Joomla v3.1 – Magic Quotes GPC No issue
When installing Joomla 3.1 you might run into the following problem during pre-installation check:
Magic Quotes GPC = No
With this setting you are unable to finish Joomla 3.1 installation.
To bypass this here’s what you need to do:
Create a .txt file and name it php.ini (make sure to change .txt extension to .ini) with the following contents:
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
session.save_path = “/tmp”
Once you have this file, you should copy it to the following directories:
If you don’t have this php.ini file in your public_html/administrator foler you will be able to use Joomla 3.1, but you will be constantly notified about this setting during the logon and in the backend of Joomla.
That’s it, simple as that.
If you still have issues, please post it below.