A good friend of mine wrote up a very small vbscript to handle paging file creation/deletion/modification on Vista/Win7 systems (as PageFileConfig.vbs doesn’t exist inbox, and it didn’t have the ability to handle some of the situations that can arise during setup), and it ended up morphing into this.
Script might work on Windows XP/2003 system, but it’s not tested yet.
He thinks that it would save someone the time if they had a need for it, so here it is:
'// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '// '// NAME: setpagefile.vbs '// '// Original: http://www.cluberti.com/blog '// Last Update: 16th June 2010 '// '// Comment: VBS example file for use in configuring the paging file on Windows '// '// NOTE: Provided as-is - usage of this source assumes that you are at the '// very least familiar with the vbscript language being used and '// the tools used to create and debug this file. '// '// In other words, if you break it, you get to keep the pieces. '// '// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Option Explicit Dim strComputer, strPageFileSizeInput, strPageFileNameInput, strInput Dim objWMIService, objStaticPageFileItem, objDynamicPageFileItem, objShellApp Dim colStaticPageFileItems, colDynamicPageFileItems, isRunning, execOutput, gErrData, bRebootNeeded, bNoStaticPageFile, bNoPageFile '// Ensure that cscript is the engine used to run this script: RunMeWithCScript() On Error Resume Next '// Configure our variables: strComputer = "." bRebootNeeded = False bNoStaticPageFile = True bNoPageFile = True Set objShellApp = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") '// Win32_PageFile is deprecated - it still (mostly) works, but Win32_PageFileSetting is not deprecated, so use that: Set colStaticPageFileItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PageFileSetting",,48) Set colDynamicPageFileItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PageFileUsage",,48) '// Execute the ChangePagingFile sub: ChangePagingFile() '// Check execution of ChangePagingFile(), and handle when "system managed" is set, or no paging file exists: If bRebootNeeded = True Then RebootSystem() Else '// Can't use WMI to create a paging file when it is "system managed" or none exists - handle this condition: If bNoStaticPageFile = True Then CheckForDynamicPagingFile() If bNoPageFile = False Then WScript.Quit Else If bNoPageFile = True Then WScript.Echo "No paging file found." WScript.Echo "" strPageFileNameInput = UserInput("Enter new pagefile name (full path and filename) - leave blank to use C:\pagefile.sys: ") strPageFileSizeInput = UserInput("Enter new pagefile size (in MB) - leave blank to keep the system with no paging file: ") '// Check to see if the user left the input blank, otherwise set up a paging file: If Not strPageFileSizeInput = "" Then If strPageFileNameInput = "" Then strPageFileNameInput = "C:\pagefile.sys" End If WScript.Echo "New pagefile file will be: " & strPageFileNameInput WScript.Echo "New pagefile size will be: " & strPageFileSizeInput & "MB" bNoStaticPageFile = False '// Change the registry to add paging file information: objShellApp.Exec("reg add ""HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management"" /v PagingFiles /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d """ & strPageFileNameInput & " " & strPageFileSizeInput & " " & strPageFileSizeInput & """ /f") '// Check the return to make sure we succeeded - otherwise, tell the user why we didn't: If Not Err.Number = 0 Then gErrData = gErrData & vbCrLf & "Error writing to registry - reason: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description WScript.Echo gErrData Err.Clear Else WScript.Echo "Registry edit to add " & strPageFileNameInput & " as size " & strPageFileSizeInput & "MB was successful." bRebootNeeded = True End If '// If we've made changes that have succeeded, we need to reboot - otherwise, do nothing: If bRebootNeeded = True Then RebootSystem() Else WScript.Echo "No changes made that require a reboot. Exiting script." End If Else WScript.Echo "You have elected to continue with no paging file. Exiting script." End If Else WScript.Echo "No changes made that require a reboot. Exiting script." End If End If End If End If Sub ChangePagingFile() For Each objStaticPageFileItem In colStaticPageFileItems '// There's a static paging file - use WMI to make changes: bNoStaticPageFile = False bNoPageFile = False WScript.Echo " --------------------------" WScript.Echo " Current PageFile Details" WScript.Echo " --------------------------" WScript.Echo "Name: " & objStaticPageFileItem.Name WScript.Echo "InitialSize: " & objStaticPageFileItem.InitialSize WScript.Echo "MaximumSize: " & objStaticPageFileItem.MaximumSize WScript.Echo "" '// Get user input: strInput = UserInput("Enter new pagefile size (in MB) - leave blank to delete existing paging file: ") '// If the user entered a value, configure the new paging file size: If Not strInput = "" Then WScript.Echo "New pagefile size will be: " & strInput & "MB" WScript.Echo "" objStaticPageFileItem.InitialSize = strInput objStaticPageFileItem.MaximumSize = strInput objStaticPageFileItem.Put_ bRebootNeeded = True WScript.Echo " --------------------------" WScript.Echo " New PageFile Details" WScript.Echo " --------------------------" WScript.Echo "Name: " & objStaticPageFileItem.Name WScript.Echo "InitialSize: " & objStaticPageFileItem.InitialSize WScript.Echo "MaximumSize: " & objStaticPageFileItem.MaximumSize WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "A reboot is needed for this change to take effect." '// If the user left the input blank, delete the paging file - note that Delete and DeleteEx from Win32_PagingFile are deprecated, and '// while they'll return 0 on Windows 7, they don't actually delete the paging file. Using reg add instead, as it works just fine: Else WScript.Echo "Deleting paging file: " & objStaticPageFileItem.Name objShellApp.Exec("reg add ""HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management"" /v PagingFiles /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d """" /f") '// Check the return to make sure we succeeded - otherwise, tell the user why we didn't: If Not Err.Number = 0 Then gErrData = gErrData & vbCrLf & "Error writing to registry - reason: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description WScript.Echo gErrData Err.Clear Else WScript.Echo "Registry edit to remove " & objStaticPageFileItem.Name & " was successful." bRebootNeeded = True End If End If Next End Sub Sub CheckForDynamicPagingFile() For Each objDynamicPageFileItem In colDynamicPageFileItems '// There's a paging file - use WMI to make changes: bNoPageFile = False WScript.Echo "Paging file is configured for 'System managed size'" WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo " --------------------------" WScript.Echo " Current PageFile Details" WScript.Echo " --------------------------" WScript.Echo "Name: " & objDynamicPageFileItem.Name WScript.Echo "Size: " & objDynamicPageFileItem.AllocatedBaseSize WScript.Echo "Current Usage: " & objDynamicPageFileItem.CurrentUsage WScript.Echo "" WScript.Echo "" strPageFileNameInput = UserInput("Enter new pagefile name (full path and filename) - leave blank to use C:\pagefile.sys: ") strPageFileSizeInput = UserInput("Enter new pagefile size (in MB) - leave blank to remove the paging file: ") '// Check to see if the user left the input blank, otherwise set up a paging file: If Not strPageFileSizeInput = "" Then If strPageFileNameInput = "" Then strPageFileNameInput = "C:\pagefile.sys" End If WScript.Echo "New pagefile file will be: " & strPageFileNameInput WScript.Echo "New pagefile size will be: " & strPageFileSizeInput & "MB" bNoStaticPageFile = False '// Change the registry to add paging file information: objShellApp.Exec("reg add ""HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management"" /v PagingFiles /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d """ & strPageFileNameInput & " " & strPageFileSizeInput & " " & strPageFileSizeInput & """ /f") '// Check the return to make sure we succeeded - otherwise, tell the user why we didn't: If Not Err.Number = 0 Then gErrData = gErrData & vbCrLf & "Error writing to registry - reason: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description WScript.Echo gErrData Err.Clear Else WScript.Echo "Registry edit to add " & strPageFileNameInput & " as size " & strPageFileSizeInput & "MB was successful." bRebootNeeded = True End If '// If we've made changes that have succeeded, we need to reboot - otherwise, do nothing: If bRebootNeeded = True Then RebootSystem() WScript.Quit Else WScript.Echo "No changes made that require a reboot. Exiting script." WScript.Quit End If '// If the user left the input blank, delete the paging file - note that Delete and DeleteEx from Win32_PagingFile are deprecated, and '// while they'll return 0 on Windows 7, they don't actually delete the paging file. Using reg add instead, as it works just fine: Else WScript.Echo "Deleting paging file: " & objDynamicPageFileItem.Name objShellApp.Exec("reg add ""HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management"" /v PagingFiles /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d """" /f") '// Check the return to make sure we succeeded - otherwise, tell the user why we didn't: If Not Err.Number = 0 Then gErrData = gErrData & vbCrLf & "Error writing to registry - reason: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description WScript.Echo gErrData Err.Clear Else WScript.Echo "Registry edit to remove " & objDynamicPageFileItem.Name & " was successful." bRebootNeeded = True End If End If Next End Sub Sub RebootSystem() WScript.Echo "The system will reboot in 5 seconds..." Set isRunning = objShellApp.Exec("shutdown /r /t 5 /f /d p:2:4") '// As long as shutdown.exe is running, wait: Do While isRunning.Status = 0 WScript.Sleep 100 execOutput = isRunning.StdOut.ReadAll Loop End Sub Function UserInput(strInput) WScript.StdOut.Write strInput & " " UserInput = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine End Function On Error GoTo 0 Sub RunMeWithCScript() Dim ScriptEngine, engineFolder, Args, arg, scriptName, argString, scriptCommand ScriptEngine = UCase(Mid(WScript.FullName, InstrRev(WScript.FullName, "\") + 1)) engineFolder = Left(WScript.FullName, InstrRev(WScript.FullName, "\")) argString = "" If ScriptEngine = "WSCRIPT.EXE" Then Dim Shell Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set Args = WScript.Arguments For Each arg in Args If InStr(arg, " ") > 0 Then arg = """" & arg & """" argString = argString & " " & Arg Next scriptCommand = "cmd.exe /k " & engineFolder & "cscript.exe """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """" & argString Shell.Run scriptCommand, , False WScript.Quit Else Exit Sub End If End Sub