January 28, 201312 yr i came across this today. ImDisk not sure if it would be useful for anyone OMG it works and it's free. THANK YOU!!! Do you have a key for Win Toolkit? EDIT: It seems that if i mount an image to the RAMDisk, i can't integrate updates
January 29, 201312 yr OMG it works and it's free. THANK YOU!!! Do you have a key for Win Toolkit? EDIT: It seems that if i mount an image to the RAMDisk, i can't integrate updates For what key is needed ? :newhere:
January 29, 201312 yr People who contribute to WinToolkit either by helping others or donating get a key which removes the adverts within WinToolkit links and unlocks some other useful stuff.
January 30, 201312 yr i'm just glad to help if someone finds them useful. i haven't used Imdisk but saw the topic about a ramdrive. since imdisk is open source maybe something can be done to get it working with wintoolkit. also, there seems like theres a bunch of other little utilities on the website http://www.ltr-data.se/opencode.html/ Edited January 30, 201312 yr by ccl0
February 5, 201312 yr I followed this thread but never had a chance to test anything until now so I thought I would provide some minor feedback. I am always curious as to the best way to optimize my integration time without compromising any reliability etc. I have an I5 E5410 laptop with 4 GIG, an older Intel X-25 SSD and a Momentus XT HDD. I usually have my Temp and WinToolKit folders run from my SSD and my McRip update files and my WIM source on my HDD. Integrating about 400/425 updates consistently completes in 2 to 2 1/4 hrs. Their are always some variations in time and hotfixes so this is an approximation but it is always consistent and I always plan my integration's and time accordingly. I decided to try the integration with the McRip updates on the SSD instead of the HDD and see what the timing would be. Well there was no difference at all, it finished in the same amount of time. I am setting up a new I7 laptop with 8 gig and a new SSD and out of curiosity I think I will try 1 more test which will be using the SSD for the WinToolKit and a Ram Drive for the McRip Updates and the WIM source. I actually doubt this will make any significant difference at all but I will report back.It will take me a little while and I will need a new baseline for an integration so I will try my best to be accurate and make a fair comparison.
February 5, 201312 yr Hello,This is my first post, so at the beginning i must say THANK you Legolash2o for your great work, and all of you for useful information posted in the forum!!! These last days i had my first approach with WinToolkit and during the testings i have seen that:if the HDD where is the Win Toolkit Mount Folder located(drive:\WinToolkit_Temp\Mount) is formated NTFS with "align to sectors" the working speed is about 33% faster.My first test was:HDD1 working o.s.(winxp).HDD2 formatted NTFS "align to cylinder" first sector=63, containing the Win Toolkit Mount Folder (x:\WinToolkit_Temp\Mount), the dvd folder, the folder with post sp1 updates and the folder with the WinToolkit141-14.exe.HDD3 a ramdisk NTFS for the Win Toolkit Temp Folder.time to finish integrating the updates,mounting/saving to 1 wim was 90min (sorry my pc is quite old). Second test, i have changed only the kind of alignement for the HDD2.HDD1 working o.s.(winxp).HDD2 formatted NTFS "align to sectors" first sector=2048, containing like above.HDD3 a ramdisk NTFS for the Win Toolkit Temp Folder.time to finish the same amount of post sp1 updates in the same wim was 60min. Conclusion: if you want to speed up the process it is better to check out how your HDD is formatted. I hope that kind of information could be useful for all of you, and maybe for Legolash2o for the future developing of the application. Best regards,cmos! ps: sorry for my english, it's a bit "rusty".if you need some extra infos just let me know!
February 5, 201312 yr Nice one, thanks for the information. Also, welcome to Wincert, hope you enjoy your stay here P.S. Your english was fine!
February 7, 201312 yr ... Also, welcome to Wincert, hope you enjoy your stay here! Sure i will do! Thank you! i came across this today. ImDisk not sure if it would be useful for anyone in addtion to this one is : RamDiskUI 0.3.0 (07.feb.2013) a very nice gui for ImDisk . Happy integration! l.e. fotos uploaded to postimage . org Edited February 8, 201312 yr by cmos
February 7, 201312 yr Sure i will do! Thank you! That's a really nice find... I will use it on the new system for my testing in addtion to this one is : RamDiskUI 0.3.0 (07.feb.2013) a very nice gui for ImDisk . RamDiskUI_1.JPGRamDiskUI_2.JPG Happy integration! l.e. fotos attached
February 7, 201312 yr @cmos, That is very impressive improvements for a seemingly simple change. It might be useful for you and others to also post the sizes of RAM disks that you have found appropriate and the tools and methods you used to "properly" align your HDD. Overall system specs and the list of what exactly you are having Win Toolkit do, how many McRip or KUC updates and how many addons etc (maybe even the log), would also allow others to make apples-to-apples comparisons with their own results. Cheers and Regards
February 8, 201312 yr When i used ImDisk and put the mount folder on the RamDrive, nothing got integrated. Must be a Windows 8 thing?
February 8, 201312 yr Hi, @cmos, That is very impressive improvements for a seemingly simple change...Yes, it is, and i have re-done the testings to see if it is true, and it is. ...Overall system specs...It's a pc with Sempron 2800+ (1.6GHz), HDD1 sata1 , HDD2 sata2, RAM 2GB. ...the sizes of RAM disks that you have found appropriate...In my case, just because of the RAM=2GB, i decided that 768MB is enough and it was. ...the tools and methods you used to "properly" align your HDD... HDD1 working o.s.(winxp).Always i use GParted to get my partition before to install any kind of operating system.Just use it and you'll never be disappointed.(how to use it, you can find a proper tutorial on the web).And GParted uses align to sectors, first sector 2048.If you make the partition during the install of win xp, you'll get aling to cylinder first sector=63, see the foto1.Using gParted, see the foto2, you get align to sectors first sector=2048.(some fotos for gParted: foto3, 4 and 5).Install the win XP and configure it to get the most of it, i'am not the right person to guide you over this process.(anyway get rid of useless services and process, turn off pagefile, etc. DURING the time of using Win Toolkit).HDD2 formatted NTFS "align to cylinder" first sector=63Using the win xp wizard for making the partition, you get a partition align to cylinder first sector=63 see foto6 and 7.HDD2 formatted NTFS "align to sectors" first sector=2048Using Bootice you can choose align to sectors first sector=2048.See foto8 and 9.I don't remember the home page of Bootice, but you can downloaded this Win Setup_1_0_beta8.7zand find it inside the folder "win setup\files\tools\" ...the list of what exactly you are having Win Toolkit to do, how many McRip or KUC updates and how many addons etc (maybe even the log)...The logs are deleted now, if i have time i'll do the testings again and i'll post the logs, fotos and settings for Win Toolkit.Win Toolkit has to integrate only the post sp1 updates, .msu kind not converted to .cab,i don't use at all any kind of McRip and KUC, i have my own downloaded updates using WUD and manual downloading from the MS servers.They are about 110 for these days.Addons=0, etc=0. Imortant: Before you start the Win Toolkit better if you defragg the HDD's. Also, each time i make once again the test i prefer to re-formatt the partition of the HDD2. If i missed something, just let me know... Anyway, now with the new version of Win Toolkit(beta, sorry i don't know if it is ok to use it, i didn't asked for permission),i use an other technique just for the ramdisks, i think it's better.Time having, i'll will post it. Regards, cmos. l.e.spelling, sorry for my @$&_english :-( Edited February 8, 201312 yr by cmos
February 8, 201312 yr i have my own downloaded updates using WUDInteresting, but with only one (big) disadvantage of this program: the are no update-list in other languages, only english. Thiersee
February 8, 201312 yr Interesting, but with only one (big) disadvantage of this program: the are no update-list in other languages, only english. ThierseeI suppose you can find a list with the language you are looking for, or you can build it by yourself. For the first time, maybe, it will be time consuming...but...Yes, i use only ENU MS products.For those odd cases i do a manual updating with manual/automatic update. For now, i don't know if i am right or wrong, but in Win Toolkit all my updates(.msu kind) are shown "LANGUAGE: ALL", and the name of files are like "Windows6.1-KB1234567-x86.msu".... I don't see any of ENU, how it was for the xp o.s.l.e.:The md5 for Windows6.1-KB2479943-x86.msu english or changing the language before downloading to german,zum beispiel, it is the same.So, you can go for english wud list, download all you need, control the md5 with a software like Hashmyfilesan make a test. Let my know if i can help you more... cmos. l.e. updating info Edited February 8, 201312 yr by cmos
February 9, 201312 yr Interesting, but with only one (big) disadvantage of this program: the are no update-list in other languages, only english. Thiersee that's not really a problem, updates are language neutral since Vista.The only updates to add is lang packs (IE9 or 10, DotNet, etc...)
July 4, 201311 yr Hello All, I have been absent for quite sometime due to serious personal issues which were only amplified when my two laptops and Galaxy S3 phone were rendered useless due to an accident. Getting back to where I left off has been difficult and I am still not close but working on it, so I hope to be visiting and participating more frequently again. i needed to make a new image for myself to get my laptop backup and running so I used an E6520 I7 with 16 GIG of ram and a Samsung 840 Pro SSD to start my process. I decided to create a softperfect ram disk ( it tested to be MUCH faster than any other ram disk I tried... using diskmark nothing nothing came close to it) I created a 10 GIG ram disk and copied my source and my 404 updates to it. STEP-1-UPDATES-07-04-13.ini It took 1 hr and 30 minutes for the integration to complete which shaved and entire hr off my last integration on my other laptop. Keeping in mind that the other system had a much slower SSD I am not exactly comparing apples to oranges. I doubt I will test this without the ram drive for now but if I do I will report back... for now I need to get my system running. I followed this thread but never had a chance to test anything until now so I thought I would provide some minor feedback. I am always curious as to the best way to optimize my integration time without compromising any reliability etc. I have an I5 E5410 laptop with 4 GIG, an older Intel X-25 SSD and a Momentus XT HDD. I usually have my Temp and WinToolKit folders run from my SSD and my McRip update files and my WIM source on my HDD. Integrating about 400/425 updates consistently completes in 2 to 2 1/4 hrs. Their are always some variations in time and hotfixes so this is an approximation but it is always consistent and I always plan my integration's and time accordingly. I decided to try the integration with the McRip updates on the SSD instead of the HDD and see what the timing would be. Well there was no difference at all, it finished in the same amount of time. I am setting up a new I7 laptop with 8 gig and a new SSD and out of curiosity I think I will try 1 more test which will be using the SSD for the WinToolKit and a Ram Drive for the McRip Updates and the WIM source. I actually doubt this will make any significant difference at all but I will report back.It will take me a little while and I will need a new baseline for an integration so I will try my best to be accurate and make a fair comparison.
July 4, 201311 yr With my SSD, integration time is 10 mins for Win 7 x86, 15 mins for x64. But I only integrate WU's requested updates.List here.
July 4, 201311 yr WOW that's pretty amazing...With my SSD, integration time is 10 mins for Win 7 x86, 15 mins for x64. But I only integrate WU's requested updates.List here.
July 4, 201311 yr Yep, but as I integrate updates in two editions for each arch (Pro and HP), it's actually twice the time, wich is still an eternity compared to XP & nLite/RVMI.Multiple editions integration's time could be hugely improved if Lego implement this feature. Do a test with my update pack, I think it really worth it.
September 17, 201410 yr Hi, sorry for bumping this old thread, but I'm wondering because I can't open a new thread in sub-forum Wintoolkit (I sent a PM to NIM). I'd like to speed-up the integration with Wintoolkit and I bought additional 16 GB RAM for a RAM-Disk. I have now a RAM-Disk with 24 GB, the WTK-Mount- and Temp-folder are set to Z: (RAM-Disk); Windows-Temp-folder is also set to Z: too. Time-advantage: 1 minute! What am I doing wrong? My Hardware: Mainboard: G1.Sniper A88XCPU/APU: A10-7850K (no OC)RAM 32 GB Crucial Ballistix Elite at 2133 MHzSSD: Samsung 840 Pro 256 GBGrafic-Card: R7 250E Ultimate RAM-Disk: Radeon/DataRAM Can somebody give me some hints?If I can't expect significant advantages, I would send back the additional RAM. Thanks a lot for your help. Thiersee Edited September 17, 201410 yr by Thiersee
September 17, 201410 yr Win Toolkit v1.x is pretty much a single threaded application. It doesn't help that imagex, dism, etc.. is single threaded too :'(
September 17, 201410 yr Win Toolkit v1.x is pretty much a single threaded application. It doesn't help that imagex, dism, etc.. is single threaded too :'(Do will WTK 2.0.x take advantage of a RAM-Disk?
September 17, 201410 yr I'll be doing my best to try but as I said. DISM, images, etc.. are single threaded and there's nothing that I can do about that.
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