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@adminxp do you really have to always use offencive language and insult peole? :g:

All youre posts are extremely rude and demanding... :rolleyes:

I also remove lots of stuff from Windows begginning from XP era, and never had a problem.

Theres a catch thought, I only remove things that I never use or even need... also you cannot do such customizations to others,

because youll never really know, what they gonna use tommorrow.

Also knowledge is the key, you have to exactly know what depends from what so you dont break anything.

Its mostly trial and error first, because Microsoft official documentation is sometimes really poor...

Sometimes you gonna think, that even they dont know, how they built this "beast"... :P

Edited by Etz

@adminxp do you really have to always use offencive language and insult peole? :g:

All youre posts are extremely rude and demanding... :rolleyes:

I also remove lots of stuff from Windows begginning from XP era, and never had a problem.

Theres a catch thought, I only remove things that I never use or even need... also you cannot do such customizations to others,

because youll never really know, what they gonna use tommorrow.

Also knowledge is the key, you have to exactly know what depends from what so you dont break anything.

Its mostly trial and error first, because Microsoft official documentation is sometimes really poor...

Sometimes you gonna think, that even they dont know, how they built this "beast"... :P

i dont use "offencive language" to expirenced\smart ppl))) in other cases - yes, it is pretty rude - but straight:)

there are some basic rules, which noobs don't know (and dont want to, because u gave them easy tool where they can just set some checkboxes and start button :doh: :nuke: )

1. dont touch things you don't know (read, learn - then touch)

2. dont touch it - till it works perfectly (

3. do backups

Their are a few other VERY IMPORTANT rules which you seem to be completely ignorant of:

1) Treat people with courtesy and respect

2) Don't be soo judgemental & arrogant

3) Think before you speak or write

And one that my Grandmother taught me and I love:

If you have nothing good to say about someone DON'T SAY ANYTHING

... you really need to check your arrogance at the door!!!

i dont use "offencive language" to expirenced\smart ppl))) in other cases - yes, it is pretty rude - but straight:)

there are some basic rules, which noobs don't know (and dont want to, because u gave them easy tool where they can just set some checkboxes and start button :doh: :nuke: )

1. dont touch things you don't know (read, learn - then touch)

2. dont touch it - till it works perfectly (

3. do backups

Edited by compstuff

@ AdminXP:

They ARE right! You are walking a fine line here already! Abusing other members is a good way to get your membership pulled.

Remember you are on probation right now?

as you can see i didnt inslult anybody talking with me, right?

noob\beginner - is not rude world - it is fact, no more or less.

and my post was about noobs making thousand "castrate OS builds" and putting them in internet to the torrents or filesharing services - which have many problems if u install them.

so it is my opinion based on my wide expirience - during my work for about 10 years.

You actually only have like 80 more posts than him. Theoretically you are in the same status as he is. We only have your word that you have 10 years of experience.

Some comparisons:

His posts are polite. Yours are arrogant and confronting.

He is not using warez, you are.

Troll is also not really a rude word. but would be very accurate,

(I actually began the PC world with Commodore 64... I have well over 20 years of experience - Close to 30.)

Ah, Kel, you're still just a beginner. (j/k) LOL I began with slide rules and punch cards on a mainframe in 1973. By this summer I'll have 39 years of computer experience. And yet I come across new things every day and feel like a noob all over again, especially compared to some of the experts here.

But we've gotten WAY OT from the OP's original question. Can anyone give him anymore USEFUL advice? :please:

Cheers and Regards

Edited by bphlpt

lol - i counted from the moment i got money for fixing:)) my computer experience started in 1994 (486 DX4).

His posts are polite. Yours are arrogant and confronting. - agree

He is not using warez, you are - i bet u use it too or have been used not long ago :type:

troll - no comments:)

useful advice for gizmo198128 - DONT TOUCH IT:) i mean dont remove anything, also no need to turn off 90% of services even if u dont need them. They don't reduce perfomance enough to notice (1-3%).

now and forever remember - if u want to get significant perfomance increase just UPGRADE YOUR HARDWARE! its simple.

after installing Corsair SSD 120GB SATA3 into my pc i noticed super changes in speed and responsiveness in my life:))

before it it was 4 HDD 1TB each in RAID 0 mode.

OS full load time reduced from 3+ min to 25 seconds - 12x speed up yo)

i repeat 1200% boost!

Edited by adminxp

You have me beat by about 5 years but MAN you brought back memories lol... working on STC tape drives, the punch card mess and of course 14 inch hard drive platters that were 3 to 10 MB's... believe it or not I JUST got rid of my logic probes and two tektronix 465 scopes... hard to fathom the progress... and for the record I am constantly "humbled" and regulary run across people that amaze me with their skills and knowledge

My Thanks to Everyone

Ah, Kel, you're still just a beginner. (j/k) LOL I began with slide rules and punch cards on a mainframe in 1973. By this summer I'll have 39 years of computer experience. And yet I come across new things every day and feel like a noob all over again, especially compared to some of the experts here.

But we've gotten WAY OT from the OP's original question. Can anyone give him anymore USEFUL advice? :please:

Cheers and Regards

... the punch card mess and of course 14 inch hard drive platters that were 3 to 10 MB's...

Yep. You ever drop a box of cards like I did? LOL If I remember right, a single 14" hard drive platter was ~3MBytes and a 3 platter stack was ~10MBytes. And these were vertically loaded, flat, in a small washing machine sized box. The disc cartridges were "sealed", but I think you could open them so you could clean the discs off with compressed air, but I could be wrong. I last used one in 1979-1981 hooked to a DEC PDP-11. (A 16 bit machine which originally came with only 32K BYTES of internal memory.) You had to start the machine by loading the boot instruction sequence manually with switches on the front panel. Lots of pretty blinking lights on the front panel, too!

This pic, and the bottom box on the right:

pdp11-35.jpg ---- img10084.jpg

is JUST the CPU if I remember right. The box is 19" wide and cost $20,000 in 1973. (Average US income in 1973 $12,900, average cost of a house #32,500, gas 40 cents/gallon)

Here's a pic of Dennis M. Ritchie (standing) and Ken L. Thompson (seated), inventors of UNIX, at Bell Labs in front of a DEC PDP-11 computer, ca 1970. Courtesy, Computer History Museum.


You notice there is no CRT screen. Today, the cheapest cell phone that is given away is probably faster, more powerful, and has more memory than that whole wall of equipment. An iPhone definitely is. Kids today have it made.

And when 8 bit microcomputers came out, the above is a minicomputer LOL, bulk storage was paper tape, then cassette tape, then floppy discs. They were 8" in diameter, stored about a megabyte and really were "floppy" which is how they got their name. http://en.wikipedia....iki/Floppy_disk. 5 1/4" discs were developed because many of the computer applications of the day didn't need that much storage space. An entire megabyte? Who would ever use it all? OK, enough ancient history.

Cheers and Regards

Edited by bphlpt

lol - i counted from the moment i got money for fixing:)) my computer experience started in 1994 (486 DX4).

His posts are polite. Yours are arrogant and confronting. - agree

He is not using warez, you are - i bet u use it too or have been used not long ago :type:

troll - no comments:)

useful advice for gizmo198128 - DONT TOUCH IT:) i mean dont remove anything, also no need to turn off 90% of services even if u dont need them. They don't reduce perfomance enough to notice (1-3%).

now and forever remember - if u want to get significant perfomance increase just UPGRADE YOUR HARDWARE! its simple.

after installing Corsair SSD 120GB SATA3 into my pc i noticed super changes in speed and responsiveness in my life:))

before it it was 4 HDD 1TB each in RAID 0 mode.

OS full load time reduced from 3+ min to 25 seconds - 12x speed up yo)

i repeat 1200% boost!

Ok just a couple of things here:

I am an admited ex-pirate. (Getting busted will do weird things to you)

WAIT you say you can afford all of that PC stuff? 1 question then = why do you steal from others? You obviously can afford to buy Windows.

Ok just a couple of things here:

I am an admited ex-pirate. (Getting busted will do weird things to you)

WAIT you say you can afford all of that PC stuff? 1 question then = why do you steal from others? You obviously can afford to buy Windows.

"PC stuff" - is much cheaper then software.

so if i wanna know smth more - i need to install some software to wathc how its works - then i need millions dollars\euros to buy everything i wanna try.

just try - i dont use it for continuos time.

then i installed, tested and compared software - i buy only best and one of it. And not only me do so.

so i got legal antivirus and backup software. because they are best in their class.

and dont teach me pls.

from 10 - to20 years ago (YES 10 years without gap) our family didn't have money even for food. lol - buy windows and die:))) or it is allowed to steal when you have no money? why do u call it is stealing? - its copying! without permission.

10 years ago average salary was 80 euros a month (30 going for flat imidiately) 50 for food, clothes and so on.

now avg salary 250 euro\month (90 going for flat) - just imagine...

everybody download games from internet play - and if the game is very intresting most of "pirates" go and buy licenced version here, i am not an exception.

ofc i can afford windows now, but many years of....

i wish you to be in such an a** as i was - then you wont tell me about anything now

Edited by adminxp

OK lets see I live on disability (Widely known fact that several here can attest too) $694 a month.

$450.00 - Rent

$50-$100 - Power

$20 - Net

$50 - Communcations Device (Phone)

PLUS I have 2 dependants. (I do anything I can to make it)

I have lived many years feeding from the tables of others. Spent lots of time in foster home when I was a kid due to not even having a roof over my head. (BTW what is your level of education? Mine you ask? 9th grade is as high as I went before my stealing and low finances prevented anymore schooling)

Copying? WTFE That is a lame cop-out. Linux and others are free. (So what if they are not as expansive\capable as Windows, they still work) Yes software is VERY expensive and over-priced but it is still stealing from the tables of others. PLUS the REALLY nice side effect of SOPA, PITA, and ACTA... <- which is directly attributed to all of the people who simply "Copy"

Lets see "Expensive"? Nearly ALL software has trial versions. How long do you need to test? A technet\MSDNN account is HIGLY affordable and provides you with several licenses\iso's and activations of MOST of MS's software.

Myself personally? I could give a rats ass BUT I have a job to do and your ignorance\arrogance is plain bordering the narcisitic!

bphlpt you pretty much nailed it lol.. the systems I worked on were DEC and they use the 3 platter 10 MEG packs... do you remember they had a small site glass that would break in case of shock LOL

The memory cards were huge like 12 inches and we literally would use a logic probe to "gate bang" right down to the chip when troubleshooting... and if you didn't have your wire wrap tool to make engineering changes you were screwed LOL

I actually have electronic engineering dgree and when I started we were studying Tubes and transistors and gates had just started being included in the 1st year clases so when LSI (Large Scale Integration) came out it was a HUGE step forward for the 8080

WOW the memories lol

Kel.. I too admit to being an ex-pirate... I did plenty of "cheating" while trying to learn BUT the things everyone have now were non existent back then. Now with virtiual machines, demo's, trials and yes TechNet it's much different.. just my 2 cents

Kelsenellenelvian OK lets see I live on disability (Widely known fact that several here can attest too) $694 a month. - come to Russia u will get 100-120$ a month lol (50% u will pay for a small flat)- and PLS BUY licenced software!!! dont steal)))))

i was too young... now i earn enough money but not too much (less then u been paying on disabilyty).

i got higher education - but there is no work for my speciality. (i coulnd't find work for 2 years)

so call me as u want - i don't care. it wont change anything.

u wont die from starving in USA - in Russia it is easy as sneeze.

p.s. demo versions and so on lol... dont tell me pls...

dont wanna make flood anymore. i wont prove u visa-versa

Edited by adminxp

To get things back on the lovely technical history side of the discussion...

Ah, the 1970's. Switching gears to home electronics, I'm sure there are folks that remember or have seen 8-track tapes, right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8-track_tape They were popular about the same time that CB radios were in their heyday. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cb_radio (Breaker one nine, little buddy. Ya' got your ears on? LOL) Audio cassettes followed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_cassette CD's didn't come out until 1982. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_disc High end home stereos were vacuum tube based and favored for their "warmer" sound. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_tube_amplifier There are still people who feel that way. Does anyone remember Quadraphonic Sound? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadraphonic_sound And how about the first laser discs? They were 12" in diameter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laserdisc Digital watches started in the 1970's - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watch Pulsar put out a 18 carat gold watch with a red LED display that sold for $2,100. When Texas Instruments came out with a plastic watch that originally cost $20, and was reduced in price a year later to $!0 Pulsar went out of business and sold the Pulsar brand name to Seiko. Pocket electronic calculators came out then, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculator with the main two suppliers being Hewlett Packard and Texas Instruments. Electronic Games began to be popular. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_games Games like Pong http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong started out as an arcade game in 1972 and eventually was played at home and Pac-Man came out as an arcade game in 1980. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pac-man Cell phones, handheld mobile phones began then. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_phone And of course the Personal Computer began as a hobbyist machine then, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_personal_computers The IBM PC was introduced in 1981 after Apple had already put out the Apple I and Apple II. Ah, the nostalgic 1970's! (We won't talk about the clothes, hair styles, or Disco dancing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disco_dancing LOL)

Cheers and Regards

Toooo funny... your killing me... so get a load of this... I went to a garage sale 4 months ago and the people were actually selling there 8 track tapes... I started to clean my garage last week and found a box where I had 6 laserdiscs... I couldn't get rid of them yet LMAO and I still have a box of cassettes with music I recorded when I was in some bands but I have no player and they hard to find in any local stores so they just sit there as a memory :-)

To get things back on the lovely technical history side of the discussion...

Ah, the 1970's. Switching gears to home electronics, I'm sure there are folks that remember or have seen 8-track tapes, right? http://en.wikipedia....ki/8-track_tape They were popular about the same time that CB radios were in their heyday. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cb_radio (Breaker one nine, little buddy. Ya' got your ears on? LOL) Audio cassettes followed. http://en.wikipedia..../Audio_cassette CD's didn't come out until 1982. http://en.wikipedia....ki/Compact_disc High end home stereos were vacuum tube based and favored for their "warmer" sound. http://en.wikipedia...._tube_amplifier There are still people who feel that way. Does anyone remember

Quadraphonic Sound? http://en.wikipedia....draphonic_sound And how about the first laser discs? They were 12" in diameter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laserdisc Digital watches started in the 1970's - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watch Pulsar put out a 18 carat gold watch with a red LED display that sold for $2,100. When Texas Instruments came out with a plastic watch that originally cost $20, and was reduced in price a year later to $!0 Pulsar went out of business and sold the Pulsar brand name to Seiko. Pocket electronic calculators came out then, http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Calculator with the main two suppliers being Hewlett Packard and Texas Instruments. Electronic Games began to be popular. http://en.wikipedia....lectronic_games Games like Pong http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong started out as an arcade game in 1972 and eventually was played at home and Pac-Man came out as an arcade game in 1980. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pac-man Cell phones, handheld mobile phones began then. http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Cell_phone And of course the Personal Computer began as a hobbyist machine then, http://en.wikipedia....sonal_computers The IBM PC was introduced in 1981 after Apple had already put out the Apple I and Apple II. Ah, the nostalgic 1970's! (We won't talk about the clothes, hair styles, or Disco dancing. http://en.wikipedia....i/Disco_dancing LOL)

Cheers and Regards

u wont die from starving in USA - in Russia it is easy as sneeze.

I do NOT want to get caught in a US vs Russia thing nor do I want to underestimate the difficulties people have there... in fact I am Ukranian by heritage and when my family went there to visit relatives the stories they came back with were unreal BUT I can only imagine that your not exactly aware of some of the hardships that are very real here in the US and the fact that in this wonderful country we have unreported problems with malnutrition, poverty and homelessness.

... I still have a box of cassettes with music I recorded when I was in some bands but I have no player and they hard to find in any local stores so they just sit there as a memory :-)

Yes, but do you have any reel's of tape you can't play anymore? - http://en.wikipedia...._tape_recording - I have an old Ampex unit that would work just fine if I could find a new belt for it and of course tape, which you can't find either. Because of the higher tape speed and the wider tape, Reel to reel recorders produced higher quality recordings than either 8-track or cassette tape. (Wider frequency range, higher signal-to-noise, increased dynamic range, and less distortion.) Editing with a razor blade was a real pain, however.

Cheers and Regards

Edited by bphlpt

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