June 3, 201212 yr It works, only the Problem with "corrupt" on a new start after a complete run of WinToolkit is still present.1) http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/9862-version-14021-corrupted-installwim/2) http://www.win-lite.de/wbb/board195-windows-7/board196-win7-tools-zur-image-bearbeitung/board269-special-win-toolkit/16825-win-toolkit-v1-4-0-fehlermeldungen-bugs/ (user KRX and me)
June 3, 201212 yr I just completed a new integration using the testV2 and all the installers I sent you earlier today worked... CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It worked perfectly and on top of that I passed a clean MSU and KOMM's KUC... I will have a beer for you :-) THANKS!!!
June 3, 201212 yr Thank god it's now working! I'll just wait for Thiersee to reply to his topic and have a look at the issue before i release.
June 3, 201212 yr @Lego,Everything working fine now. Test v2 working perfect! All silent and msi installers are installed :punk:Thanx for big fix :prop: Edited June 3, 201212 yr by oguz
June 4, 201212 yr I created my bootable Win 7 USB using Win Toolkit. Win 7 was installed correctly along with all the addons, though some of the tweaking didn't appear after the installation - like Move to, Copy to options in the context explorer.But none of the silent installers were installed. I tried each of the installer myself with various switches using the CMD prompt and everything was working fine but when I created a image with Win Toolkit along with the addons and silent installer nothing got installed after windows installation. Even the silent installers provided in this forum for Flash Player, Java Runtime environment didn't install.The silent installers I added were:#Silent InstallsReapers.Java.Runtime.AIO.;NO;27.05 MB;E:\C Bck Win 7 4 June Downloads\Add Ons for x64\Silent Installer\Reapers.Java.Runtime.AIO.;Always InstalledReapers.Adobe.Flash.Player.AIO.;NO;17.85 MB;E:\C Bck Win 7 4 June Downloads\Add Ons for x64\Silent Installer\Reapers.Adobe.Flash.Player.AIO.;Always InstalledReapers_Adobe_Shockwave_Player_11.6.4.634::;NO;9.25 MB;E:\C Bck Win 7 4 June Downloads\Add Ons for x64\Silent Installer\Reapers_Adobe_Shockwave_Player_11.6.4.634.exe;Always Installed7z465-x64::/qb;NO;1.17 MB;F:\Mandate Software\64 Bit\7z465-x64.msi;Always InstalledDriver Magician 3.68::/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP-;NO;3.98 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Driver Magician Backup Software\Driver Magician 3.68.exe;Always Installedepm::/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP-;NO;11.22 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Easus Partition Manager Good\epm.exe;Always Installedicaredrs::/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP-;NO;3.49 MB;F:\Mandate Software\iCare Data Recovery\icaredrs.exe;Always Installedmbam-setup- /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP-;NO;9.60 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Malwarebytes Anti Malware\mbam-setup-;Always Installedteracopy::/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP-;NO;2.81 MB;F:\Mandate Software\TeraCopy.Pro.2.27.Full eracopy.exe;Always Installeduiso9_pe::/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP-;NO;3.23 MB;F:\Mandate Software\UltraISO_Premium_Edition_v9.0\uiso9_pe.exe;Always Installedwinrar-x64-42b1::/S;NO;1.57 MB;F:\Mandate Software\WinRAR 4.2\winrar-x64-42b1.exe;Always Installedwwp5::/S;NO;8.98 MB;F:\Mandate Software\WordwebPro.5.52\wwp5.exe;Always Installedgoogletalk-setup::/S;NO;1.53 MB;F:\Mandate Software\googletalk-setup.exe;Always Installedmp3tagv251setup::/S;NO;3.05 MB;F:\Mandate Software\mp3tagv251setup.exe;Always Installednpp.5.8.6.Installer::/S;NO;4.39 MB;F:\Mandate Software\npp.5.8.6.Installer.exe;Always Installedvlc-2.0.1-win32::/S;NO;21.23 MB;F:\Mandate Software\vlc-2.0.1-win32.exe;Always Installedwinamp5621_full_emusic-7plus_all::/S;NO;15.77 MB;F:\Mandate Software\winamp5621_full_emusic-7plus_all.exe;Always InstalledAppleApplicationSupport::/quiet /passive /norestart;NO;19.45 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Apple\Apple Installers\AppleApplicationSupport.msi;Always InstalledAppleMobileDeviceSupport64::/quiet /passive /norestart;NO;10.59 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Apple\Apple Installers\AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi;Always InstalledAppleSoftwareUpdate::/quiet /passive /norestart;NO;2.22 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Apple\Apple Installers\AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi;Always InstallediTunes64::/quiet /passive /norestart;NO;46.85 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Apple\Apple Installers\iTunes64.msi;Always InstalledSetupAdmin::/quiet /passive /norestart;NO;71.86 KB;F:\Mandate Software\Apple\Apple Installers\SetupAdmin.exe;Always InstalledQuickTime::/quiet /passive /norestart;NO;25.58 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Apple\Apple Installers\QuickTime.msi;Always InstalledQuickTimeInstallerAdmin::/quiet /passive /norestart;NO;77.87 KB;F:\Mandate Software\Apple\Apple Installers\QuickTimeInstallerAdmin.exe;Always InstalledAcroRead::/qb;YES;119.41 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Adobe Reader X 10.1.3\AdbeRdr1013_en_US\AcroRead.msi;Always InstalledSkypeSetupFull::/VERYSILENT /SP-;NO;23.68 MB;F:\Mandate Software\SkypeSetupFull.exe;Always Installedsetup::/S;YES;4.62 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Dell Drivers\Ricoh Card Reader\setup.exe;Always InstalledSetup::/S;YES;89.29 KB;F:\Mandate Software\Dell Drivers\Touchpad\Setup.exe;Always InstalledSetup::/S;YES;858.54 KB;F:\Mandate Software\Dell Drivers\R205174_370_Bluetooth\V6600_62\Setup.exe;Always InstalledQuickset::/quiet /passive /norestart;YES;3.58 MB;F:\Mandate Software\Dell Drivers\Dell_QuickSet_A02_R196548_64BIT\Quickset.msi;Always InstalledAlso the display of the Win Toolkit in my system is not complete. Few of the options are hidden.I am attaching the screenshots and few configuration files for debugging.Please help me out in creating this bootable USB pendrive.If you need any further details then let me know.Attaching the screenshot of the contents of USB also.Configuration Files.zipWin Toolkit Images.zipUSB Contents.zip
June 4, 201212 yr I can't check fully right now, but everything like registry entries seem fine and then Apps seem fine. Quick question though? What DPI settings is your computer set at?
June 5, 201212 yr I can't check fully right now, but everything like registry entries seem fine and then Apps seem fine. Quick question though? What DPI settings is your computer set at?I am not sure what you mean by DPI. If it means resolution then it is 1920 X 1200.Hey Legolash - Any update on this issue? Edited June 5, 201212 yr by vipul_tilak
June 6, 201212 yr Hello Masters - Can anybody help me out with the above issue.I am still stuck. I also tried adding few silent installer with Force Install and few with prompt.Still no luck.Please help me experts!!!!
June 7, 201212 yr Just wanted to say that everything is ''as advertised'' in version 23 No more silent installer or msu problems. Congrats Lego!
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