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first of all, i really appreciate the effort and i thank the dev(s) and all those who contributed to this project. it is not often i donate to developers (i simply don't have the funds), but nLite, Ryan and now WTk are 3 great exceptions

coming from nLite, and factoring in my limited knowledge, here's some things i'm noticing with WTk...

SUGGEST : perhaps it should be made clearer exactly what WTk is working with - the live system or an off-line source. i just downloaded 49 hotfixes and installed them, assuming they were being integrated into the off-line installation ... wrong :) i missed the control group label, the button tooltip and didn't read the guide - my fault, sure, but i think this should still be made crystal clear, such as by indicating in the title bar and/or status exactly what's being manipulated

Note: Renamed 'Online Installers' group to 'Online Installers - Current OS'. All other tools work offline except these two. Compared to what W7T looked like in v1.3.x, v1.4.0 was a big improvement in the UI.

SUGGEST : personally, i would much prefer if WinToolkit.exe did not package additional files which are extracted and deleted as needed - i'd rather see all the contained files as with most other programs if possible. this especially got my attention when 'UTH.exe' was apparently extracted and tried to connect to an IP unexpectedly when i applied reg tweaks to my live system and then was deleted, leaving me wondering what just happened (i've since learned this is the theme patcher exe and apparently it's checking for an update)

Note: There's a reason for this, i used to have all the files external but i kept getting error logs because people deleted them, also they're a lot of files to the root folder would be cluttered and hard to find the main WinToolkit.exe, however later on i may move to an installer then the files may become external.

SUGGEST : when browsing to select a directory in many of the tools, the default seems to often be the user root directory. this should default to the program root, or to the last selected

Note: It now remembers last directory used.

Update Retriever

ENHANCEMENT : without reading the guide, it isn't clear if we're working with an off-line or live system. this could be indicated in the titlebar maybe?

Note: Nothing i can really do about this, all the tools in 'Main' work off-line whilst 'Tools' work online. Again, compared to v1.3.x version 1.4.0 has helped a lot.

FIX : the lower part of the form resizes vertically when resizing the window vertically (size should remain fixed)

Note: Fixed, thanks.

BUG? : many of the following warnings in error log, but updates all downloaded successfully:

Note: I have no control over the update log what-so-ever, that's all done by Microsoft.

2012-05-26	10:44:27:048	 316	b48	PT	+++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing extended update info  +++++++++++
2012-05-26 10:44:27:048 316 b48 PT + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL = https://www.update.microsoft.com/v6/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2012-05-26 10:44:27:200 316 b48 DtaStor WARNING: Attempted to add URL http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/software/secu/2012/04/windows6.1-kb2688338-x64_aaea556a4bec3a5e3495f240499729c2a586d478.msu for file qupVakvsOl40lfJASZcpwqWG1Hg= when file has not been previously added to the datastore

Update Catalog

SUGGEST : i think this is confusing as there are 2 instances of the 'Update Catalog' button ('Main' > 'Basic' and 'Downloads') which apparently do different things; one points to the SoLoR and McRip repositories while the other points to hotfix.chris123nt.com. it is my understanding that hotfix.chris123nt.com is a mirror of only the SoLoR updates. seems like the the functionality of both of these buttons should be combined maybe?

Note: Combined both buttons.

also i found it difficult to figure out how to download all the post SP1 updates - it's kind of confusing when there's 3 sources being used and the description of the SoLoR and McRip updates might leave one with the impression these are only LDR's which, apparently, is untrue. i was also looking to download only the post SP1 GDR patches, but this is not possible as far as i can tell

Note: 2 sources (SoLoR and McRip), it's not possible to separate LDR/GDR Updates. Don't know how it's difficult, just select the updates you want, select the download folder and click go :/

also this link may be of interest to others - it's the change log for the SoLoR patches:


Component Remover

ENHANCEMENT : allow loading presets

Note: That's a request and needs it's own topic in the 'Requests' forum.

ENHANCEMENT : like Update Retriever, it is unclear as to what system is being accessed; live or selected image? this could be indicated in the titlebar

Note: Edited the description.

SUGGEST : checkbox controls for child component(s) should be selected/deselected when selecting/deselecting parent

Note: There isn't any child components, please elaborate.

BUG : AIO Creator overlapping controls (near bottom)...

Note: Hopefully fixed.


AIO Integrator

Tweaks tab

ENHANCEMENT : need better descriptions all around - maybe start a special pinned topic for this so users can contribute?

Note: Not really my fault, when users request the tweaks they didn't give a full description of what it does, for me to do this would require a heck of a lot of googling. I agree that tweaks tab can be better. Also a bug caused half of descriptions to disappear and never had time to research what they all did again :(

ENHANCEMENT : allow selecting/copying of text in description

Note: Please make a separate thread in the 'Request forum' thanks.

ENHANCEMENT : show script source code in preview pane when clicking on an item

Note: Please explain.

ENHANCEMENT : when selecting one tweak in a category with multiple tweaks, the category checkbox control should be 1/2 checked (block or dimmed check) instead of unchecked

Note: tried doing this, add it to the request forum with the 'enhancement' above. So i don't forget.

ENHANCEMENT : ability to apply tweaks to live system is great, but suggest to remove option in 'Options' tab and do this right on the 'Tweaks' tab - too easy to apply tweaks to wrong system/image when the checkbox is on another tab entirely. suggest something like adding a checkbox to enable tweaks on the off-line source and a button 'Apply to current' which applies tweaks to live system

Note: I won't fix this, however i have changed its group to debugging. To be fair it does give a message box with a big description of what it does. If a user fails to read that, then it's their own fault. But again, i've moved it to the debugging group.

SUGGEST : add description for 'Start-up & Shutdown' > 'Shutdown Quicker' - i assume this is changing vales for various timeouts and i would say that this is generally a bad idea as settings/data loss can occur. in my expierence, if something is hanging there is a reason that might need investigating

Note: This used have a description but disappeared due to the bug mentioned above but i have re-added a description.

SUGGEST : change description for 'System' > 'Disable CPU Parking' as this only affects AMD processors - see:


Note: Added in description.

Services tab

SUGGEST : change 'Diagnostic Policy' label to 'Diagnostic Policy Service' to match actual display name

SUGGEST : change 'Windows Media Center Receiver' to 'Windows Media Center Receiver Service' to match actual display name

SUGGEST : change 'Windows Error Reporting' to 'Windows Error Reporting Service' to match actual display name

SUGGEST : change 'Windows Image Acquisition' to 'Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)' to match actual display name

SUGGEST : change 'Web Managment' to 'Web Managment Service' to match actual display name

SUGGEST : change 'Program Compatibility Assistant' to 'Program Compatibility Assistant Service' to match actual display name

Note: I removed the names 'Service' to save space in the columns, it's pretty obvious they are services to why add the 'Service' at the end :P

FIX : all MS .NET Framework NGEN (2.x) services default startup types are wrong for Home editions - should all be 'Manual'. i believe this is also the case for the 4.x versions

- see: http://msdn.microsof...2(v=ws.10).aspx

Note: Changed to Manual

FIX : 'Program Compatibility Assistant Service' default startup type should be 'Manual' for all Win 7 versions (BV)

Note: Done.

FIX : 'Routing and Remote Access' default startup type should be 'Disabled' for all Win 7 versions (BV)

Note: Done.

FIX : 'Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework' default startup type should be 'Manual' when any version of Win 7 with SP1 is detected (BV)

Note: It doesn't do any detection of the kind but changed it to manual anyway

FIX : 'Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)' default startup type is 'Manual' for all Win 7's (BV)

Note: Done.

FIX : 'Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service' default startup type is 'Manual' for all Win 7's (BV)

Note: Done.

FIX : 'WLAN AutoConfig' default startup type is 'Manual' for all Win 7's (BV)

Note: Done.

Unattended Creator

SUGGEST : processor architecture combo could be easily missed? possibly add as a checkbox within the rest of the stuff

Note: Removed option all together, it will 'AnyCPU' by default.

SUGGEST : for consistency, consider changing 'Full Name' label to 'Full Computer Name'

Note: They are different, 'Full Name' is your name i.e. Jim Bob whilst 'Computer Name' is the name of your computer, i have renamed 'Full Name' to 'Your Full Name'

BUG? : serial string not added to unattended.xml ... or am i missing something here?

Note: Fixed this bug and other bugs too.

ENHANCEMENT : add tooltip to 'Profile Directory' label to clearly indicate this is not the 'Users' directory (avoid confusion with %ALLUSERSPROFILE%)

Note: Done.

ENHANCEMENT : add tooltip to 'ProgramData Folder' label to clearly indicate this is not the 'Program Files' folder(s)

Note: Done.

Edited by Legolash2o


Thanks for "careful examination" and helpfully suggests :)

Thanks for detected bug fixes and helping development WTKit!

Edited by oguz

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions, very much appreciated. You will noticed i have edited your original posts with feedback. Feel free to dispute what I've put, but please don't edit your original posts after I've edited them.

You will also notice i've released v26 so you can view what has been changed.

EDIT: I've also merged all of your posts, but don't worry about it :)

  • Author

i'm assuming this exists in .25 - can't tell because i'm using latest (

'Win Toolkit Options' > 'Main' tab - there's an option to check for updates - unchecked

in .24, if there was an update available you got a window with the new version and download button, at the bottom of which is a checkbox to check for updates on startup that is checked by default, but the check never takes place

suggest removing this all together and just having the update checkbox in 'Win Toolkit Options' perhaps?

i'm assuming this exists in .25 - can't tell because i'm using latest (

'Win Toolkit Options' > 'Main' tab - there's an option to check for updates - unchecked

in .24, if there was an update available you got a window with the new version and download button, at the bottom of which is a checkbox to check for updates on startup that is checked by default, but the check never takes place

suggest removing this all together and just having the update checkbox in 'Win Toolkit Options' perhaps?

You may have to explain that further, this seems to be working fine for me.

  • Author

it's just a conflict is all - you have 2 update checkboxes and they don't agree; 1 in options and 1 on the update window (when clicking button on main UI to check for updates)

if the former is UNchecked, and the latter is checked, then i would expect the update check at startup to occur, but it doesn't (the latter should override the former and set it to checked state also)

personally, the simplest solution may be to just dump the option in the update checking UI so the only checkbox is in the main UI > options. failing that, the 2 should probably be in sync

it's just a conflict is all - you have 2 update checkboxes and they don't agree; 1 in options and 1 on the update window (when clicking button on main UI to check for updates)

if the former is UNchecked, and the latter is checked, then i would expect the update check at startup to occur, but it doesn't (the latter should override the former and set it to checked state also)

personally, the simplest solution may be to just dump the option in the update checking UI so the only checkbox is in the main UI > options. failing that, the 2 should probably be in sync

Fixed it :)

  • Author

re: component remover...

SUGGEST : checkbox controls for child component(s) should be selected/deselected when selecting/deselecting parent

Note: There isn't any child components, please elaborate.

bad description on my part - i meant 'dependencies' and apparently i meant in the AIO-I component remover

in other words if you remove a component that has dependency components, they should become checked also. this does happen in component remover, but does not happen from the AIO Integrator component remover ... speaking of which, is the latter really worth having? 2 component removers seems a bit confusing/redundant maybe (i know they work in a different way, but the Component Remover is better than the AIO-I one and does everything it can do)

Edited by zimmer

Nope, just wasn't sure if you saw it :)

The one in AIO just has the most common ones, whilst removing stuff from multiple selected images. Component Remover actually mounts and scans your image, advantage is that it contains more but it only works with one image. Also component removal will also list new Windows 8 components thanks to its scanning :)

Sorry to see that go as I specifically used that to select x64 only and then I would use WIM Manger to validate

Unattended Creator

SUGGEST : processor architecture combo could be easily missed? possibly add as a checkbox within the rest of the stuff

Note: Removed option all together, it will 'AnyCPU' by default.

The downloads - update catalog button doesn't seem to do anything now and I really think this entire thing needs some additional options and thought seeing that their are other major resources available... as an example (no disrespect to anyone) I have never seen any resource anywhere like Komm's list:


Not sure about the SoLoR button anymore:


EDIT: Forgot to give a big thanks for all your awesome work!!!

Edited by Legolash2o

  • Author
The downloads - update catalog button doesn't seem to do anything now ...

as in it doesn't download, or isn't displaying the files? this happened to me too, but apparently the cause was that the server(s) were off-line (nothing to do with WTk)

and YES! that link you provided is great! i see SoLoR is involved in that as well. i'd suggest the link be added to WTk UI

also - one thing i don't like with the update downloader is that no titles or descriptions are provided - perhaps these titles/descriptions could be integrated into the UI as well - that would be really helpful!

one better would be to also include hyperlinks to the relevant MS page, or include all of it...

KB | Date | Title | Description | Link | Article | Type | KUC-Type | x64 | Client | Server

EDIT: also wanted to add link to the KUC tool (other good stuff there as well) ...


Edited by zimmer

Sorry to see that go as I specifically used that to select x64 only and then I would use WIM Manger to validate

It will make no difference, if you really don't want x86 in the unattended file just simply open the Editor tab just before you save and manually highlight and delete the x86 parts.

The downloads - update catalog button doesn't seem to do anything now and I really think this entire thing needs some additional options and thought seeing that their are other major resources available... as an example (no disrespect to anyone) I have never seen any resource anywhere like Komm's list:


Not sure about the SoLoR button anymore:


EDIT: Forgot to give a big thanks for all your awesome work!!!

Removed SoLoR button and fixed the button within 'Downloads'

But that was the whole point you very simply added an automated process

It will make no difference, if you really don't want x86 in the unattended file just simply open the Editor tab just before you save and manually highlight and delete the x86 parts.

  • 3 weeks later...

Now, "IE Language Pack" is not an integrated one?

Then not loaded version I've added 25

Requires it's own thread.

But that was the whole point you very simply added an automated process

Just make a request in the request forum and i'll add it back.

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