Classic Shell is a collection of features that were available in older versions of Windows but are removed from Vista and Windows 7. This is for users who actually want the start menu back and this tool is VERY customizable.For example i have disable the 0 pixel metro button but kept my WinKey as Metro, whilst have a fully functional Start Menu.
If you tweak the a couple settings (right click on the orb -> settings):
-click show recent programs
-click show search box -> access normally
you essentially got Win7's menu (same look and feel), but it's actually better in some ways:
-the recent programs are numbered by default -- you can just press the windows key to see the list, then hit alt + the number displayed besides the app to start it (sort of like Win+number for apps to the taskbar). I like it.
-you can even reverse (upside-down) the list of recent apps which might be quite nice if you use the mouse a lot (less mouse travel for the apps used the most)
-it has FAR more settings to make it work the way you like (click the "all settings" radio button at the very bottom) which is very nice.
-if you enabled "search box -> access normally" then you can disable showing the "search menu" (and other junk you don't want, like the useless "help and support")
-"Windows Update" is pinned at the top which is a lot more convenient than anything MS currently has to offer (besides manually pinning it there yourself)
-you can disable the animations (which makes it seem faster -- it already feels faster than Win7's start menu before that! Search function included)
-it has several skins (and being able to select if you want one or two columns), so it can look almost identical to the start menu of any version of Windows you'd like
There's just so much stuff you can tweak. It's exactly what Windows' own start menu should be like: do whatever you want. Definitely NOT this "let's cram a dumb smartphone touch UI down your throat". Classic Shell's start menu is so good I just might install it on Win7 too.
You still get the occasional metro crap here and there (like network connections :puke: ) but it's like 98% gone. In fact, it seems to make Win8 mostly usable. There's still some small issues to fix (e.g. can't pin stuff in the start menu easily) but it's still a light-year ahead of Win8's metro garbage. An open source app just might be what saves MS from themselves.
Classic Shell 3.5
Classic Shell is a collection of features that were available in older versions of Windows but are removed from Vista and Windows 7. This is for users who actually want the start menu back and this tool is VERY customizable. For example i have disable the 0 pixel metro button but kept my WinKey as Metro, whilst have a fully functional Start Menu.
Edited by Legolash2o