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Onepiece's Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 TRUE Addon for Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista x86 and Windows 7 x86


OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v4.0.30319.2102 True AddOn ENU

tabdownload.png Update (22 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 F376A61FF77483BF04A748DCF160270F
Filesize: 42.22 MB (44274780 bytes)


This DX WinNT6.x Integrator addon is compatible with Windows Vista and 7 x86 (32 bit) versions (for XP/2003 you must use latest releases of RVM Integrator or Nlite).

The peculiarity of this addon is that .NET framework is directly slipstreamed into your Windows source, without the need of running .msi files or svcpack/runonce installations, a "true addon" integration just like .net 1.0 in Windows Server 2003.

So you'll get a working .NET framework already installed BEFORE T-13 (svcpack time), a very handy opportunity.

How to update the DotNet True AddOn

Edited by nonno fabio

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Thanks for this True AddOn :prop: I cuurently working on a new build of Windows 7 x64 SP1-U and I have just a couple of question before I commit to this wonderful addon.

1. Does your add on include hotfixes such as those found in Ricktendo64's switchless installer?

2. Are you working on a Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 full true addon?

3. Do recomend also adding OnePiece .NET 3.5 along side with 4.0?

4. Is .NET 3.x and 2.0 installed by default with Win 7 x64?

Any insight would be much appreciated?

Edited by dotfusion

1. Does your add on include hotfixes such as those found in Ricktendo64's switchless installer?

Hi dotfusion, Yes, the DotNet40 True AddOn and Full update, but this AddOn and only for Windows x32

3. Do recomend also adding OnePiece .NET 3.5 along side with 4.0?

No, DotNet 4 True AddOn is not never been tested in WIndows NT6.x (Vista/Seven ect ect)

4. Is .NET 3.x and 2.0 installed by default with Win 7 x64?

Yes, if I remember correctly (easy to verify see this destination "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5")

2. Are you working on a Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 full true addon?

No, I'm not working in DotNet45 True AddOn, I really miss the time, I have a hard keep up to date or that this all addon already


Edited by OnePiece

Hi dotfusion, Yes, the DotNet40 True AddOn and Full update, but this AddOn and only for Windows x32

I appreciate the time your taking to answer my trivial questions. You have helped to understand sooo much :worthy: ooops. x32 is for x86 intergration only.

Can you recomend a .NET x64 true addon or SvcPack addon compatible with NT6.x true integrator. Perhaps my only option is Ricks switchless installer?

Is right, the Dotnet40 X64 of Ricks and Ok, but that's an .EXE (Silent Installer), ask Ricks how to do svcpack addon, or commands to use in svcpack addon ect ect

and very simple serves a entire.ini and folder svcpack (and copy the xxx.exe file inside), download and extract my mozilla addon (the old one), and see how fate, and very simple you can do it yourself once a svcpack addon


Edited by OnePiece


This is my first attemp at making a SVCPACK addon. Can you please verify my syntax and folder structure. Also I would like to know if the commenting syntax is ok to use as follows. Thanks again.

DotNet4_addon.cab (Compressed with DX CAB Tools)



title = .NET 4.0 ;<-- required
description = .NET Framework switchless installer ;<-- required
version = 4.0 ;<-- required
builddate = 03/13/2012 ;<-- required
company = Microsoft Corporation ;<-- optional
copyright = Microsoft Corporation ;<-- optional
website =http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/topic/9154-slim-net-framework-4-full-x86x64-3-13-2012/ ;<-- optional
customizedby = ricktendo64 ;<-- optional
lastupdatetime = 03/13/2012 ;<--optional
language = neutal ;<--optional
releasetype = SVCPACK Addon ;<-- mandatory (addon type)
;processorarchitecture = x86 ;<-- optional. "x86" for x86-only platforms; "x64" for x64-only platforms; omit if platform-neutral.

dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64_SlimSetup.exe /y ;<-- switchless EXE

Edited by dotfusion

Now I remember, you need to use

Silent "No GUI" SFX alternative v1.4:


to create the dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64_SlimSetup.exe for SvcPack AddOn, ask Ricks for more info

in all these line need to remove the ":" (semicolon)

;****="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

;****="hidcon:reg add HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"

;****="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /f"

;****="hidcon:reg delete HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"


****="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

****="hidcon:reg add HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"

****="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /f"

****="hidcon:reg delete HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

because otherwise the svcpack addon does not work

Ricks in readme.txt wrote:If you are going to repack this installer for SVCPACK install enable ALL the following lines by removing semicolon in config.txt, so the config file must be so


;Default Full w/o install prompt


RunProgram="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

RunProgram="hidcon:reg add HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"

RunProgram="netfx_core_%%P.msi /update \"%%T\\KB2468871-v2-%%P.msp\" /qn"

;RunProgram="netfx_corelp_%%P.msi /qn"

RunProgram="netfx_extended_%%P.msi /update \"%%T\\KB2468871-v2-%%P.msp\" /qn"

;RunProgram="netfx_extendedlp_%%P.msi /qn"

RunProgram="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /f"

RunProgram="hidcon:reg delete HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

;[/ai | SHIFT] Client ONLY w/o progress bar

AutoInstall="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

AutoInstall="hidcon:reg add HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"

AutoInstall="netfx_core_%%P.msi /update \"%%T\\KB2468871-v2-%%P.msp\" /qn"

;AutoInstall="netfx_corelp_%%P.msi /qn"

AutoInstall="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /f"

AutoInstall="hidcon:reg delete HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

;[/aic] Client ONLY w/o progress bar

AutoInstallc="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

AutoInstallc="hidcon:reg add HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"

AutoInstallc="netfx_core_%%P.msi /update \"%%T\\KB2468871-v2-%%P.msp\" /qn"

;AutoInstallc="netfx_corelp_%%P.msi /qn"

AutoInstallc="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /f"

AutoInstallc="hidcon:reg delete HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

;[/aif] Client + Extended w/o progress bar

AutoInstallf="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

AutoInstallf="hidcon:reg add HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"

AutoInstallf="netfx_core_%%P.msi /update \"%%T\\KB2468871-v2-%%P.msp\" /qn"

;AutoInstallf="netfx_corelp_%%P.msi /qn"

AutoInstallf="netfx_extended_%%P.msi /update \"%%T\\KB2468871-v2-%%P.msp\" /qn"

;AutoInstallf="netfx_extendedlp_%%P.msi /qn"

AutoInstallf="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /f"

AutoInstallf="hidcon:reg delete HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

;[/ain] Client + Extended + ngen w/o progress bar

AutoInstalln="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"

AutoInstalln="hidcon:reg add HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f"

AutoInstalln="netfx_core_%%P.msi /update \"%%T\\KB2468871-v2-%%P.msp\" /qn"

;AutoInstalln="netfx_corelp_%%P.msi /qn"

AutoInstalln="netfx_extended_%%P.msi /update \"%%T\\KB2468871-v2-%%P.msp\" /qn"

;AutoInstalln="netfx_extendedlp_%%P.msi /qn"

AutoInstalln="hidcon:%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent"

AutoInstalln="x64:hidcon:%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\ngen executequeueditems /nologo /silent"

AutoInstalln="hidcon:reg copy HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup /f"

AutoInstalln="hidcon:reg delete HKLM\\SYSTEM\\Setup\\SSIPRS /f"


just read the README.txt inside the dotNET4sfxNoGUI1.4.7z

to create the SFX archive and very simple, just write to a file cmd this line

copy /b 7zS.sfx + config.txt + dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64_SlimSetup.7z dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64_SlimSetup.exe

after you take the dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64_SlimSetup.exe and create SvcPack AddOn, like you did before


Edited by OnePiece

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Seems that the Microsoft Update is not been updated and still requires hotfix\update obsolete, so those who want to fix the problem until the Microsoft Update puts everything in place, just integrate with nLite or RVMi after the DotNet True Addon

OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v4.0.30319.1031 Fix MU True AddOn

tabdownload.png Update (17 April 2015)
tabdownload.png Update (17 April 2015)
tabdownload.png Update (17 April 2015)
tabdownload.png Update (17 April 2015)
tabdownload.png Update (17 April 2015)
Hash MD5 45EF4DEC9BED9437625C7CC22CBE9E44
Filesize: 1018 bytes (1,018 bytes)

or open notepad and copy this line

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile\KB2894842v2]"ThisVersionInstalled"="Y";"ARPLink"="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\{3C3901C5-3455-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6}.KB2894842v2";"InstalledBy"="OnePiece";"InstalledDate"="";"InstallerName"="Windows Installer";"InstallerVersion"="4.05";"PackageName"="Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (KB2894842v2)";"PackageVersion"="2";"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation";"PublishingGroup"="Developer Division";"ReleaseType"="Security Update"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended\KB2894842v2]"ThisVersionInstalled"="Y";"ARPLink"="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\{0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD51849B9702}.KB2894842v2";"InstalledBy"="OnePiece";"InstalledDate"="";"InstallerName"="Windows Installer";"InstallerVersion"="4.05";"PackageName"="Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended (KB2894842v2)";"PackageVersion"="2";"Publisher"="Microsoft Corporation";"PublishingGroup"="Developer Division";"ReleaseType"="Security Update"
save as FixMU.reg, and after running it

Ciao a tutti.

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