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Hi Rick,

Just tried your .Net 4 package, that's a job well done. I have one request, if possible could you please use the 7z SFX module that supports all decompression methods?

I've combined your .Net 4 with the Spanish LP, and it would allow me to squeeze it a little bit more.


I am just curious--you seem knowledgeable about using the modules--so why don't you just repack it using the module you want?

(BTW, using the "All" module will mean losing the advanced dialog support.)

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Hi Rick,

Just tried your .Net 4 package, that's a job well done. I have one request, if possible could you please use the 7z SFX module that supports all decompression methods?

I've combined your .Net 4 with the Spanish LP, and it would allow me to squeeze it a little bit more.


The 7zsd.sfx in dotNET4sfxNoGUI supports all


IDK where you could get a GUI sfx with lzma2 support

I am just curious--you seem knowledgeable about using the modules--so why don't you just repack it using the module you want?

(BTW, using the "All" module will mean losing the advanced dialog support.)

Yep, I was hoping to keep the GUI but reading Rick's reply here it seems that it isn't possible.

So I'll just repack it with the "all" module and skip the nice interface.


Rick tengo unas dudas con respecto a este pack, quiero hacerlo yo mismo integrando las actualizaciones,

1) Bajo tu instalador "dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64_SlimSetup" o bajo el Slim de SoLoR?

2) Una vez descargado el archivo, bajo todas las actualizaciones de SoLoR (Donde consigo las "LP", no estan en la página)

3) ¿Integro al instalador que baje en el punto (1) las actualizaciones que baje en el punto (2) mediante msiexec /a " & <.msi> & " /p " & <.msp>?

4) Después de eso comprimo lo que quedo con 7zip?

5) y despues?

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1) No uses ese paquete esta viejo y le hace falta el nuevo WUFix v3.1 y Stub v1.2 para silenciar a Windows Update

2) Las actualizaciones de SoLoR no son todas, use mi "hotfix list" y/o "changelog" en la primera pagina para tener todo. Los LP tambi

Muchas gracias rick, a lo mejor tendrias que poner esta explicacion en el post principal, para cualquier novato que venga y quiera hacer lo mismo. Otra cosa. Ya vi toda la pagina principal, pero no encuentro un link donde descargar las actualizaciones. Las tengo que bajar por separado? Gracias!

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Acabo de checkear y la lista de actualizaciones de SoLoR esta completa

P.D. Y al parecer el paquete Slim con los MSI ha sido actualizado y el MST aplicado, solo tienes que agregarle los MSP Stub

Thanks for the update and just noticed that you now include the KBs that have been added/removed...

Off topic:

Is there a AIO Silent Visual C Runtime that I can use with W7 Toolkit?

Correcto, depende de si instalas el x86/x64 y la velocidad de tu PC

Suba tu paquete te la reviso

Puedes agregar /fm1 para que aparezca el dialogo de "instalacion completa"

Estoy usando tu paquete, no se que version se instala, si es automatico, seria la x64, con respecto al PC tengo un phenom x4 con 4gb de ram.

Con el comando "/ain" lo intente instalar antes del primer incio de windows mediante $OEM$, tardo como 30 min o mas (siempre en maquina virtual) desp para probar lo instale comunmente y sin apretar SHIFT (ahi dice que si apretas el shift se instala solo una version que no recuerdo si es la extenden o client) y bueno no tardo mas de 15 min. Como mucho.

In .Net Framework 4.0 (Client + Extended packages) installed systems there were connection problems to the network in the first start or restart. It seems to me that the same problems still continue in this installers.

Anyone who has a suggestion to solve this problem? Why are there problems for connecting to the network? :g:

Edited by oguz

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In .Net Framework 4.0 (Client + Extended packages) installed systems there were connection problems to the network in the first start or restart. It seems to me that the same problems still continue in this installers.

Anyone who has a suggestion to solve this problem? Why are there problems for connecting to the network? :g:

Thats what /ain switch is for

/ain - Quiet mode, no user input required or output shown. *Full* Client and Extended packages are installed and 'ngen executequeueditems' is also run. (Fixes slow XP boot, may take considerably *longer*)

Thanks for the fast reply. Do I need to install another file except -ain switch? Another question: is your package compatible with win7, x86 or x64? Or is this only for XP?

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The only thing different the /ain switch does is it executes this (you can do a regular install and execute it manually afterwards)

%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent

And you ask is there anything else you need to install, Id guess since you are from Turkey you would want ot install the Slim TR language pack (optional instructions on how to repack and dl link all on 1st post)

Rick una pregunta. De que manera tengo que instalar los ".msi" (netfx_core_x64.msi, por ejemplo)? Yo veo que en el "confi.txt" hay lineas como esta

x64:netfx_core_x64.msi /update \"%%T\\KB2468871-v2-x64.msp\" /qn"

Me entra la duda, ahi solo se instala "KB2468871-v2-x64.msp", o se instala todo + KB2468871-v2-x64.msp. Gracias!

Edited by Balbis

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Instala los dos al mismo tiempo (ahorra tiempo)

netfx_core_x64.msi /update "<ruta_a_msp>\KB2468871-v2-x64.msp" /qn

Si quieres puedes insalarlo al final (despues de client y/o extended)

netfx_core_x64.msi /qn
netfx_extended_x64.msi /qn
KB2468871-v2-x64.msp /qn

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