How to publish .rdp file on Citrix XenApp v7.X farm
You might have noticed that procedure is not the same when trying to publish .rdp file on Citrix XenApp v7.x farm as it was with previous versions.
While migrating apps from the old Citrix Xenapp v6.5 farm to v7.19 I have tried to publish .rdp file in the following way:
Unfortunately, this is not working anymore, even though there is a tutorial on how to do this on Citrix knowledge base.
Once you start the app you’ll probably receive an error with the name of the .rdp file that you have published.
So, to finally get this to work I have published this application on XenApp v7.19 in the following way.
Path to the executable file:
Command-line argument (optional)
Location to .rdp file (I have used the same location as mstsc.exe)
After the change the published RDP connection with defined parameters saved in the .RDP file started working perfectly.
Hope this helps.