Posted January 17, 201213 yr Download and more Information: http://www.wincert.n...dows-7-toolkit/If you have a problem, bug, glitch, spelling mistakes, etc... then please make a new topic Release Candidate has been released because it's getting nearer to v1.3.0.100 and i feel it's safe enough to release as RC.^FIX: *.theme files now integrates it's folder if detectedself-explanatory.^FIX: W7T will now detect SWM filesSome naughty people have been renaming their .swm files into .wim files to try and edit this, W7T now detects this. tut tut^WIM Manager tooltips will now show wim locationIf you put your mouse over the 'Image Name' it will show the wim location.^SWM Merge Tool has been added to merge *.swm filesBecause i've banned use of SWM files i decided to make a tool which let's you merge them back into a .wimP.S. The download link contains more info about the program itself. Edited January 17, 201213 yr by Legolash2o
January 18, 201213 yr Author @Kels and Nice_GuyIn case you are wondering where you posts went i moved them to this thread.
January 18, 201213 yr Author v1.3.0.94RC is coming along nicely, for those who are interested here is the full change log.....nearly build v100 so can't do anymore requests. At v100 i will release the "final" and update all of the screenshots and guides *^Set Product key has been added to WIM Manager*^Unattended option has been removed from All-In-One tool*^New Unattended method for WIM Manager*^WIM Manager now shows Make ISO & Rebuild by default*^WIM Manager let's you switch from Tool <> WIM Manager and visa-versa.*^FIX: *.theme files now integrates it's folder if detected*^FIX: W7T will now detect SWM files*^WIM Manager tooltips will now show wim location*^SWM Merge Tool has been added to merge *.swm files*^FIX: .theme was integrated as .theme.theme extension*^Added warning when wanting to set .theme as default theme.*^FIX: Some All-In-One buttons remained visible/enabled after pressing start*^FIX: All-In-One hanged after finishing*^FIX: All-In-One could not load/save last session properly*^FIX: WIM Manager now unloads mounted hives when checking for mounted images*^All-In-One Tool no longer switches tabs depending on what task it is doing*^Options to disable main screen aero glass*^You can now integrate .theme files*^TWEAK:Disable Recycle Bin*^TWEAK:Hide Recycle Bin*^TWEAK:Disable Enhanced Pointer Precision*^TWEAK:IE-Reset Text Size(New Tabs)*^TWEAK:IE-Disable Accelerator*^TWEAK:IE-Enable Third Party Components*^TWEAK:IE-Remove Bing Search Provider*^TWEAK:IE-Set Google as Search Provider*^TWEAK:IE-Disable Default Browser Check*^TWEAK:IE-Disable First Run Customize*^TWEAK:IE-Clear History on Exit*^TWEAK:IE-Enable Suggested Sites*^TWEAK:IE-Reset Zoom Level (New Tabs)*^TWEAK:IE-Enable 'Caret' Browsing*^TWEAK:IE-Remove Links Bar*^TWEAK:IE-Remove 'Favourites' Menu from IE*^TWEAK:IE-Enable Saving Encrypted Pages to Disk*^FIX:Registry Hive Mounter did not mount hives before importing*^FIX:Tooltips on Tools Manager did not show if 'Downloads' Tab was hidden*^FIX:Tools Manager did not show glass effect*^Option to force AIO drivers as x86/x64/Mix by a blank text file in driver folder.*^Made a few modifications to the sort bar in All-In-One Tool*^Made a few modifications to the Registry Hive Mounter*^SoLoR Updates tool has been enhanced*^W7T now uses newer folder browser dialog*^W7T now automatically sorts SoLoR updates*^W7T will now change tab in AIO depending on what's being worked on*^All-In-One Tool will now reset all lists after completion*^All-In-One Tool now gives the option to download KB2581464 for USB Tweak*^Added option to set default theme in All-In-One Tool*^FIX: Issue loading Wim_Default*^FIX: Updates-bf.mum where not installed*^Progress add for presets in All-In-One Tool*^You can now double click updates in All-In-One Tool to show support website*^FIX: W7T was no longer prompting for admin access*^FIX: Hopefully fixed issue if importing registry files*^FIX: Some issues unmounting images*^FIX: Hopefully fixed an issue unmounting image with Registry Hive Mounter*^FIX: Issue with Language Pack Converter*^FIX: Issue with rebuilding on CDs and DVDs*^FIX: A few issues with EXE to MSP Converter*^FIX: Could not sort columns in certain cases*^FIX: A few issues with AIO*^FIX: An issue fixing renaming images*^W7T now uses wimgapi to rename images and keeps displayname and displaydescription*^W7T now has reverted back to <Name> and <Description> instead of the display ones*^WIM Splitter you would if you tried to rebuild and image located on CDROM*^FIX: AIO tool did not let you add 'Files' if they had the same name*^Saving AIO Logs now uses 'yyyy-MM-dd' date format*^FIX: Error adding drivers*^FIX: Another fix for theme packs*^Better log reporting for copying/moving files*^Removed message when adding drivers*^W7T won't let you select the system drive when trying to capture an image.*^Capture image shows more details about errors*^FIX: Silly typo causing themepacks not to install*^CAB Installer now accepts MSU files*^CAB Installer renamed to Update Installer*^FIX: 'Change Logon Background' tweak fixed correctly*^FIX: Issue from previous release (AIO Disk Creator)*^New method to integrate drivers for foreign characters*^Option to prevent Windows going to sleep whilst W7T is running*^FIX: Integration of Theme Packs with foreign characters in path*^FIX: Closing Component Removal at startup caused errors*^DisplayName and DisplayDescription will now be used when getting image info*^W7T will set Name and Description to DisplayName and DisplayDescription if available*^Added right click to component list in AIO tool*^Option to shutdown PC on AIO and CAB Installer*^FIX: File in use error when integrating unattended via AIO*^FIX: WIM Manager will now mark image as 'corrupt' if imagex is closed during mount*^FIX: Force Windows Media Player x64 tweak*^FIX: Removed 'hi' debug message*^FIX: 'Change Logon Background' tweak*^FIX: Fixed some of the problems reported on the forum.*^FIX: WIM Manager will properly detect if image is corrupt or not*^FIX: WIM Manager will detect if image is still mounting/unmounting*^FIX: Error integrating Autounattend.xml*^FIX: Addon Maker would crash if a folder did not exist*^FIX: Addon Maker would crash if a file did not exist*^FIX: An error occured in WIM Splitter is selected size is larger than wim size*^FIX: An error occured in WIM Splitter if the selected file did not exist*^Improved Addon Maker code*^W7T will not let you chose a corrupt image.*^W7T will not let you chose an image still being mounted/unmounted*^Added 'Send Bug Report' on main menu*^More logs info for when wim does not mount*^Too much has changes to list (multiple fixes)*^FIX: A GUI glitch on Component Remover*^Further 'Little Things' changes*^More logs for why unmounting fails as these are the only logs i am receiving these days.*^Disabled 'USB Prep Tool' on Windows XP as it doesn't work.*^FIX: Tool tab in main menu not hiding when you select it not to.*^FIX: Massive issue when using the File tab in AIO if the folder you want to copy the file to does not exist. It now creates the folders required.*^NEW: Remove 'Speech Support and Natural Langauge'*^FIX: ISO Maker did not save previous folder and ISO*^Introduced many 'Little Things' UI changes, fixes, corrections, etc...*^USB Boot Prep now detects all USB drives and partitions*^USB Boot Prep now works with individual partitions*NEW: W7T now detects dism in 'Program Files\Windows AIK' folder*NEW: Removal of themes*NEW: Black Viper presets for tweaks.*NEW: Silent Installer now supports *.inf files*NEW: Copy files to image via AIO Tool*FIX: Component Removal dependency check*FIX: Hanging/Freezing on 'Almost Done..." in AIO Tool*FIX: Incorrect menu when importing preset*FIX: Theme packs did not load*FIX: AIO file replacement*FIX: Other files do not get copied if integrating KB2533552*FIX: Fixed a graphics glitch on Unattended*FIX: AIO Tool will import reg files properly*FIX: Applying unattended did not copy file to dvd root*FIX: DVD root not detected properly on Component Remover*FIX: Last presets did not load wallpapers properly*FIX: Files not copying properly in AIO*Tweak: Change CMD Text has more options.*Tweak: Show Notepad Statusbar*Tweak: Show IE Statusbar*Tweak: Always shows explorer statusbar*Restart required if wimfltr detected*Autologon options on unattended*Skip Auto-Activation to unattended*Added skip button on startup form (splash)*Added new IE9 MSU links*W7T will add some updates to silent installer if they can't be integrated*Improvements to Addon Maker shortcut creation*AIO file replacement will automatically make a backup*KB2603229 is now also added to silent install watch list*Added check for updates on main window*Made main window smaller*Sidebar in AIO Tool*Sort all items in move items up, down, top or bottom in all AIO lists*Component Remover now shows state, updates and folder sizes*Sort order of AIO by column*Make .bak optional for copying file*Move AIO options descriptions to tooltips*NEW: Tools Manager design*NEW: Component removal is now in All-In-One*NEW: Silent installers can now be added via All-In-One*NEW: Windows 7 Toolkit Guide*NEW: Rebuild option when saving image*NEW: Revamped Language Pack Converter*NEW: Revamped MSP to EXE Converter (Office)*NEW: Unattended features*NEW: SFX Support in All-In-One Tool*NEW: Last_Session.ini will be created with AIO Tool*NEW: Silent Installer RunOnce design*NEW: Update prompt screen*NEW: USB Prep Tool now supports 'Quick' option*NEW: Preset Manager*NEW: Updated imagex files*NEW: Add reg files in tweaks menu*NEW: AIO allows IE9.exe to be integrated*NEW: Massive memory reduction*NEW: AIO Tweak layout*NEW: Improved SoLoR Updates*FIX: Multiple fixes to the RunOnce Installer*FIX: Error importing previous unattended files*FIX: Error applying unattended when adding multiple users*FIX: Object error during Component Removal*FIX: Closing the unmount prompt (cancelling) showed Error Unmounting Image*FIX: Fixed errors when All-In-One could not detect DVD root*FIX: Sometimes an error log was still written even when disabled*FIX: Can't enable/disable features are using Component Remover*FIX: Could not load a windows 8 image*FIX: 'Open CMD Here tweak' fixed*FIX: 'Open Elevated CMD Here' tweak fixed*FIX: 'Take Ownership' tweak fixed*FIX: WIM Manager did not always scan images correctly*FIX: Unattended Creator (hopefully)*FIX: Bug where WIM Manager label was empty*FIX: ISO Maker did not work if label was larger than 12 characters*FIX: W7T hanged at startup*FIX: Theme Packs did not integrate properly*FIX: Changing setup background*FIX: CAB Retriever did not work*FIX: Disable Drivers Autoruns tweak fixed*FIX: Open NFO in notepad tweak fixed*FIX: Disable Language Bar tweak fixed*FIX: Tooltips flickering on Component Removal*FIX: Component Removal showed packages twice*FIX: When closing Options, Tools Manager showed up twice*FIX: Missing buttons on About page*FIX: Taskbar progress bar did not fully disappear*FIX: Wrong format error appeared when adding addons to AIO*FIX: 'Change Setup Background' tweak*FIX: Memory leak involving Tools Manager*FIX: Bug where W7T would run shutdown task multiple times*FIX: Change Logon Background tweak*FIX: Change Ownership tweak*FIX: W7T did not always detect if another W7T is running*FIX: Addons did not integrate if foreign character was in the filepath*FIX: Unattended Creator did not show current serial as requested*FIX: USB Boot Prep should now detect all drives*FIX: AIO Tool crashed due to a progress bar error*FIX: W7T won't let you mount an image in your DVD folder.*FIX: CAB Installer will not let you close it whilst adding cab files*FIX: Fixed registry editing so tweaks should now work*FIX: WIM Manager will show which edition image is locked to in green*FIX: SoLoR tool Office links did not work*FIX: CAB Retriever did not work if directory did not exist.*FIX: Unmount prompt now appears in front as main window*FIX: Missing folder bug during 'Preparing Drivers...'*FIX: Many fixes for Addon Maker*FIX: Could not mount wim file if it had 'Read-only' attribute enabled.*FIX: W7T installed IE Lang Pack the same way as a Windows Lang Pack.*FIX: Running AIO Multiple times causes strange "Integrated" tab behaviour*FIX: 'Prompt Updates' shows all updates.*FIX: MSU files did not show support link*FIX: AIO ProgressBar issue when selecting tweaks.*FIX: Driver integration now converts ".pd_" and " .bc_"*FIX: W7T thought where language packs and tried integrating them as if they where.*Tweak: Remove Send Feedback tweak added*Tweak: Disable Action Center on system tray added*Tweak: Remove Search Pane (IE)*Tweak: Always show menu bar (IE)*Tweak: Set default homepage (IE)*Tweak: Explorer Folders Separate Process*Tweak: Word Wrap Notepad*Tweak: Always show icons, never thumbnails*Tweak: Force Windows 7 Media Player to run 64 bit*Tweak: Add 'Task Manager' to context menu*Tweak: Add Program and Features in context menu*Tweak: Improve USB Storage Devices Performance*Tweak: Custom Explorer Bar 1*Tweak: 'Automatically Expand to Current Folder'.*Tweak: Disable IE Crash Detection*Tweak: Change the Title of Internet Explorer*Tweak: Change the Download Directory*Tweak: Disable Signature checking for EXEs*Tweak: Turn On clear type*Tweak: Full Screen mode by default*Tweak: Turn off RSS feed discovery*Tweak: Launch Internet Explorer in separate process*Tweak: Disable Internet Explorer to check for updates*Tweak: Disable Password Caching in Internet Explorer*Tweak: Disable Tabbed browsing*Tweak: Disable Warning on Close (Tabs)*Tweak: Always Switch To New Tabs When They Are Created*Tweak: When a New tab Opens*Tweak: When a pop-up is encountered*Tweak: GPU Rendering*Tweak: Disable startup Sound*Tweak: Optimize Large Second Level Cache*Tweak: Increase File System Memory Cache Size*Tweak: Enable MAC File Sharing*Tweak: Show Drive Letters First*Tweak: Disable NTFS Encryption*Tweak: Disable Bandwidth Limit*Tweak: Don’t allow Windows 7 to turn off devices*Tweak: Disable IPv6*Tweak: Adjust Visual Styles*Tweak: Processor Scheduling*Tweak: Disable Pagefile*Tweak: Disable Admin Shares*Tweak: Show All Icons on Taskbar*Tweak: Small Taskbar Icons*Tweak: Disable Auto System Sounds Leveling*ISO Maker now remembers your last selected folder*10% faster when integrating updates using LDR/QFE mode*ISO Maker asks for rebuild.*USB Prep Tool has better error catching and error logging*W7T will close regedit before unloading logs*If files are open when W7T tried to unmount, W7T will tell you.*W7T will unload all mounted registry before unmounting*Newer 'FolderBrowserDialog' for ISO Maker*Taskbar progress goes yellow during mount/unmount*Better boot.wim procedure during AIO (drivers/lang packs)*Added 'Select All' on SoLoR Updates*Apply Unattended copies Autounattend.xml to dvd root*You can now save/load all AIO Tool lists*Improved .WA info reading*Windows Thin PC detection*W7T will release unused memory each time Tool Manager loads*USB Boot Prep uses smart scanning*USB Boot Prep should no longer continously scan for new devices.*WIM Manager let's you delete multiple images at once.*WIM Manager let's you unmount multiple images at once.*Added 'Cancel' when adding files via CAB Installer.*Option to only use imagex x86*Anti-virus detection.*ISO Maker checks for free space*Addon Maker/Integration no longer supports specific windows build detection*SoLor Updates now show progress bar*RunOnce Installer let's you change background and logo*SoLoR Updates will show new updates at the top Edited January 18, 201213 yr by Legolash2o
January 19, 201213 yr Author No, but quite a bit more has changed since that post lol, i'm waiting for a tester to get back to me For example i've removed the 'Method' list on All-In-One Drivers tab, W7T will use the fastest method but it detects a foreign character then it will automatically do the slower method just that those updates and install the rest using the fast method. Edited January 19, 201213 yr by Legolash2o
January 19, 201213 yr Author Change CMD Text ColourI found the mistake of the cmd text colour, damn typo's I've also added all of the texts colours, removed the background colours though.PagefileThe current pagefile tweak was Disable Paging Executive, i've renamed that and changed it's description but i've also included the proper "Disable Pagefile" tweak too Edited January 19, 201213 yr by Legolash2o
January 19, 201213 yr Hey guys, please see this screenshot and tell me is this happening with me only or you are also facing this problem?
January 19, 201213 yr Change CMD Text ColourI found the mistake of the cmd text colour, damn typo's I've also added all of the texts colours, removed the background colours though.PagefileThe current pagefile tweak was Disable Paging Executive, i've renamed that and changed it's description but i've also included the proper "Disable Pagefile" tweak too thanks mate! so can i put black background and green text now? you rock!
January 19, 201213 yr Hey guys, please see this screenshot and tell me is this happening with me only or you are also facing this problem?I see this in "Welcome" tab only, right on the buttom.
January 19, 201213 yr Author thanks mate! so can i put black background and green text now? you rock! of those colours, backcolour will always be black though.Hey guys, please see this screenshot and tell me is this happening with me only or you are also facing this problem?What Windows are you using? Seems like you got a custom theme... Try the normal aero theme
January 19, 201213 yr What Windows are you using? Seems like you got a custom theme... Try the normal aero themeYeah you are right, I am using a custom theme. And I did try with default aero theme and didn't face this problem. But can't you make it work properly in custom theme as well. As most of the customizers use custom theme.
January 19, 201213 yr Turn OFF glass effect (Black Glass Enhanced) then this text will dissapear ! ask me how I know...Lego can not be bothered with stuff like that!!!
January 19, 201213 yr Author v1.3.0.94RC is doing very nicely still, i've cleaned up loads of old code, remove potential bugs, and tidied the whole thing up.. Not working mate.:-(Is it still glass effect?Turn OFF glass effect (Black Glass Enhanced) then this text will dissapear ! ask me how I know...Lego can not be bothered with stuff like that!!!Agreed, if a user decided to user third party themes and that theme hasn't been made correctly, then the issue is not mine Edited January 19, 201213 yr by Legolash2o
January 20, 201213 yr Ok let it be, I will manage this way only. But with due respect to all of you, I didn't enable glass effect but then also I went to presonalization>Window Color and uncheck Enable Transparency. I have also uncheck "Tool Manager Aero" in W7T "Options" I have also checked in the process of task manager none of such process is running.But none of them is working. The above information is only for letting you know that it is not because of Glass Effect or Transparency of personalization and not even "Tool Manager Aero" of "W7T Options"Now this topic is over atleast for me. Sorry for opening this issue.
January 20, 201213 yr Author v1.3.0.95 released.^FIX: Fixed an issue with InputBoxes on tweaks tabWhen a user selected a tweak which required user input, it showed a blank form.^FIX: Fixed an issue where user could not add/integrate addons [missing tasks.txt]I don't know what caused this error but it has now been fixed by changing a few bits of code.^Update Google Chrome download link on Downloads tabUpdated the links to offline installers1.3.0.95RC^Updated ISO Maker GUISome check boxes did not show properly so made the options into a listview.^FIX: Fixed some Internet Explorer 9 tweaksDefault search provider, first run screen (hopefully) and some others.^FIX: Fixed some potential bugsHad an extension called ReSharper take a look at my code.^FIX: Fixed silent installer tweak where it should not ask you if you want run exe after install.Fixed that tweak which was supposed to stop the 'Security Warning - Open File' prompt.^FIX: Updated addon integrator codeMore updating of addon integration code.^FIX: Change CMD Text Colour tweak now works and has more coloursA typo caused this issue.^FIX: Disable pagefile tweak now worksThe tweak actually disable paging executive but i've now renamed that and gave that a proper description and added the real disable pagefile tweak.^FIX: All-In-One tool now has foreign character detection.I've removed the 'Method' list from Drivers All-In-One Tab and now W7T will install drivers the fastest way possible, if there is a foreign character then it will copy the folder to a temp folder and install it again.^FIX: W7T will now only let you mount images on NTFS volumesYou can only mount an image to NTFS so might as well of added detection and notify the user that NTFS is required.^FIX: W7T will not only let you mount to directories with english characters (non-foreign)W7T won't let you mount to a folder with foreign characters this will greatly affect integration tasks if left enabled.^Updated addon integration code from 2009-2010It hadn't been updated since 2010 (Vista Update Toolkit) and thought i should bring it up to date.^Cleaned up all code, removing unused code, etc...Got Resharper to remove old code, unused code and it also cleaned up some code.^Removed 'Show Groups' in OptionsIt literally did nothing.^Set Product key has been added to WIM ManagerAs requested, if you have an image mounted it will let you directly set a product key without unattended file.^Unattended option has been removed from All-In-One toolIn the 'Options' tab in All-In-One tool, adding an unattended file has been removed because it can be done via the previous screen (WIM Manager)^New Unattended method for WIM ManagerW7T gives you the option to integrate the unattended.xml file into the boot.wim which is useful for those who boot from USB 3.0, external HDD and SSD Controllers.^WIM Manager now shows Make ISO & Rebuild by defaultYou will always see this options no matter which tool you are using.^WIM Manager let's you switch from Tool <> WIM Manager and visa-versa.When you select an image, you can now switch to any other tool.
January 20, 201213 yr Author I have re-uploaded v95, if you have already downloaded it then download it again!it fixes an issue with unattended creator and you can also resize the Unattended Creator too. Edited January 20, 201213 yr by Legolash2o
January 20, 201213 yr Clears a program unnecessary services and registry keys from them after the removal of components or services continue to appeal to non-existent keys and components already in its place?
January 20, 201213 yr Author Clears a program unnecessary services and registry keys from them after the removal of components or services continue to appeal to non-existent keys and components already in its place?I'm guessing you're on about component removal, yes i also remove the registry keys too...
January 20, 201213 yr In the Russian localization of long text option overrides the other column. You can do so automatically shifted to the right columns evenly to allow for the length of the text? Edited January 20, 201213 yr by loginvovchyk