Consent.exe hangs using “Run as Administrator”

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5 Responses

  1. WORMSS says:

    How can I “Run as Administrator” ?? the consent.exe is frozen??

  2. Dan says:

    3. If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.

    How am I going to see the UAC window when consent.exe is hanging and the window does not appear? I am trying to help a friend who has this problem: Running as an Admin user in W7 Home Premium that box never appears anymore. Nothing that usually launches the UAC works, including trying to turn off UAC, install or uninstall s/w or run some programs (e.g. CCleaner, Malwarebytes).

    I can usually kill the consent.exe process if I know what other process launched it, and kill that process first. (I think I need to have the task manager showing processes from all users to do this, even if I see them listed without all process box clicked- strange)


  3. Nik says:

    Try to use process explorer to see processes in more detail.

    Does consent.exe always freezes when you try to use ‘run as administrator’ option?

  4. Dan says:

    Thank you for the reply.
    I should have been more clear. “Running as an Admin user in W7”, should have said “When running from an Administrative User’s account”. I did also try launching programs with “Run as administrator”- it had the same effect. Program would hang, and I would find both that program and consent.exe listed in Task Manager. A symptom that I did not report because I was unaware at the time was that it was not possible to shut down the computer (a laptop). Sleep mode worked but not shutdown.

    This went on for days, and I was about to run HitmanPro and RogueKiller (from another help site). I had Hitman 64 bit instead of 32 bit so it would not run. I do not think I had run RogueKiller yet at all, but when I got the correct version of HitmaPro and launched it from a removable drive suddenly there was a UAC window. I have no explanation for how this happened, but everything seems to be back to normal now. It is a mystery to me.

  5. James says:

    This page is utterly useless…If Run As Administrator causes the consent process to hang, you can’t run anything as Administrator to fix the problem.

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