Posted June 11, 201212 yr about: This package is different from the original because umdf.exe is updated with KB970159 (User-Mode Driver Framework version 1.9,) its meant to be used with the WMP11 Slipstreamer to integrate WMP11 into your XP disc (more info)ENU X64: 300b014af294bbd1ebd7716035c7d778ENU X86: bf487bac71d306282e247f006f0eff97ES-ES X86: 70a0723ad73e733ac8b0d967c5290774DE-DE X86: 88b91e9b784919e1aea7ec35073ee744EL-GR X86: de567290294027ba4d93e7eb400c9322FR-FR X86: 1ff0f3d9774c676bb5af66d118e70c1fIT-IT X86: a2bbc9efb6663f5b155f61fd7cae00e7TR-TR X86: fd4e079aaed6effea2ae4e1f0f3c8925Updated: LegitLibM.dll 1.9.43wudfcoinstaller.dll 6.1.7600.16385wudfcustom.dll 6.1.7600.16385wudfhost.exe 6.1.7600.16385wudfpf.sys 6.1.7600.16385wudfplatform.dll 6.1.7600.16385wudfrd.sys 6.1.7600.16385wudfsvc.dll 6.1.7600.16385wudfx.dll 6.1.7600.16385Open to other language installer repack requests
June 13, 201212 yr Author WildBill has a cab sfx and tutorial
August 20, 201212 yr Hi!Thanks Rick for this job. Is it possible to have it in french ? Or this is already the case ? Thanks in advance. Edited August 20, 201212 yr by azertyuiop123
August 20, 201212 yr Author Added French and redid ALL packages to use the original wmp11 sfx installer (i res edited the cab rcdata,) and edited umdf to work for normal setup
August 20, 201212 yr Thanks a lot Rick, very quick response !!!Meanwhile I managed alone and I makes a French addon from the OnePiece addon but with your KB (KB-970158_970159_971286.7z) for XP Windows. And it works....finally, I think so. I tried with VirtualBox and it's OK.Thank again for this job. I'll take it.Cordially.
August 20, 201212 yr Author I don't know about OnePiece updatepack/addon creator, I know it should work with boooggy's WMP Slipstreamer
August 21, 201212 yr Yes, you can get at this adress : It doesn't use the boooggy's WMP Slipstreamer. Only the original file + all the hotfixes + your KB. And for me, it's OK.
August 31, 201212 yr Hi Rick, I downloaded the "ENU X86". I noticed inside umdf.exe there is updatebr.inf that points to update_xp.inf and update_srv03.inf so update.inf isn't executed and I think the UMDF driver won't be installed. I guess updatebr.inf should be removed (together useless old cat file).Can you do me the favor to make the italian version too because I have a little problem to repack the installer but I repacked the umdf.exe as describedEdit: I just got to repack the italian installer, here it is:IT-IT X86: https://rapidshare.c...t-it-repack.exeMD5: 9808b5190bf0fbcaca56cdfaf97bc30ffilesize: 25 MBlittle note: mine installer keeps the default icon while your "ENU X86" (and maybe other repacks) Edited August 31, 201212 yr by kontini
September 1, 201212 yr @kontiniThanks for the ITA versionjust a suggestion and better (not to say and a duty ) add the file. cat (of the respective Hotfix) in update folder where present Update.exe (Update.exe tracking them and install them all automatically) see "Nonno Fabio Internet Explorer 7-8 SvcPack\RunOnceEx AddOn"Ciao.ItalianoGrazie per la versione ITAsolo un suggerimento e meglio (per non dire e un dovere ) aggiungere anche i file .cat (dei rispettivi Hotfix) nelle cartelle Update dove e presente Update.exe (Update.exe li rintraccia e li installerà automaticamente tutte), vedi "Nonno Fabio Internet Explorer 7-8 SvcPack\RunOnceEx AddOn"Ciao. Edited September 2, 201212 yr by OnePiece
January 19, 201312 yr Author All installers have been updated to solve this issue and added italian (sorry, I did not see this earlier) Hi Rick, I downloaded the "ENU X86". I noticed inside umdf.exe there is updatebr.inf that points to update_xp.inf and update_srv03.inf so update.inf isn't executed and I think the UMDF driver won't be installed. I guess updatebr.inf should be removed (together useless old cat file). BTW the old cat file is not old, its the new one renamed (this and update.inf is only for boooggy wmp11 integrator)
January 20, 201312 yr Boy that was quick. Mediafire has already blocked the x86 ENU file."File Blocked for Violation."
January 20, 201312 yr Sorry Rick, but for both Eng links I get: File Blocked for Violation.The file you requested has been blocked for a violation of our Terms of Service. Still have questions or do you think we've made an mistake? Check our knowledge base for more information or contact us about it. Cheers and Regards Edited January 20, 201312 yr by bphlpt
January 20, 201312 yr Author You are correct, the links work for me because I am still logged into mediafire Does anybody have any FTP space they can spare? For now will upload to another provider (dont know which is best)
November 30, 201311 yr hi i'm sorry rick, is the file still exist? I currently need the x64 for slipstream into my xp x64 source, when I download the enu x64 version from this link :'ve got this :Not FoundThe requested URL /ricktendo/Repack/wmp11-windowsxp-x64-enu-repack.exe was not found on this server.Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
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