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DXTool x64 v1.2.1.1

tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
Hash MD5 DD7B4EB2CBE0330F73D855C8FAEFAD98
Filesize: 2.13 MB (2228224 bytes)




DXTool x86 v1.2.1.1

tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (22 March 2017)
Hash MD5 C06B72F253342DEDDE16D373BA619EC1
Filesize: 2.09 MB (2192896 bytes)



This handy tool for Send To menu includes CabTool, Reg2Inf & Inf2Reg converters, Tweaks True AddOn Creator, Grant Full Admin Control tool (Permissions and Ownership: 4 times faster than subinacl.exe & SetAcl.exe) and in the latest version, ISO tool (oscdimg.exe - Microsoft CD/DVD Premastering Utility - GUI) UPX GUI, Set Hash and other useful tools

Double-click on DXtool.exe to install links in Send To menu and run DXTool.exe /Remove to remove them.

Edited by nonno fabio

  • 7 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the error is clear can not find etfsboot.com, the DXTool if can not find the %WinDir%\System32\Oscdimg.exe && %WinDir%\System32\etfsboot.com will automatically download from microsoft.com, copy the folder (the folder where you extracted the iso, the folder that contains the setup.exe and autorun.inf and sources\install.wim ect  ect ect) to the desktop (for safety), and make sure that the Oscdimg.exe && etfsboot.com are in %WinDir%\System32

DXTool.exe /GOscdimg "%Dir%\GRTMPVOL":: will create the %Dir%\GRTMPVOL.isoDXTool.exe /GOscdimg "%Dir%\GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD":: will create the %Dir%\GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD.iso::  Other (Optional) options are:: /C="put\use a custom commandline" ;; example "-h -n -m" :: /P="FullPath Oscdimg.exe" ;;example "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.1\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\x86\Oscdimg\oscdimg.exe":: /B="FullPath etfsboot.com" ;;example "C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.1\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\x86\Oscdimg\etfsboot.com":: /A="1 or 2" ;;1 = Replace, if destination file exists, 2 = Rename, if destination file exists:: /O="save the ISO in another destination" ;;example "C:\Name":: exampleDXTool.exe /GOscdimg /O="C:\XPCD" "%Dir%\GRTMPVOL":: will create the C:\XPCD\GRTMPVOL.isoDXTool.exe /GOscdimg /A="2" "%Dir%\GRTMPVOL":: (by default) if the %Dir%\GRTMPVOL.iso already exists, will create the %Dir%\GRTMPVOL (2).isoDXTool.exe /GOscdimg /A="1" "%Dir%\GRTMPVOL":: if the %Dir%\GRTMPVOL.iso already exists, replaces it



Edited by OnePiece

  • 1 month later...
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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the Grant Admin Full Control Tool.

I tested on "C:\Program Files\JDownloader v2.0", which have 231 MB and 6.521 Files, 220 Folders.

Using an context menu entry made by me, which use setacl.exe 64-bit recursively and that change the owner and set permissions to the current user logged in, the total time used was 44 sec.

Using Grant Admin Full Control Tool, which works recursively also and change the owner and set permissions to the current user logged in, the total time used was less than 4 seconds, with the same results.

  • 9 months later...

DXTool x64 generates bad checksums for files larger than 4GB. Are different from those generated by Hashcheck and eXpress CheckSum Calculator - that are compatible. For files larger than 4GB all the sum of each program are consistent. Repeatedly tested on Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1. Tested on ISO images systems.

Edited by wiktorynka

Hi wiktorynka, Thanks for the info, is my fault for better performance i used the FileMapping ehhh, however already fixed, indeed also added ProgressBar



Thank you for a great tool. Now in version is all right.



P.S. Why your servers are 3 different versions of DXTool Is differ only in the degree of compression?

Edited by wiktorynka

  • 2 months later...

Almost nobody uses it now, but ehhh, Here is Reg2Inf written in C++, Obviously it is very much much faster than the one written in Autoit, Let's say converts a file.reg (1GB) in about 3.5 seconds ehhhhh, From the tests made with a file.reg 300 MB (the HKLM in Windows 10 x64) I would say almost 90 times faster than that written in Autoit, However those who like to play here are the link

Reg2Inf Tool x32

tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
Hash MD5 CD449F7CA5589870E948584F041D8F20
Filesize: 142 KB (145408 bytes)

Reg2Inf Tool x64

tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (9 June 2017)
Hash MD5 7D0CFD90C98F8108D3F00BAFFAC02CF9
Filesize: 160 KB (164352 bytes)

As always just run it from the command line
Reg2Inf.exe /RTI file.reg 

Or as always just create a link, copy it to %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo ect ect


Ciao a tutti.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi *Reaper* Thank You


DXTool BETA x64
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
Hash MD5 5933E3965452379338D726CDA0678A5B
275 KB (281600 bytes)
DXTool BETA x86
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
tabdownload.png Update (2 September 2017)
Hash MD5 C4ACDE86764DC2D2ED765AB0330AE5E4
246 KB (252416 bytes)


added CabTool and HashTool which means support the

DXTool.exe /RTI file.reg 
DXTool.exe /CT FilePath
DXTool.exe /MD5 FilePath
DXTool.exe /SHA1 FilePath
DXTool.exe /SAOD FilePath
DXTool.exe /GOscdimg FolderPath
DXTool.exe /GUPX FilePath
DXTool.exe /7ZSplit FilePath
DXTool.exe /DRE FilePath.dll

Ciao a tutti.

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