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The first topic got full and started to get confusing, so here is a fresh topic which is nice a clean.


Hey guys, i'm coming up to the end of this build cycle before i start v1.4.0, what i need now to make it 'perfect' is for you guys to tell me the little things which could be better! This is NOT for features requests they go in the requests forums, it is also NOT for bugs as they need there own thread.

Some examples:

  • Spelling Mistakes
  • Incorrect Grammer
  • Something just doesn't look right
  • Tweaks that do not work

Just anything which does not seem right, could be done better or look a bit better. Get posting guys!!

P.S. I won't think about starting v1.4.0 until there is a couple of things in here :P


Edited by Legolash2o

In AIO Tool > Files I cannot add two different files into different folders with the same name. This can be necessary on the x64 version of Windows because of separate x64 & x86 folders (Program Files, SysWOW64).

Edit: for example, I have x64 & x86 versions of ExplorerFrame.dll, which I want to place to System32 & SysWOW64, respectively.

Edited by Legolash2o

In AIO Tool > themes pack I add 4 themes but they does not integrated :sad02:

Experienced very same behaviour...

In AIO Tool > themes pack I add 4 themes but they does not integrated :sad02:

Experienced very same behaviour...

to both of u, do u use the same image name, an example "Windows 7 Ultimate" even the image had different arch (x86 or x64)?

added: @lego: I found out, "HKCU" in registry tweak doesn't exported properly into build admin account, if u didn't use that, it will ok (all registry setting exported into ur local account), but if u use autologon with admin (usually if we want to grant permission) in installing aplication in audit, I can see it doesn't work well.

Edited by ar_seven_am

I only use one Image name and one archidecture x64, I never use administrator autologon.

And sa far as I know, it worked fine 2-3 versions back...

to both of u, do u use the same image name, an example "Windows 7 Ultimate" even the image had different arch (x86 or x64)?

added: @lego: I found out, "HKCU" in registry tweak doesn't exported properly into build admin account, if u didn't use that, it will ok (all registry setting exported into ur local account), but if u use autologon with admin (usually if we want to grant permission) in installing aplication in audit, I can see it doesn't work well.

i am using windows 7 home premium sp1 x64 only..

i do not have this problem in older versions <_< :notworking:

Right Etz?

Edited by abuodwan007

W7Toolkit v1.3.0.83

Opening screen - Welcome to Windows 7 Toolkit -

Windows 7 Toolkit is a tool which let's - ERROR - should be lets, apostrophe unnecessary.

Same paragraph - 'All-In-One Tool'tool - remove second tool

Foreign Characters

Some... non-english - correct - to non-English

Self-captured Images

If you... issues integrated updates. Correct to read ... issues integrating updates.

Edited by Legolash2o

1. In the description of the system tweak Improve USB Storage Devices Performance - quote: KB2581464 is needed for this to work. This update however is long gone from SoLoR's update pack, since it was superseded. So a better enunciation would be smth like Make sure you slipstream latest SoLoR's updates for this to work.

2. USB Boot Prep leaves behind a .txt document called T (qouted below) on the drive C: after running Full Format NTFS. Maybe that txt file can be deleted by default with W7T.

Select Disk 1









3. Once again I bring to your attention how nlite handles presets - see here - maybe you'll consider something similar for W7T in the AIO presets, for example a check box for all the subcategories (see here - check boxes also for Addons, Components, Services etc), so from a preset file we can choose only a section that uinterests us at a specific moment.

If no 3 is not a liitle thing, then I'll make a request for it in the appropriate section of the forum :)

Edited by Legolash2o

Perhaps add a notice to component 'Music and Video Samples', that removing it will break Windows Experience Index?


Edited by Legolash2o

  • Author

@Everyone, it seems like people are posting bugs in here, they need their own thread.

1. In the description of the system tweak Improve USB Storage Devices Performance - quote: KB2581464 is needed for this to work. This update however is long gone from SoLoR's update pack, since it was superseded. So a better enunciation would be smth like Make sure you slipstream latest SoLoR's updates for this to work.

Which update was it superseeded by?

3. Once again I bring to your attention how nlite handles presets - see here - maybe you'll consider something similar for W7T in the AIO presets, for example a check box for all the subcategories (see here - check boxes also for Addons, Components, Services etc), so from a preset file we can choose only a section that uinterests us at a specific moment.

If no 3 is not a litle thing, then I'll make a request for it in the appropriate section of the forum :)

Yeah seems like a feature request and needs to go in the request forum.

KB2581464 was superseded (for the moment) by KB2496290 (v2). But next week maybe we'll say that another KB superseded both of them, so KB2496290 cannot be used in the description. :)

Instead of saying you need the latest SoLoR pack, though that is the best advice, you could narrow it down a little with "Make sure you slipstream latest SoLoR's updates dealing with ...... for this to work.", assuming you could adequately describe the category of the updates that effect this behavior. But then if that update is superseded by a SP or some other kind of rollup later then that wouldn't help much either. Sticking with the generic description is "safer", but is overkill.

Cheers and Regards

  • 2 weeks later...

I think i'll just leave it, Windows 7 SP2 should be out soon...

Although I would love to see SP2, I don't think it was even announced yet. Or what makes you so sure it is coming soon?

Tweaks that do not work!

Dont know if it´s just me but i never got the disable pagefile tweak to actually disable the pagefile. It stays at windows default whether i apply the tweak or not.

Just remebered the increase taskbar thumbnail size didn´t work either.

Edited by Legolash2o

I just downloaded and ran v91. All of a sudden I see some lining at every button or tab in the main form, which disappears when I hoover the mouse over the button or tab. This has probably something to do with the recent Aero fix?

Regards, Eric666


Sure, no hurry, just thought I should mention it.

Edit: and disabling Aero in v92 Options works fine.

Edited by Eric666

After browsing isomaker-folder, let isooutput-browse remember upper folder if possible.

Ususally we want to create iso near the dvd folder, not in it.

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