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Windows 7 ULTIMATE slimming guide Create stripped Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate x64/x86 and remove WinSxS

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Windows 7 ULTIMATE slimming guide

here is video

programs n softwares u will required


Create stripped Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate x64/x86 and remove WinSxS.


1. install waik 2/3

2. install rt7 and vlite with wim filter ( so no need to reboot and install and uninstall waik)

3. run RT7Lite, did not create ISO, ran GimageX (apply then Capture, do not press Append, press Create). Then ran VLite and create an ISO image

After you finished with RT7Lite, you have a folder with all the stuff from your Windows image, but stripped down. Call it folder A.

or go ahead and create iso and unrar it and use that as folder A.

Now run GimageX , choose APPLY. Source is the install.wim file in a subfolder (source )of folder A.

Destination folder is a temporary folder (generaly create temp folder on empty drive without other files in it as these files are very hard to delete so u can just format the drive

Then CAPTURE, now select the temp folder as source and the target/destination is install2.wim file in folder A as destination. name it install2.wim

After that finishes, delete orignal install.wim file from folder a/sources and rename newly created install2.wim to install.wim , now use this folder a for v lite for removing more stuff and wiinsxs.

if u just want to reduce size of winsxs folder Select only "Component Cache (WinSxS)" for removal

ps. if you will get an error about not finding drivers on install

Copy setup.exe from sources of your original W7 iso into sources folder of new iso u made by iso editor like ultra iso.

Edited by Kelsenellenelvian
Removed links see post #4 for reason!

  • 4 months later...

Gee, I'm seeing alot of post lately referencing RT7. Give Win Toolkit a try. Good luck with your super slim install when SP2 is released.

Edited by dotfusion

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