IE crash detection feature- Enable software rendering instead of GPU renderingAdditional tweaks:- Disable compression in NTFS file system Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 19, 201113 yr http://www.7tutorial...s-startup-soundI can't find the registery key for it on the net, but I don't see the need to have it on. If that startup sound can be deleted, I'd be happier, but just off is great.TIA[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\BootAnimation]"DisableStartupSound"=dword:000000001 = Disabled (No Startup sound)0 = Enabled Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 19, 201113 yr I always wanted to auto-delete all the favorites when I install a new browser.There are a few bookmarks I'd like to import also, but I usually want to start fresh, & just refer to my exported backup. For the 10 sites I visit very often, I make a home.html page with the links I want, & set the browers' homepage to that.
August 19, 201113 yr As part of my "Installing Win7 on my small SSD" project, I ran across a few more tweaks. If they can be added to Win7Tk, that would be great. Or else I'll just make a reg script I tried looking for all your tweaks listed, but there seems to not be a central location.Disable Last Access Filestamphttp://windows7theme...-windows-7.htmlinfo:http://msdn.microsof...v=vs.85%29.aspxGood:Speeds up disk writing, saves my SSD's life, etcBad:Negates the ability to search by last access date. I rarely do this, but I do do it. If "folder synchronizer" software need this, then I'd be out of luck. I assume that OS's "Disk Cleanup/Compress Old Files" depend on this. Most of the time, epically when I hunt for my programming & audio files, I only look at creation date.Best:Turn off for some partions, on for others. I am not sure if this is possible; don't lose time hunting for it.Other SSD recommended tweaks:I think you have a few already implemented, but I listed them for completeness:http://blog.vmpros.n...lity-60-gb-ssd/Disable IndexingDisable Defragmentation scheduleMSCONFIG, boot timeout = 2System Properties:Adjust for best performanceAllocate your memory for “Programs”No pagefile (I'll likely turn it on at another drive & tune it via testing, but off on install not to thrash my SSD is awesome)Turn off “System Restore”[*]Stop and Disable Windows services: Windows Search, Disk Defragmenter, Superfetch, Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), Themes[*]Register settings list in the link above, though I do not care about: ClearPageFileAtShutdown, WaitToKillServiceTimeout[*]Disable hibernationThanks for your time & consideration! Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 19, 201113 yr Other SSD recommended tweaks:I think you have a few already implemented, but I listed them for completeness:1. http://blog.vmpros.n...lity-60-gb-ssd/2. Disable Indexing3. Disable Defragmentation schedule4 .MSCONFIG, boot timeout = 25System Properties:Adjust for best performanceAllocate your memory for “Programs”No pagefile (I'll likely turn it on at another drive & tune it via testing, but off on install not to thrash my SSD is awesome)Turn off “System Restore”[*]6. Stop and Disable Windows services: Windows Search, Disk Defragmenter, Superfetch, Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), Themes[*]7. Register settings list in the link above, though I do not care about: ClearPageFileAtShutdown, WaitToKillServiceTimeout[*]8. Disable hibernationThanks for your time & consideration!1. Added a few from the link2. That's a service be done via the Services Tab3. I think that's also a service4. I don't think that possible for me to go.5. I also don't think it's possible to disable pagefile via registry (Done). System Restore is a service...6. All Services....7. Done a few.8. Already availableEDIT: Nothing more that i can do with this thread, i've added everything i can. Closing...*Tweak: Disable startup Sound*Tweak: Optimize Large Second Level Cache*Tweak: Increase File System Memory Cache Size*Tweak: Enable MAC File Sharing*Tweak: Show Drive Letters First*Tweak: Disable NTFS Encryption*Tweak: Disable Bandwidth Limit*Tweak: Don’t allow Windows 7 to turn off devices*Tweak: Disable IPv6*Tweak: Adjust Visual Styles*Tweak: Processor Scheduling*Tweak: Disable Pagefile Edited August 19, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 19, 201113 yr Hi,I haven't seen this in, maybe I am sightless1.;Disable default shares for server and workstation[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters]"AutoShareWks"=dword:00000000"AutoShareServer"=dword:000000002.; Set Control Panel on Classic View and small icons[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ControlPanel]"AllItemsIconView"=dword:00000001"StartupPage"=dword:000000013. Disable Teredo[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\TCPIP6\Parameters]"DisabledComponents"=dword:00000008thanks Edited August 19, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 21, 201113 yr It could be very nice of you to add tv shortcut to desktopOkey windows media center helps but not like the original tv shortcut media center required things like, PlayReadyPC , Country Code, download some files frominternet, on top of all this it has limit for some country's. this will be soo good to have on the desktop after installation. Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 29, 201113 yr Often to save electricity, heat, etc, newer CPUs will put extra not-often used cores to sleep, or "park" them. This is fine if you are just going to web-browse, but if you are going to tax the CPU off & on, like in audio & graphics editing, gaming, running a server that has alot of data crunching... you might not want those core(s) to be parked at all, taking time to un-park when the other core(s) are full. Some feel running all cores all the time will help prevent the issues with an overloaded core; for DAWs this will be audio drop outs = very bad! Others fell this helps occasional "microstutters" & sluggishness when quickly taxing the CPU.Here is how to keep the cores from falling asleep.http://forum.cakewal....aspx?m=1861804- Go to Regedit- Find this key:- " 0cc5b647-c1df-4637-891a-dec35c318583 "- value called: "ValueMax "- This value represents the % number of cores the system will park - the default 100% ie: all Cores are potentially park-able- Change the value from 64 to 0 so the "ValueMin" and "ValueMax" are both zero- You will have to find the key a few times and repeat the process for each time it is found - the number of instances will depend on the number of power profiles in your system [ in my DAW it was only found twice ]- Do a full shutdown and power-off and cold-re-start"It only applies to Windows 7 X64 and X32 and only in systems using more than 2 physical CPU's and/or more than 2 "logical" cores - ie: Core i7 DAW's. " cheers Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 30, 201113 yr Often listed as a way to “increase the file system memory cache size”.Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystemChange the following value from 0 to 2: NtfsMemoryUsage=2 Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 30, 201113 yr Some tweaks to get the taskbar more xp like:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\TaskbarSmallIcons --> 1 for smallHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\TaskbarGlomLevel --> 00000002 for never combineThere are some more settings there to :albert:Thanks for the hard work!!!!!! Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
August 31, 201113 yr 1. Cosmetic bug - if I add multiple installers at once, they're not preserving their file names, as you can see here (the given names are from the metadata of the programs used to make silent installers).Maybe you should consider a different option/button to add multiple installers - you decide. 2. A working tweak (if there is one) for ,,Remove the action Center". Tested the current one on a live system - does nothing;3. A working tweak for ,,Disable Drive Autorun". Tested the current one on a live system - does nothing;4. A working tweak for ,,Add OpenCMD Here option to context menu". Tested the current one on a live system - although the option is present in the context menu, it doesn't start cmd (it's just for show)Maybe this will help - please test it[/s][s][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\runas][/s][s]@="Open Command Prompt Here"[/s][s]"HasLuaShield"=""[/s][s]"NoWorkingDirectory"=""[/s][s]"Icon"="cmd.exe"[/s][s][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\runas\command][/s][s]@="cmd.exe /s /k pushd \"%V\""[/s][s]5. The startup tweak ,,Disable Welcome Center" is vista only - maybe it's best you delete it. Windows 7 comes without such a nasty feature turned on. 6. The system tweak ,,Disable Bandwidth Limit" has no description. Please add a warning (aside your wanted description) like: ,,It may make windows update alot slower and even make some utilities that depend on QoS unstable"7. The system tweak ,,Disable CPU Parking" - maybe you should add to the description that it's an Intel CPU only tweak and it's not recommended for mobile computers;8. The system tweak ,,Enable Large system cache" has no description. Please add a warning (aside your wanted description) like: ,,Not recommended for speedy SSDs. Windows Experiece Index disables this feature if such a SSD is detected".More info - here. There are some weird folks out there who recommend just the opposite, to enable back such a win7 feature on a SSD, to protect it by limiting the writes made on the SSD. Probably they have plastic covers on their sofas also. 9. The system tweak ,,Increase file system memory cache size" - is BOGUS and maybe it's best you delete it. Or at least write a warning in the description that it's a controversed tweak, that may bring no performance improvements. More info here.the NtfsMemoryUsage registry value is only referenced in fsutil.exe. It is not referenced in any other system binary within Windows 7, meaning the value is purely there for compatibility reasons (otherwise does nothing). Increases in performance are purely imagined.” Rafael Rivera10. The system tweak ,,Optimize Large Second Level Cache" has no description, so I dunno what it does. Please post its content. If it only declares a value for the Second Level Cache of the CPU, it's dangerous for systems that have CPUs with lower second level cache.11. The system tweak ,,Seting the processor scheduling to programs/background services" - please add to the description that if changing the normal value from balanced to programs may have disastrous results for the performance and outputs of file servers and audio editing applications. Edited September 1, 201113 yr by Legolash2o
September 25, 201113 yr Maybe you'll have time to implement some of these in the near future (hopefully build 48) ... some great tweaks above (those that don't duplicate already implemented tweaks)... Edited September 25, 201113 yr by RicaNeaga
September 25, 201113 yr I myself see no need for the "tweaks" section in the future. Just using a registration file to implement all of these tweaks would still allow every person to "customize" there install without worrying about adding new tweaks or fixing the ones already implemented. Although the flip side to that is I would have to determine what the registry settings were for all of the tweaks already put into the program.
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