April 22, 201212 yr Hello,I have the same problem, can this be a bug in this new version? all silents doesnt work..
April 23, 201212 yr I've been loading a couple of "silents" for a while now. I've been experimenting with making my own silent installs (msi), which when clicked, do install, but still need some tweaks. I added them into my latest testing iso and none of them installed. On looking under the WIM_Software key, I see a WinKit key (which installs) and a WinToolkit key which doesn't install.Wintoolkit was downloaded the 18th (v1.4.0.16) and the iso was started from scratch on the 19th. Just wondering which Win key to put all the silent installs under.UPDATE!! Just tried a test with all Apps in WinToolkit reg key. None installed. Will have to wait until tomorrow to try them all under a WinKit reg key.UPDATE 2!! Well they all nearly install when added under the WIM_Software/WinKit key. I say nearly because they fall over each other trying to all install at once. Is their a switch I need to add somewhere?? Edited April 24, 201212 yr by ElmerBeFuddled
April 23, 201212 yr does some one have the working version? cant find the old. im tesing alot in vm i will report founded bugs!
April 23, 201212 yr compstuff, can you please upload version 10? Thanks.The ''new'' version 16 is the same one from 18th of april, so unfortunately is still not working regarding Runonce, as I've said in my previous post...
April 24, 201212 yr compstuff, can you please upload version 10? Thanks.The ''new'' version 16 is the same one from 18th of april, so unfortunately is still not working regarding Runonce, as I've said in my previous post... I've still got if that's any good to you!!
April 24, 201212 yr I've still got if that's any good to you!!Can you share your old version with the latest updates and addons goes fine, exept my ruonce. I doestn start runonce.. This are my settings:I think this is a bug or something? Edited April 24, 201212 yr by dylan
April 24, 201212 yr here is version 10 from compstuff. I'll confirm later if it's working or not. And yes, the current version 16 is a no-go, has a big bug regarding silent installs.
April 24, 201212 yr here is version 10 from compstuff. I'll confirm later if it's working or not. And yes, the current version 16 is a no-go, has a big bug regarding silent installs. Thanks Rica, my computer is intergrating right now with that version i will report tonight!
April 24, 201212 yr Just to give credit where due... this was actually uploaded & provided to me by IcyDead... so big thanks to him... and I am having complete success with this version on all my SFXhere is version 10 from compstuff. I'll confirm later if it's working or not. And yes, the current version 16 is a no-go, has a big bug regarding silent installs. Edited April 24, 201212 yr by compstuff
April 24, 201212 yr hi ElmerBeFuddled i think there is an issue with silent installs in version 1.4.0 16 because everything works fine in 1.4.0 15.i had similar issue all updaes,tweaks,themes install fine its just silent install that dont work.
April 24, 201212 yr i have version 1.4.0 15 and silent installs work fine in it.v 1.4.o 16 is definately buggy not just in silent installs ,but msu-cab converter and update retriever see my bug report in forum. :ranting:
April 30, 201212 yr I can confirm build 10 is ok for me also. Seems it's the latest build that really works. I can't say the same for build 16 (the one from the download page) unfortunately...
May 1, 201212 yr Silent Installers (switchless installers and full silent installers) do not work at all. In such an advanced version, i am frustrated to have such a serious bug. :g:
May 1, 201212 yr OK THATS IT!!!!Read the damned forum people!!: There is several threads on THIS SAME ISSUE! STOP posting new threads abbout it.2: Lego is VERY busy with school! You WILL HAVE to wait...
May 1, 201212 yr It appears to be a common issue. Until Lego finishes his exams in the Real World, it seems that Win Toolkit has hit the back boiler for a while. A little patience may be required.In the meantime a few of us have reverted back to v1.14.10 which seems to have none of these problems.Follow link to HERE.
May 1, 201212 yr @KelsenellenelvianI did not see other previous threads on this issue. My only mistake could be opening a new thread and not seeing the other ones.I agree with you on this, but I have to disagree with calling this mistake as rudeness. Actually, calling me "rude" is a real rudeness! Edited May 1, 201212 yr by oguz
May 1, 201212 yr Ummmm Hello?Didn't you MAKE this thread AFTER posting in ANOTHER thread ABOUT the same issue???http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/9738-14016-multiple-problems/#entry84850
May 2, 201212 yr What can I say...maybe...just maybe, I shouldnt write anything at all, next time.Or should read other topics and not to include stuff, what was mentioned elsewhere...to keep trolls or angry mods away... :g:Also I understand, that Lego is busy at the scohool and University is #1 priority, but shouldnt we still report bugs, problems or glitches we encounter?(Dont get me wrong, I dont justify spamming multiple threads about same issue)And indeed timestamp shows that Oguz created new topic, after he posted into mine... Edited May 2, 201212 yr by Etz
May 2, 201212 yr I am not trying to scare anyone away.A thread about a issue is fine even if others post confirmation that they have the same issue.The main thing that made me mad was oguz creating this thread and acting pretentious and put out that the issue existed AFTER already reading and posting in another thread about it.Lego gets treated pretty badly by some people here and he does an aweful lot for them anyways.I am sorry you got caght in the cross fire Etz.
May 9, 201212 yr That's a pretty stupid thing to do.... revert back to an old version without actually saying what the issue is? I have all the previous versions but if you report a problem I will ignore it unless you're using the latest.....
May 9, 201212 yr I'm not sure if there was any confusion on this but the only issue I was having was with the SFX RunOncEx so I did everything else with v16 and just the SFX integration with v10 and all my work has been fine so far.That's a pretty stupid thing to do.... revert back to an old version without actually saying what the issue is? I have all the previous versions but if you report a problem I will ignore it unless you're using the latest.....
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