August 24, 201212 yr please make repack of the last DirectX 9.29.1974 (x86-x64) aio with Managed Code Edited August 24, 201212 yr by Adrian Luca
September 9, 201212 yr I was a happy user of WinCDEmu for a very long time, but lately it made me very itchy - way too many issues, so I went back to Virtual Clonedrive, which I ''left'' because it didn't have .nrg cd-audio support. However, with other complementary tools like ImgBurn, this is really a non-issue.So, if you could make a custom installer out of this, I would be very grateful. Please remove the default desktop icon, also associate with all supported extensions (.ccd, .dvd, .iso, .img, .udf, .bin, and also .nrg - it's ok with video or data .nrg files, only audio .nrg audio cd's are the problem), and also make sure the unneeded options ''keep history of recently mounted images'' and ''show icon tray'' options aren't selected/pre-ticked by default.I know it's my second request after Quicktime, but both aren't apps that receive alot of updates, so hopefully if you'll have the time to make these you won't spend much more updating them.
November 16, 201212 yr Hi, this is not really a repackaging, but I think it is extremely important. When you make a Windows 8 AIO(x86 + x64), the sources. Net Frameworks , bring in the source folder sources\ssx to install netfx3. The netfx3 sources are the 32-bit version for Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit to 64-bit version of the installer. These sources are used to install Net Frameworks from terminal like:dism / online / enable-feature / featurename: NetFX3 / All / source: X \ source \ ssx / LimitAccessYou can mix the contents of the images (*.wim) of 32 and 64 bits, but not the installation "sources" of netfx3.Could you create a merge of .Net x86 and x64 in the same folder and not repeat the same files compared bit a bit?I programmed a script to know what are those files that are different, but they are in the same location on both architectures, however today brings running and still gives no results. May be useful I leave here.echo offSETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONclsecho Mezclando los fuentes de netfx3 de %1 con %2 y guardandolas en %3set soureFolder=%1set resulFolder=%2set newStFolder=%3set countS=0call:CountString %2set countSource=%countS%echo CountSource %countSource%cd /D%2for /D /R %%f in (".") do ( set currFolder=%%f set "currFolder=!currFolder:~0,-4!" echo Current !currFolder! set countS=0 call:CountString !currFolder! set /a countS=!countSource!-!countS! set "currFolder=!currFolder:~%countSource%,%countS%!" set soureFolder=%1!currFolder! set resulFolder=%2!currFolder! set newStFolder=%3!currFolder! echo SoureFolder !soureFolder! echo ResulFolder !resulFolder! echo NewStFolder !newStFolder! call:MergeFiles !soureFolder! !resulFolder! !newStFolder! cd %%f)echo.&pause&goto:eof::--------------------------------------------------------::-- Function section starts below here::--------------------------------------------------------:CountStringset string=%~1set count=0:loopCountString if "!string!" EQU "" goto endloopCountString set /a count=!count!+1 set "string=%string:~0,-1%"goto loopCountString:endloopCountStringset countS=!count!goto:eof:MergeFilescd /D%~1for %%f in (*.*) do ( if NOT "%%f"=="install.wim" call:copyFileMerge %%f, %~1, %~2, %~3)goto:eof:copyFileMergeif EXIST "%~3\%~1" ( echo Buscando coencidencias para el archivo %~1. Puede demorar.... for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('fc /A "%~2\%~1" "%~3\%~1"') do ( set "v=%%a" ) set var=!v:~4,2! if "!var!" EQU "no" ( echo Los archivos %~1 de ambos origenes coenciden. echo 0 archivos copiados. ) else ( echo Los archivos %~1 de ambos origenes no coenciden. if NOT EXIST "%~4" md "%~4" copy "%~2\%~1" "%~4\%~1" )) else ( echo El archivo %~1 no se encuentra en uno de los origenes. if NOT EXIST "%~4" md "%~4" copy "%~2\%~1" "%~4\%~1")goto:eofExample to run:./extractDiferenteFile.bat D:\Windows-8-All-Update\Origin-IAO D:\Windows-8-All-Update\Win-EnterPrise-X64 D:\Windows-8-All-Update\MergeTestthks.
December 23, 201212 yr @Ricktendo64 How did your Microsoft Security Essentials project work out? I wanted to have a look at your installer, however it appears the links are now dead. Cheers and Regards. Yea, I was totally trying to do a mst that would allow me to install directly via msi and also copy the updated definitions automatically but I failed (you can see my attempt here)As for a "repack" that is silent you could not use the SFXCAB.exe because the options are very limited (you can only point to the exe you cant add switches,) it would have to be done with 7zip sfx but I think I could also add a switch that would automatically install the program depending on arch and could also install the updated definitions if you put it in the same dir as the 7zip installerI'm thinking something like this;!@Install@!UTF-8!GUIMode="2"RunProgram="%%P\\setup /s /runwgacheck /o";Use /ai to install definition updates (in same dir as installer) automaticallyAutoInstall="%%P\\setup /s /runwgacheck /o"AutoInstall="x86:\"%%S\\mpam-fe\" /q"AutoInstall="x64:\"%%S\\mpam-fe%%P\" /q";!@InstallEnd@!Edit: Here it is in case anybody wants to test it aef9b6c1953657a8f4690ad49632ee2aSize: 11.3 MBDownload the definition updates (to be used with /ai) from KB971606
December 23, 201212 yr Try the link aggain It will install the definition updates if they are present in the same dir as the installer I think I will update it and release it
December 23, 201212 yr Thanks Rick. Interesting Installer. Edited December 23, 201212 yr by dotfusion
January 20, 201312 yr I don't have a request, but I would like to know which is the best way to extract iTunes installation files, I wanna create a custom iTunes installer and lite version of course, I wanna make its installer much smaller. What do you recommend? What really is the best way to extract .exe or .msi files to archives and then re-compile them to .exe or .msi files.
January 21, 201312 yr Well I gave iTunes a shot and was not able to slim it down much - Extracted iTunes setup (7zip can do it)- Edited AppleApplicationSupport.msi and AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi to remove vc runtimes- Created admin install of both installers above (universal extractor can do this)- Used InstEd to rebuild them (right click the CAB in the Media table and choose Rebuild)- Recompressed *.msi and setupadmin.exe with cabarc using LZX:21 (the default installer cab is LZX:15) Open cmd prompt and run this cabarc -m LZX:21 -p -r N ..\ *.*- Used a resource editor like Resource Hacker to update RCData\CABINET resource of the installer with Did not even slim by 1MB, and when I repack the installer doesnt run properly
February 10, 201312 yr How about 3DMark11? Advanced or Professional version.
April 2, 201311 yr Hello Ricardo,Can you make a repack installer "LightScribe System Software" contains old VC runtimes, etc.? Homepage LightScribe System Software
April 2, 201311 yr Keep the runtimes separate. Rick already has a great installer for all of them. No sense in adding them to all the other various installers that need them. Cheers and Regards
April 2, 201311 yr Thats what hes asking, for me to remove the old runtimes from the installer I think I will definitely do/maintain this one
April 18, 201311 yr --------------------------- Messenger Plus! --------------------------- Accepted Command Line Arguments: /Destination=directory /Silent (does not install any sponsor) --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
April 19, 201311 yr Spywareblaster is the same, you have to extract it with innounp or universal extractor and rebuild it BTW I downloaded 1.18 and it was not inno
April 19, 201311 yr Something tells me its an online installer, where the EXE downloads the installer to %temp%
May 26, 201311 yr Net frameworks in the Turkish language, # Microsoft.NET Framework 1.1 Sp1# Microsoft.NET Framework 1.1 Sp1 Turkish Language Pack# Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 SP2# Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Turkish Language Pack# Microsoft.NET Framework 3.0 SP2# Microsoft.NET Framework 3.0 SP2 Turkish Language Pack# Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 Sp1# Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 Sp1 Turkish Language Pack# Microsoft.NET Framework 4 Client Profile# Microsoft.NET Framework 4 Client Profile, the Turkish Language Pack# Microsoft.NET Framework 4 Extended# Microsoft.NET Framework 4 Client Profile, the Turkish Language Pack Xp home edition up to date to get a single silent installation package thanks
May 26, 201311 yr .net framework 4 with turkish lp are done, as for the other .net frameworks sorry, cant
June 19, 201311 yr sir, would you like to repack for me the .net framework 4.5 without update (.net framework 4.5 only), because i need this for fast install using SetupComplete.cmd for install my win 7 sp1 iso, because the .net framework 4.5 that include updates is too long to install during Setup, so i need without Updates of .net framework 4.5thnx before
June 19, 201311 yr WTF? You may have my installer confused with another. My updated .net 4.5 does NOT take any longer, because I have integrated the updates replacing the old outdated files...if anything this saves time because you don't have to later install all the updates one by one I have also tried to help others improve/make their .net 4.5 installers install faster. So yea, you definitely have my installer confused with another (the size of the repack one is misleading, this is due to better cab compression.)
September 11, 201311 yr Saludos desde EC, tengo una inquitud: por que no tomar el instalador de Shockwave_12.0.4.144.exedesempaquetarlo, quitar todos los adicionales que pide instalar y reempaquetarlola version que anda por aqui es del doble de tamaño a que se debe esoasumo que reempaquedo deberia ser mas pequeño o igualNo compredoGracias Me olvide si saben como instalar esta version desatendida favor indicar, ya he probado con los metodos conocidos y nada sale la ventanita pidiendo instalar crome
September 11, 201311 yr Ese shockwave no contiene la carpeta "%WinDir%\System32\Adobe\Shockwave 12\Xtras" y este instalador tambien contiene la version 10 de shockwave Para instalar usas /qn
September 23, 201311 yr {REQ}NET Framework 3.5 Standalone Installer for Windows 8 & 8.1.Thanks A lot.
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